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Your DPS is Trash

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.


Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.


As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.


If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.



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DPS meters do not belong in this game. Take WvW into account. Meter Humpers will blow cooldowns early, or they will run specs counter to whats best for the group, because their numbers appear higher. Meanwhile ignoring the effects of boon conversion, coordinated bursts and optimal group synergy. All for the sake of a few extra numbers.

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> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> I'm just getting tired of every other pull someone running a meter calling out someone for hitting 1-2k under what they "think" they should be hitting. Obviously if a DPS is pulling 5-10k less dps than the other DPS that player has rotation issues and you can explain that. But the constant, "man your dps is trash" being thrown around just makes the Raid community look bad if the DPS they are doing will still get the kill.


Honestly, you cannot be serious about that. I've raided a lot in this game, have all 3 legendary raid armors + lots of LIs + LDs and fractal god title + playing fractal since years. I've yet to see a commander/player calling someone out for hitting 1-2k less than expected. This won't happen in a pug environment and if so it would be such an outlier you wouldn't experience it regularly.

If you apply for a spot in a speed run guild it could be the case, maybe. Most of the more ambitious raid guilds (not top end) ask for 90% of the benchmark. That means on a class with 30k total you could be down by 3k, for 20k it's 2k respectively. And that is for a static spot in an organized raid guild with a relatively fast full clear run on a single evening.

No one, really no one would be that strict in a pug run where things are not optimal per se. 1-2k DPS difference can easily occur due to not getting the full boon coverage, a wrong played mechanic or just bad rng. Even 5k difference is not a special thing and often visible if people play different classes while some of them are not the optimum for that certain boss. For a lot of raid bosses it doesn't even matter in the slightest because as long as you play the mechanics properly you'll kill the boss anyways with minutes (!) left before the time runs out and the boss enrage begins. For fractals it's even more lenient. There are only a few dps checks (for usual T4 pugs) and those do not need a top performance.

That's why I doubt people calling you or others out when having a 1-2k difference. 5-10k difference is more than likely because when such differences occur it's super good to recognise. A very small anomaly needs a good eye and a deeper look at the numbers + knowledge of the highest possible outcome. It's unlikely that a lot of players know the benchmarks for every class so they aren't even able to critcize due to the lack of basic information.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

> And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.


> Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.


> As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.


> If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.




of course when i said "highest possible damage" gear, it also entails that the traits, skills and sigils and runes contribute to that highest damage gear, rite?


so what's the use of having highest damage gear if you are gimping yourself by using less damage additional gear/traits?


put EVERYTHING on max and arcdps will have no use..


tell me what's the purpose of arcdps again?

to see that you can inflict the max damage..


which can be shortcircuited/roundedoff by using the highest possible build..


so you don't really need that arcdps..


unless you can do something rottingly fishy with it..

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> @"neven.3785" said:

> DPS meters do not belong in this game. Take WvW into account. Meter Humpers will blow cooldowns early, or they will run specs counter to whats best for the group, because their numbers appear higher. Meanwhile ignoring the effects of boon conversion, coordinated bursts and optimal group synergy. All for the sake of a few extra numbers.


I usually roam or scout, and when I end up the same place as the tag, have had people (rarely) comment on my dps. My only reason for opposing meters, is because some of them come with "other" utilities. Like, when the same person who commented on dps, also asks why I am running a certain rune or sigil (meaning they can see my gear). No reason for any of those things to be in the game.

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

> > And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.

> >

> > Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.

> >

> > As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.

> >

> > If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.

> >

> >


> of course when i said "highest possible damage" gear, it also entails that the traits, skills and sigils and runes contribute to that highest damage gear, rite?


> so what's the use of having highest damage gear if you are gimping yourself by using less damage additional gear/traits?


> put EVERYTHING on max and arcdps will have no use..


> tell me what's the purpose of arcdps again?

> to see that you can inflict the max damage..


> which can be shortcircuited/roundedoff by using the highest possible build..


> so you don't really need that arcdps..


> unless you can something rottingly fishy with it..


Have you ever done any personal performance optimization in this game yourself?


You are literally talking as though all this information drops into your lap. It does not.


Not even going to ask about if you have ever managed a group or raid which had some issues. Good luck finding the problem player without information.


