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Your DPS is Trash

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> Did my fair share of T4 on crusader reaper with blood magic specced for healing and resses. Had quite a few cases where full berserker build on my repaer meant party wipe, while crusader resser/healer kept party on it's legs and cleared the fractal. So kitten dps meters.


Bad players need to show off, how big they have it.


Game should force players to play hsa team, what happens is game is so dull that players want to get greedy and play high DPS only, gameplay mchanics generates this kind of behaviour.

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> the max damage that i inflict to a Gold Champion boss with GS skill 2 alone, with all the skill boosters (no item booster) like might and vulnerability maxed is 30,000++


> so you now know why i am advocating traiting Weapon Cooldown Reduction..


And? What's your point compared to what others said about opti party and support role?


Cuz we are talking about fractal/raid party, not you alone against one champion.

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As far as I understood the dps meters functionality, it collects data of players which are already accessible. Can we have a privacy checkbox in our options?


Something like

O Allow other players to read out your combat log. (or what ever the meter uses)


The meter will not be touched, but the players can decide if they want to participate in the madness or not. And if you are monitoring your groups dps and do not get data of a single participant, you can ask them politely to check the box.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> As far as I understood the dps meters functionality, it collects data of players which are already accessible. Can we have a privacy checkbox in our options?


> Something like

> O Allow other players to read out your combat log. (or what ever the meter uses)


> The meter will not be touched, but the players can decide if they want to participate in the madness or not. And if you are monitoring your groups dps and do not get data of a single participant, you can ask them politely to check the box.


Well information collected by arcdps is not private in the first place, so there is no point to hide it.


But if you don't want ppl to look at your dps, don't join the more demanding parties in fractals and raids. Like others said there are plenty of chill parties in fractals for example.

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Never seen toxicity towards low dps on raids/fractals unless they were SEVERELY underperforming, and i mean consistently doing minstrel druid levels of dps while also having terrible positioning AND messing up mechanics, been in many runs with terrible boon uptime as well (like <50% quickness <20% alacrity) and almost never see supports get called out as well cause most of the time people just wanna get it done with.


Every now and then someone will ask 'hey why are boon uptimes/your dps so low' and they'll just reply with 'i play however i want with my build, i've done this encounter many times so i know what im doing and im not downing so its not my fault etcetc...'.


I still often see chronos who will wait 3 clones to do CS rotation, cast like 1 well per minute and still do 1k dps, like... how?


Kill speed is not the only thing that dictates skill but it surely is one of the factors for me at least, high dps means you can skip A LOT of mechanics on pretty much all encounters, thus, reducing pressure on everybody.

Thing is most people not only do low damage/bad support but also have really low awareness of what's going on and/or slow reaction time, or think they're contributing a lot with their own builds when actually they're not.

If you're aware of your/other people mechanics, react fast to everything and adapt on the fly, and still keep top-tier dps under pressure/not optimal situations then i'm sure you must have at least some skill.


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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> As far as I understood the dps meters functionality, it collects data of players which are already accessible. Can we have a privacy checkbox in our options?


> Something like

> O Allow other players to read out your combat log. (or what ever the meter uses)


> The meter will not be touched, but the players can decide if they want to participate in the madness or not. And if you are monitoring your groups dps and do not get data of a single participant, you can ask them politely to check the box.


Man, that's actually a great idea. I wonder how hard it would be for them to implement something like that. That would allow you to be able to still see your own dps but other players wouldn't if you choose not to have it visible, letting the tool exist for what it's meant for but being able to take the part that facilitates toxic behavior away if you chose to.

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> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > As far as I understood the dps meters functionality, it collects data of players which are already accessible. Can we have a privacy checkbox in our options?

> >

> > Something like

> > O Allow other players to read out your combat log. (or what ever the meter uses)

> >

> > The meter will not be touched, but the players can decide if they want to participate in the madness or not. And if you are monitoring your groups dps and do not get data of a single participant, you can ask them politely to check the box.


> Man, that's actually a great idea. I wonder how hard it would be for them to implement something like that. That would allow you to be able to still see your own dps but other players wouldn't if you choose not to have it visible, letting the tool exist for what it's meant for but being able to take the part that facilitates toxic behavior away if you chose to.


To be fair, if you hide it in exp party, you would just kick almost instantly because it would mean that you have something to hide like a very bad dps as dps class... even if it's not the case.. so the toxic behavior would be worse than now.