As mentioned, we had this for years and the effect was way worse. Play warrior or gtfo. Play elementalist or gtfo. Play druid or gtfo. Etc.


Your argument assumes the information provided by arcdps is still present and easily available when arcdps is not available. Totally flawed.


Also if you assume that you do maximum performance by simply using the best possible build (if we assume for a moment you could find said build as easily without arc) you have definitly never done any challenging content or practice. There is a thread which deals exactly with how "best builds" might not be best suited for inexperienced players. You might want to read that one a bit.

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

> > And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.

> >

> > Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.

> >

> > As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.

> >

> > If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.

> >

> >


> of course when i said "highest possible damage" gear, it also entails that the traits, skills and sigils and runes contribute to that highest damage gear, rite?


> so what's the use of having highest damage gear if you are gimping yourself by using less damage additional gear/traits?


> put EVERYTHING on max and arcdps will have no use..


> tell me what's the purpose of arcdps again?

> to see that you can inflict the max damage..


> which can be shortcircuited/roundedoff by using the highest possible build..


> so you don't really need that arcdps..


> unless you can something rottingly fishy with it..


I gave you the answer, which is just because you can copy and paste a build from snowcrows doesn't mean you can use it automatically. Be able to do rotation properly in both golem and an actual raid scenario contributes greatly to how much damage output you do. Think about real life for a second, if I give you and a professional racecar driver the literal fastest car in the world, you wouldn't really think you will be as fast as the professional driver just because you have the same car right? Be able to drive the car correctly and use it on a track is what matters. The same concept applies here.

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Two things.


For one, in years of weekly Raiding and daily Fractals and CM clears (although I don't PuG all that much any more for various reasons) I have seen this behavior maybe 3 times, if not less.

Now there are a lot of toxic PuG's out there, but barely if ever do I see it being about Arc, and generally it's people getting agitated about repeatedly failed mechanics.

Unless you have truly terrible DPS, I just don't see how it could be a common occurrence to get called out for that.

On the other hand, you have people being able to play "non META" DPS's and not being kicked because Arc is showing that they are doing fine, even if things go wrong, all the time.


Secondly, all these recollections about people doing fine and being alive while their group is dead and then them getting blamed for bad DPS, doesn't mean you are not actually at fault.

A lot of good groups expect a certain level of DPS to phase a multitude of encounters, especially in Fractals, at certain points.

If that doesn't happen then there is a good chance their builds are not designed to sustain the pressure that results in the failed phasing, or that they are caught off guard sicne they haven't failed that phasing in months and got so used to it or giving up to retry, looking at Arc to see who the issue is.

You being the last person standing does not mean you weren't the issue causing things to fail due to low dps.


Could people be more kind and explanatory in communicating that? Absolutely.

But it's vastly better than going back to people getting kicked for low AP or some silly nonsense, or for playing off Meta DPS's, even if they may be top DPS.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"neven.3785" said:

> > DPS meters do not belong in this game. Take WvW into account. Meter Humpers will blow cooldowns early, or they will run specs counter to whats best for the group, because their numbers appear higher. Meanwhile ignoring the effects of boon conversion, coordinated bursts and optimal group synergy. All for the sake of a few extra numbers.


> I usually roam or scout, and when I end up the same place as the tag, have had people (rarely) comment on my dps. My only reason for opposing meters, is because some of them come with "other" utilities. Like, when the same person who commented on dps, also asks why I am running a certain rune or sigil (meaning they can see my gear). No reason for any of those things to be in the game.


That is literally not possible or at least not possible with ToS compliant addons or a ToS compliant version of arcdps.


What is possible though is people noticing effects which go off on certain sigils or runes. Quite a lot of runes or sigils can be easily extrapolated by their effect both visually or by boons/conditions/cleaneses/etc they provide. People in competative game modes like pvp and wvw pay especially close attention to those kind of things.

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

> > And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.

> >

> > Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.

> >

> > As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.

> >

> > If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.

> >

> >


> of course when i said "highest possible damage" gear, it also entails that the traits, skills and sigils and runes contribute to that highest damage gear, rite?


> so what's the use of having highest damage gear if you are gimping yourself by using less damage additional gear/traits?


> put EVERYTHING on max and arcdps will have no use..


> tell me what's the purpose of arcdps again?

> to see that you can inflict the max damage..


> which can be shortcircuited/roundedoff by using the highest possible build..


> so you don't really need that arcdps..


> unless you can something rottingly fishy with it..


Well to be clear. With this thinking you can have BiS gear on every slot but you'll still be outdpsed by people who know their class and use exotic or even yellow gear. Why? Because one of the most important things for your performance is your rotation. The difference between a good and a bad rotation here can be as high as the difference between the damage of a T1 to a T2 set in another MMO percentage wise. Srsly you can be surprised by how low you damage can be even with BiS Gear if you don't train your rotation on the golem and on the bosses. You'd be between the banner slave and the support chrono with your DPS if you just copy stuff and don't think on how to make it work.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > @"neven.3785" said:

> > > DPS meters do not belong in this game. Take WvW into account. Meter Humpers will blow cooldowns early, or they will run specs counter to whats best for the group, because their numbers appear higher. Meanwhile ignoring the effects of boon conversion, coordinated bursts and optimal group synergy. All for the sake of a few extra numbers.

> >

> > I usually roam or scout, and when I end up the same place as the tag, have had people (rarely) comment on my dps. My only reason for opposing meters, is because some of them come with "other" utilities. Like, when the same person who commented on dps, also asks why I am running a certain rune or sigil (meaning they can see my gear). No reason for any of those things to be in the game.


> That is literally not possible or at least not possible with ToS compliant addons or a ToS compliant version of arcdps.


> What is possible though is people noticing effects which go off on certain sigils or runes. Quite a lot of runes or sigils can be easily extrapolated by their effect both visually or by boons/conditions/cleaneses/etc they provide. People in competative game modes like pvp and wvw pay especially close attention to those kind of things.


In the past it was possible with one of the common DPS meters used. Also range check that told.you how many enemies are nearby. I left a guild I was a long time member of because they started interrogating members over specific slotted gear pieces or a minor trait choice. I wasn't the target but I'm of firm opinion that it was not how to run a guild especially since it violated terms of service. Other ways to git gud without such tools.

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> @"neven.3785" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > @"neven.3785" said:

> > > > DPS meters do not belong in this game. Take WvW into account. Meter Humpers will blow cooldowns early, or they will run specs counter to whats best for the group, because their numbers appear higher. Meanwhile ignoring the effects of boon conversion, coordinated bursts and optimal group synergy. All for the sake of a few extra numbers.

> > >

> > > I usually roam or scout, and when I end up the same place as the tag, have had people (rarely) comment on my dps. My only reason for opposing meters, is because some of them come with "other" utilities. Like, when the same person who commented on dps, also asks why I am running a certain rune or sigil (meaning they can see my gear). No reason for any of those things to be in the game.

> >

> > That is literally not possible or at least not possible with ToS compliant addons or a ToS compliant version of arcdps.

> >

> > What is possible though is people noticing effects which go off on certain sigils or runes. Quite a lot of runes or sigils can be easily extrapolated by their effect both visually or by boons/conditions/cleaneses/etc they provide. People in competative game modes like pvp and wvw pay especially close attention to those kind of things.


> In the past it was possible with one of the common DPS meters used. Also range check that told.you how many enemies are nearby. I left a guild I was a long time member of because they started interrogating members over specific slotted gear pieces or a minor trait choice. I wasn't the target but I'm of firm opinion that it was not how to run a guild especially since it violated terms of service. Other ways to git gud without such tools.


The "tool" that allowed that was banned a very long time ago.

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> @"neven.3785" said:

> This was a very long time ago :p doesn't mean it's not possible, some people just don't care.


The tool was BGDM and the last time it was updated was over 1 year ago. Arcdps does not offer that function and the likelihood of someone simply deducing what runes and sigils one uses is a lot higher than expecting that every single person uses unsanctioned addons.


Even more ridiculous to assume the use of such addons because:

A.) the individual would have to either self engineer or update them

B.) have access to someone who did A

C.) found it worthwhile to call someone out over soemthing this trivial both endangering their account and exposing the tool used


In general, IF people are using unsanction addons, they keep it hush hush. So no: there is no person calling people out over what runes/sigils they use thanks to a tool. There are players observant enough and adept enough at the game to deduce what runes/sigils are being used though.