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> @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > the max damage that i inflict to a Gold Champion boss with GS skill 2 alone, with all the skill boosters (no item booster) like might and vulnerability maxed is 30,000++

> >

> > so you now know why i am advocating traiting Weapon Cooldown Reduction..


> And? What's your point compared to what others said about opti party and support role?


> Cuz we are talking about fractal/raid party, not you alone against one champion.


in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, sharing might and constant @ 25, resistance, stab, inflicting vulnerability, etc.. what do you think will happen?


i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..


anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > the max damage that i inflict to a Gold Champion boss with GS skill 2 alone, with all the skill boosters (no item booster) like might and vulnerability maxed is 30,000++

> > >

> > > so you now know why i am advocating traiting Weapon Cooldown Reduction..

> >

> > And? What's your point compared to what others said about opti party and support role?

> >

> > Cuz we are talking about fractal/raid party, not you alone against one champion.


> in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, what do you think will happen?


> i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..


> anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..


i think you just don't know how work party synergy.

If you stack 5 warrior that play like you, your group will just much slower to clear the content than an opti group (like 1 heal + 1 boon dealer + 1 pbs + 2 pdps).


And i hope i misunderstood but if you need 5 min to kill one champ, that's just sad.

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:

> in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, sharing might and constant @ 25, resistance, stab, inflicting vulnerability, etc.. what do you think will happen?


> i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..


> anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..


Please post your build that does 30k dps with 1 skill and also being self-sustaining with constant 25 might sharing , resistance, stab, vulnerability etc

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> @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, sharing might and constant @ 25, resistance, stab, inflicting vulnerability, etc.. what do you think will happen?

> >

> > i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..

> >

> > anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..


> Please post your build that does 30k dps with 1 skill and also being self-sustaining with constant 25 might sharing , resistance, stab, vulnerability etc


he didn't say he's doing 30k dps, he just doing 30k+ DAMAGE in x (?) seconds

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> @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, sharing might and constant @ 25, resistance, stab, inflicting vulnerability, etc.. what do you think will happen?

> >

> > i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..

> >

> > anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..


> Please post your build that does 30k dps with 1 skill and also being self-sustaining with constant 25 might sharing , resistance, stab, vulnerability etc


i pug. i trust what i see and what i saw..


so if you pug, mostlikely it won't be repeated again.


and if i pug, its usually BYOBuild.


(it was in WvWvW killing a champion tower boss)

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> @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > > the max damage that i inflict to a Gold Champion boss with GS skill 2 alone, with all the skill boosters (no item booster) like might and vulnerability maxed is 30,000++

> > > >

> > > > so you now know why i am advocating traiting Weapon Cooldown Reduction..

> > >

> > > And? What's your point compared to what others said about opti party and support role?

> > >

> > > Cuz we are talking about fractal/raid party, not you alone against one champion.

> >

> > in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, what do you think will happen?

> >

> > i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..

> >

> > anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..


> i think you just don't know how work party synergy.

> If you stack 5 warrior that play like you, your group will just much slower to clear the content than an opti group (like 1 heal + 1 boon dealer + 1 pbs + 2 pdps).


> And i hope i misunderstood but if you need 5 min to kill one champ, that's just sad.


i was being generous on that 5 minutes. or maybe i was referring to 20 man hitting a Champion Boss.


and what's the reason why i told you that 5 persons @ their top dps will kill a Champion Boss in 5 minutes?


(its either there are 2 bosses. or Legendary Boss)..

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> @"zionophir.6845" said:


> in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, sharing might and constant @ 25, resistance, stab, inflicting vulnerability, etc.. what do you think will happen?


> i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..


> anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..


So something like this would happen? (Yeah it's sub 4mins, that group probably cheated somewhere.)

I don't know, looks like they are running meta builds. The warrior even has banners, just crazy.



Have you actually played the raids in Guild Wars 2? It honestly sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about.

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> @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> Well information collected by arcdps is not private in the first place, so there is no point to hide it.


> But if you don't want ppl to look at your dps, don't join the more demanding parties in fractals and raids. Like others said there are plenty of chill parties in fractals for example.


It is definitely not my data, you are correct about that, it is 100% property of ANet. The question is, was it really necessary to spread the data out, readable for everyone else?


I avoid Raids, Fractals and sadly even Dungeons nowadays. I do not want to discuss my performance with other people in places where peak performance is not required. We had this topic on the boards plenty of times as well. I cannot force anyone to not use the tool, so I skip the content that attracts players who use the tool. I do guild-runs, when they ask for help. But no pug-runs.

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> @"Katary.7096" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> >

> > in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, sharing might and constant @ 25, resistance, stab, inflicting vulnerability, etc.. what do you think will happen?

> >

> > i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..

> >

> > anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..


> So something like this would happen? (Yeah it's sub 4mins, that group probably cheated somewhere.)


> I don't know, looks like they are running meta builds. The warrior even has banners, just crazy.

> /s


> Have you actually played the raids in Guild Wars 2? It honestly sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about.


yeah, you show a video of 5 players and seeing a warrior that has a banner and conclude that everyone does the same..


what a comedian you are. go apply in a comedy bar..

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> @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

> > So basically "I did 30k damage with 1 skill so i'm doing good", facepalm


> yep, so 30k dmg with hundred blades in 6s and half (with Weapon Cooldown Reduction, 8s without). So around 5k dps...


yeah of course if you do ultra high damage, your build must be good. you don't join a fractal/dungeon and kill bosses with some wuss damage.


and also coz the arcdps guys will kick you out,


am i brite?

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this is easy !! if you dps/class/rotation or you try ress other people ? so this not ok - DONT GO RAIDS !

I don't go raids and fell good wwihtout aby toxication. Want fo fractals and have low dps? use support class or don't go this at all.

World bosses, wvw, spvp, wwrold meta, sw, and other content waiting you !

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> @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, sharing might and constant @ 25, resistance, stab, inflicting vulnerability, etc.. what do you think will happen?

> >

> > i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..

> >

> > anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..


> Please post your build that does 30k dps with 1 skill and also being self-sustaining with constant 25 might sharing , resistance, stab, vulnerability etc


He doesn't use dmg meters so he doesn't even know how hard his builds underperorm. He saw a 30k 100blades and thinks it's a lot. The ps banner bs hits for more than double that amount but you can't know that if you don't run arc or watch guides.

Axe hits way harder than that anyways and also stacks might because the gs trait works with other weapons aswell now. My reaper has almost 30k autoattacks.

You will never notice how hard your own build sucks or which profession is strong wuithout comparing to others. I got even told in a t3 fractal rec that weaver is garbage in fractals during the old op staff days.

Build inspections would be really funny in open world content. Would explain some of the difficulty complaints in the general forum like the souleater who got nerfed because still a lot of players have no clue what a breakbar is.

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So i really liked @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 idea about being able to select your dps be hidden from Arc. I wonder if that's something that can be done on the Arcdps side or if it's something that anet would have to implement. Based on the Website info.


**how does it work**

arcdps hooks client network data before it is overwritten (among other helper functions), making it not user agreement friendly.

however, in the feb 2017 ama, arenanet has granted 3rd party tools permission to collect and display combat stats via means previously not allowed.

these are runtime modifications only, no changes are made to files on disk.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

> > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > in a fractals party, if you spec your character to do 30,000 damage just using 1 skill and self-sustaining, and the other 4 do the same, sharing might and constant @ 25, resistance, stab, inflicting vulnerability, etc.. what do you think will happen?

> > >

> > > i asked an oracle about this and she said, "Done in 5 minutes.." she speaks metaphors..

> > >

> > > anyway, this is different from rAIDS, where damage is scaled coz you're so many there..

> >

> > Please post your build that does 30k dps with 1 skill and also being self-sustaining with constant 25 might sharing , resistance, stab, vulnerability etc


> He doesn't use dmg meters so he doesn't even know how hard his builds underperorm. He saw a 30k 100blades and thinks it's a lot. The ps banner bs hits for more than double that amount but you can't know that if you don't run arc or watch guides.

> Axe hits way harder than that anyways and also stacks might because the gs trait works with other weapons aswell now. My reaper has almost 30k autoattacks.

> You will never notice how hard your own build sucks or which profession is strong wuithout comparing to others. I got even told in a t3 fractal rec that weaver is garbage in fractals during the old op staff days.

> Build inspections would be really funny in open world content. Would explain some of the difficulty complaints in the general forum like the souleater who got nerfed because still a lot of players have no clue what a breakbar is.


Since I only disable ArcDPS after a big patch for a short amount of time, I see the dps numbers on open world fights ( when fighitng in squads ) and those numbers are quite interesting. You see how low the open world bosses are really tuned and how many people are just using some yolo builds or just AA which, since its open world, is fine. I sometimes do the same in Open Worlds just for fun, but sometimes I think those yolo stuff comes into group content where your build matters and I'd really like the builds from some people who were playing way less than optimal.

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