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I'm sorry, I do not recall I made assumptions, all i see is you assuming people aren't stupid. There is plenty of unsanctioned add-on use in this game, and some are indeed stupid enough to flaunt it. Not saying this instance the op speaks of is the case, all I said it was possible it can be done. In the instance I referenced, yes it was bgdm and it did get banned. While not as intrusive, I still hold the stance that arcdps doesn't belong in this game. It creates conflict and egos, especially over trivial content.

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> @"neven.3785" said:

> I'm sorry, I do not recall I made assumptions, all i see is you assuming people aren't stupid. There is plenty of unsanctioned add-on use in this game, and some are indeed stupid enough to flaunt it. Not saying this instance the op speaks of is the case, all I said it was possible it can be done. In the instance I referenced, yes it was bgdm and it did get banned. While not as intrusive, I still hold the stance that arcdps doesn't belong in this game. It creates conflict and egos, especially over trivial content.


It doesn't. Without ArcDPS we would have the situation we had before damage meters: Kick on sight due to having the wrong class, low AP (yes, this was a

criterion for exclusion for not only a few players!), restrictive gear checks and so on. With ArcDPS you most likely join the squad/group specify your role & class and you would just start + everybody with the tool would be able to see if you can carry your weight for the team success. Otherwise the group will disband or the commander will just kick everyone out and look for new players and give it another try into the blue. The latter was terrible especially when you knew about your performance but you couldn't prove it.

And about "plenty of unsanctioned add-on use in this game" you need to provide proof. Single usages aren't worth my time to discuss here because that wouldn't affect your regular raid attempts. If there are only some people in the dark using forbidden or unknown tools you wouldn't recognize them and they wouldn't reveal themselves that easily. Also, I highly doubt veteran raiders with thousands of hours and money spending in/on the game are so easy about losing their accounts. I definitely could imagine there is a handful but again it's an outlier and not the rule.

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > > arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

> > > And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.

> > >

> > > Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.

> > >

> > > As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.

> > >

> > > If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > of course when i said "highest possible damage" gear, it also entails that the traits, skills and sigils and runes contribute to that highest damage gear, rite?

> >

> > so what's the use of having highest damage gear if you are gimping yourself by using less damage additional gear/traits?

> >

> > put EVERYTHING on max and arcdps will have no use..

> >

> > tell me what's the purpose of arcdps again?

> > to see that you can inflict the max damage..

> >

> > which can be shortcircuited/roundedoff by using the highest possible build..

> >

> > so you don't really need that arcdps..

> >

> > unless you can something rottingly fishy with it..


> Well to be clear. With this thinking you can have BiS gear on every slot but you'll still be outdpsed by people who know their class and use exotic or even yellow gear. Why? Because one of the most important things for your performance is your rotation. The difference between a good and a bad rotation here can be as high as the difference between the damage of a T1 to a T2 set in another MMO percentage wise. Srsly you can be surprised by how low you damage can be even with BiS Gear if you don't train your rotation on the golem and on the bosses. You'd be between the banner slave and the support chrono with your DPS if you just copy stuff and don't think on how to make it work.


so does arcdps dictate your "Rotation"?


of course you don't just 1111111 the Violet Boss Right? assuming that you've played a single class for how many, 7 years, you don't just 111111 right? there are 9 other skills, right?


and you can even not copy a build using a website and discover by yourselves that there are higher damage build customizations other than the meta builds in the website..


i can just bring a warrior without banners and still damage is still high... its called "traits for weapon/skill cooldown reduction.."



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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > > > arcdps obviously doesn't increase your damage.. it shows your damage and it is not needed coz you see the %health decrease when you hit a mob and if you equip the highest possible damage gear, what is the use of arcdps? seems redundant..

> > > > And unfortunately this kind of thinking is exactly why the dps meters are here to stay.

> > > >

> > > > Hint: there's way more to dps than just the right gear. Build and rotation are at least as important (if not more). And estimating damage by looking at health bar decrease is an extremely primitive (and faulty) method. Especially in a squad environment.

> > > >

> > > > As long as the game mechanics make it so there's a massive gap in effectiveness between players, and as long as there will be game encounters where success chances are significantly impacted by effectiveness/skill level of participating players, people will want to be able to estimate said skill for everyone they are grouped for in such a content. Yes, it can lead to unpleasant behaviour when some players will be found wanting. It's something that cannot be avoided however - people have every right to NOT want with someone else, especially when they have a good reason to be selective.

> > > >

> > > > If you want to avoid such a situation, you can't do it by removing DPS meters (or other methods of checking skill/performance). You'd need to remove the _reason_ why people are interested in that performance. So, basically, the only way would be to reduce the difficulty of the content. Only when your skill level won't matter for the completion chance, and won't significantly impact completion time the other players will stop caring about how good you are. The more impact your skill has on those things however, the bigger the number of players that _will_ care. And the stronger their reaction if they'll think you're dragging them down.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > of course when i said "highest possible damage" gear, it also entails that the traits, skills and sigils and runes contribute to that highest damage gear, rite?

> > >

> > > so what's the use of having highest damage gear if you are gimping yourself by using less damage additional gear/traits?

> > >

> > > put EVERYTHING on max and arcdps will have no use..

> > >

> > > tell me what's the purpose of arcdps again?

> > > to see that you can inflict the max damage..

> > >

> > > which can be shortcircuited/roundedoff by using the highest possible build..

> > >

> > > so you don't really need that arcdps..

> > >

> > > unless you can something rottingly fishy with it..

> >

> > Well to be clear. With this thinking you can have BiS gear on every slot but you'll still be outdpsed by people who know their class and use exotic or even yellow gear. Why? Because one of the most important things for your performance is your rotation. The difference between a good and a bad rotation here can be as high as the difference between the damage of a T1 to a T2 set in another MMO percentage wise. Srsly you can be surprised by how low you damage can be even with BiS Gear if you don't train your rotation on the golem and on the bosses. You'd be between the banner slave and the support chrono with your DPS if you just copy stuff and don't think on how to make it work.


> so does arcdps dictate your "Rotation"?



Yes, in fact it does. It does so by telling you exactly how much damage comes from which effect, which attack, etc.


It allows people to optimize rotations by **providing analytical tools and ease of data summary**.


How have you come up with rotations so far? How have you judged and compared different rotations so far? How have you determined which traits boost your performance more, which less? Etc.


> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> of course you don't just 1111111 the Violet Boss Right? assuming that you've played a single class for how many, 7 years, you don't just 111111 right? there are 9 other skills, right?


Because pressing skills in different order can make as much of a difference as up to and beyond 30% of output. That's with exactly same traits, utilities, gear, and everything else similar present. Maybe give it a shot. Go to the damage golem with a snowcrows build and try to reach their performance or even get within 10% below their performance. Make a video of it (or simply screenshot your dps result), we'll wait.


> @"zionophir.6845" said:


> and you can even not copy a build using a website and discover by yourselves that there are higher damage build customizations other than the meta builds in the website..


Sure there are. All of them were found by people who spent a ton more time on this game and optimizing their build/rotation/setup than you have ever done as is very evident. People who come up with builds, rotations, and setups spend hours upon hours in testing, training and trying out things daily and weekly.


Is there a build which performs better than meta builds by someone who has not used tools or extended work on the golem/arc? Very unlikely if not even impossible.


> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> i can just bring a warrior without banners and still damage is still high... its called "traits for weapon/skill cooldown reduction.."


> right?


Yeah, I'm going to assume you are simply trolling by now.


> @"neven.3785" said:

> I'm sorry, I do not recall I made assumptions, all i see is you assuming people aren't stupid.


No, I gave you a very reasonable explanation as to how players will likely act, how widespread unsanctioned addons are and how likely it is that people will deduce information on something which can easily be observed in game. You can be as paranoid as you want, truth of the matter is though: not every player is an addon whizz, not every player will risk their account and of that tiny amount of players who are wiling to use unsanctioned addons even less will use them to call people out over something as insignificant as which runes/sigils they use.


> @"neven.3785" said:

> There is plenty of unsanctioned add-on use in this game, and some are indeed stupid enough to flaunt it. Not saying this instance the op speaks of is the case, all I said it was possible it can be done.


I never said it can't be done.


As to how many people use unsancationed addons: given that sanctioned addons see a very limited use, the chance of unsanctioned addons seeing widespread use is hilarious.


> @"neven.3785" said:

> In the instance I referenced, yes it was bgdm and it did get banned. While not as intrusive, I still hold the stance that arcdps doesn't belong in this game. It creates conflict and egos, especially over trivial content.


You can have that opinion, it does not change the fact that arcdps does not provide any of the functionality which would allow rune or sigil inspection.

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DPS meters are good for groups who want to clear content fast because they either;

A. Think speed equals skill

B. Have a limited okay window and want to go through materials they have already done for the joy of it, without teaching it


Typically I look for semi exp groups when I have plenty of time and don't care as I do not expect them to use DPS meters. I like for exp. groups when I am in a rush and expect my DOS to be monitored.


If you are concerned about not hitting benchmarks play Druid, Healbrand, or Chrono. Their dogs sucks, but that isn't why they brought. Just keep everyone else alive and boon'd up and life is good.

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> @"Mysticjedi.6053" said:

> DPS meters are good for groups who want to clear content fast because they either;

> A. Think speed equals skill

> B. Have a limited okay window and want to go through materials they have already done for the joy of it, without teaching it


> Typically I look for semi exp groups when I have plenty of time and don't care as I do not expect them to use DPS meters. I like for exp. groups when I am in a rush and expect my DOS to be monitored.


> If you are concerned about not hitting benchmarks play Druid, Healbrand, or Chrono. Their dogs sucks, but that isn't why they brought. Just keep everyone else alive and boon'd up and life is good.


You are missing quite a bit of things in your assumptions.


For example I use arcdps to improve my rotation because I want to get better at the game. Being able to execute your rotation well is what leads to faster speed, it doesn't mean I think the speed is the only thing. Is just a simple cause and effect. It also allow my group to spot key issues and help smooth the run. For example last night we cleared w7 again but ran into a couple issues with surviving. It turns out our team comp had a few issues with low protection uptime due to the druid not playing the class very well, so we swapped to a heal warhorn tempest who just spammed protection and it helped the run to be much better without people going down to random attacks. Can we spot the issue eventually? Probably, or we can just look at the report and see where things are going wrong. Dps tool does not mean it only tracks dps, it tracks rotations, it tracks boon uptime, it tracks even movement so you know who is doing which mechanic and how fast. It is a analytical tool that helps people improve so they can be better at playing the game.

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> @"neven.3785" said:

> In the past it was possible with one of the common DPS meters used. Also range check that told.you how many enemies are nearby. I left a guild I was a long time member of because they started interrogating members over specific slotted gear pieces or a minor trait choice. I wasn't the target but I'm of firm opinion that it was not how to run a guild especially since it violated terms of service. Other ways to git gud without such tools.


There is a reason those tools where banned and Arc was not. Not sure how that's relevant now.


> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> so does arcdps dictate your "Rotation"?


> of course you don't just 1111111 the Violet Boss Right? assuming that you've played a single class for how many, 7 years, you don't just 111111 right? there are 9 other skills, right?


> and you can even not copy a build using a website and discover by yourselves that there are higher damage build customizations other than the meta builds in the website..


> i can just bring a warrior without banners and still damage is still high... its called "traits for weapon/skill cooldown reduction.."


> right?


I'm not quite sure what your point here is.

Arc doesn't dictate rotations, it simply let's you check if you or others are performing them up to standard and assists in the creation of them by providing feedback.


Plenty of skills reduce DPS due to cast times or aftercasts. It's not just not pressing 1. Additionally a lot of DPS builds utilize combos/burst windows, aka creating damage modifiers and then using as many of the highest damage skills available as possible in them.

If you don't know the rotation, there is plenty you can do wrong.


The builds and rotations that are on those sites are there because they are the highest DPS achievable to current knowledge.

If you came up with something higher, feel free to let the rest of us know.


Bringing Banners is a DPS sacrifice Warriors make to increase Squad DPS, which is all that matters.

So yes, not taking Banners should not only result in "still" high personal DPS, but higher.

Personal DPS isn't strictly what you take a Banner Warrior for though.


Again, not sure what the point is you are trying to make.


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A Damage Dealer's __ONLY__ job is _literally_ removing HP from the boss. If you're bad at that, I don't know what to say...

ArcDPS is there to help you become better at that single task that you must accomplish every time you group up with other players. You can see if a healer's bad if the group's HP are not topped up. You can see the buffer's bad if the boons on your bar are incomplete or disappearing too fast. Though both can be blamed on bad positioning.

However, you can't see which damage dealer's bad just by basing it on the HP loss of the enemy you're fighting because there's always more than one of them.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"neven.3785" said:

> > In the past it was possible with one of the common DPS meters used. Also range check that told.you how many enemies are nearby. I left a guild I was a long time member of because they started interrogating members over specific slotted gear pieces or a minor trait choice. I wasn't the target but I'm of firm opinion that it was not how to run a guild especially since it violated terms of service. Other ways to git gud without such tools.


> There is a reason those tools where banned and Arc was not. Not sure how that's relevant now.


> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > so does arcdps dictate your "Rotation"?

> >

> > of course you don't just 1111111 the Violet Boss Right? assuming that you've played a single class for how many, 7 years, you don't just 111111 right? there are 9 other skills, right?

> >

> > and you can even not copy a build using a website and discover by yourselves that there are higher damage build customizations other than the meta builds in the website..

> >

> > i can just bring a warrior without banners and still damage is still high... its called "traits for weapon/skill cooldown reduction.."

> >

> > right?


> I'm not quite sure what your point here is.

> Arc doesn't dictate rotations, it simply let's you check if you or others are performing them up to standard and assists in the creation of them by providing feedback.


> Plenty of skills reduce DPS due to cast times or aftercasts. It's not just not pressing 1. Additionally a lot of DPS builds utilize combos/burst windows, aka creating damage modifiers and then using as many of the highest damage skills available as possible in them.

> If you don't know the rotation, there is plenty you can do wrong.


> The builds and rotations that are on those sites are there because they are the highest DPS achievable to current knowledge.

> If you came up with something higher, feel free to let the rest of us know.


> Bringing Banners is a DPS sacrifice Warriors make to increase Squad DPS, which is all that matters.

> So yes, not taking Banners should not only result in "still" high personal DPS, but higher.

> Personal DPS isn't strictly what you take a Banner Warrior for though.


> Again, not sure what the point is you are trying to make.





assuming that you bring the Strength and Discipline banners


4 attributes gets to +100..




compare that to berserker stance, which when used will make your adren full (try to know if how many times) and balanced stance (coz if you got CCed by the boss equals no damage). and traits that lengthen the stances (so more fast adrenaline recharge). Berserker Stance will make any conditions on you useless too. (Blind, Weakness, anything that can gimp or prevent damage)


now go to the weapons = reduced recharge means weapon skill is almost being used everytime, yes? make your main weapons (GS/whatever) have reduced recharge


and tactics - 3 - 3 -3


and since your weapon is GS and you slotted the GS cooldown reduction, you have access to Might Makes Right?




so now compare Berserker Stance + Balanced Stance (on a stance duration increase) versus Str and Disc Banners


and yeah, if the boss is condi heavy inflicting damage gimping/prevention, +400 on the attributes, even when it's shared, is almost incomparable/useless coz your constant uninterrupted damage became 0 with the Bosses condis..

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> It’s not just in raids. I joined a fractal group via LFG already in the middle of a boss fight and several people down. I tried to simultaneously clear adds and work on getting people up but was not able to turn the tide. I was then told flat out that based on my DPS I was ****. :( No reason to argue or wait to be kicked. Now that situation in particular I did not go in trying to do my max rotation on the boss — what would have been the point??? But knowing that I my numbers are being watched and monitored... I know I am not the best but I think I pull my weight and I’m always working on improving... Anyway, I haven’t joined a PUG fractal group since then, which is my loss as I more often have had good experiences... :pensive:


Look for lfg requests with the word chill or casual in them. (Or, something similar.) There ARE people who abuse even those, but it's a much smaller population.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > I haven’t joined a PUG fractal group since then, which is my loss as I more often have had good experiences... :pensive:


> You are correct, that this is your loss. So why do that to yourself? Because some tool said something stupid in a fractal a while ago? Tools happen. Stupids things being said will happen. If you can learn from criticism, do so. But if it's just noise, leave the group and march. I promise you that tool is still out there playing in fractals, so why shouldn't you?





He fought to a boss fight. He deserves the right to finish it. Why people who die can consider themselves entitled enough to kill the still-living person is the real question. They've already proven themselves inferior to the still-fighting player.

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