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PoF Reddit AMA - The wvw stuff


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Outlined summary of developer answers provided by Dulfy. Highlighting stuff that's current to wvw discussions.


> * Scourge being unable to maintain 3 shades at once was a design choice. Keeping 3 shades up at once is intended to be a temporary boost to coverage before returning to 1 or 2 shades for a time. Shorter periods of increased coverage allows us to put a little more power into the skills themselves.


> * Sorry – it is NOT intended that stacking multiple shades compounds their effects. We’re going to make changes while keeping a close eye on the power of the Scourge across game modes and adjust it over time accordingly. Frankly, the Sand Shades were one of the most controversial (and dangerous!) mechanics we added with the Path of Fire Elite Specs.


> What is the long-term goal for power vs. condi balance in PvE

> * Power is intended to be more spike damage-centric. Condi more ramping sustained damage. Currently there are some issues with how quickly condition damage can be spiked up, negating the benefits of power damage. If I presented you with a power skill that dealt 1,000 damage instantaneously and a condition one that dealt 1,000 damage over 4 seconds there wouldn’t be a question about what build to choose; you’d go with the instant option every time. Not counting other effects, condition skills must inflict more damage over their duration in order to make power vs. condi into a real choice.

> * Moving forward we’ll be aiming changes to bring a bit more parity between the options through the ramp time and using that to emphasize some of the differences. That said, a fundamental issue is that foes whose health pools allow them to survive a significant amount of time (beyond the point of condition stack ramping) are going to favor condition builds unless they specifically have mechanics which deal with conditions.


> Will the DPS be pushed up from the older classes to be more in-line with the newer ones or will the newer ones be pushed downwards to be in-line with HoT classes

> * We’re going to try to bring them together bit more, but we don’t want them to be the same. That’ll require some combination of up and down changes based on what each spec is aimed at – for some it is more damage, for others more utility, movement, support, etc. We tend to be more critical of the things we work on – at the moment Scourge is an outlier with high value both defensively and offensively. I’d like to separate those options a bit more.



> * Max number of players in a wvw map is fixed and same for all worlds on a map ( can’t give out numbers). Players have already figured its in the ballpark of 100 per team. This isn’t far off.

> * Wall Health in WvW – We recently did a pass on all the walls and they should all be the same health. If you have found a specific wall that is different then report it using “/bug” in game please ????

> * Regarding closed WvW servers – We weekly monitor world populations and adjust them as WvW players move around

> * We’re looking at the condition damage issues that are inherent to the scaling number of players in WvW. Major mode-centric changes are a major part of balance patches and we’ll be iterating through several potential changes specifically for WvW. I wouldn’t expect huge mode-specific balance changes before the first post-PoF balance patch.

> * We calculate a Worlds “fullness” based on the amount of WvW playhours over a period of time. Specific details about world populations is something we don’t discuss externally. Both JQ and FA are within 10% of BGs playtime stat. Many of the hosts with links have a larger total population play time then BG.

> * Distinguishable Winds of Disenchantment, ie different colors for friendly and enemy bubbles – Looking into it.


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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> " Scourge is an outlier with high value both defensively and offensively"


> Scourge nerf incoming! Great news!


I was surprised that even the GM minor trait is pretty powerful and only requires your to play your mechanic. Hopped on scourge last night during a WvW guild raid and was surprised that I'll have permanent 15% damage reduction in fights because I'm using my shades.

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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> " Scourge is an outlier with high value both defensively and offensively"


> Scourge nerf incoming! Great news!


sad that they have no idea wtf they talking about and the balance change will just break the class looking at what they said...


Scourge is not even close of being strong when comes to self defense... not even close....

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What is sad, is that the players are seeing one thing and A.Net says this is what you are seeing. NO, sorry A.Net. I think you need to play w/o your A.Net tags and see what really happens. Condi is basically on one trait and Power needs 2-3 traits to be effective but can be countered by toughness. For Condi, there was only resistance and clears and now with the massive boon stripping there is only clears which are weak at best.


A>net come to TC, w/o your tags and then observe how things happen. I think you will rethink how condi's work in the game.

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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> Nice to know they have no idea what they are talking about. I don't think you can sabotage the mode anymore than they have already......so things can only get better?


I"m not so sure. They've proved so many times that making things even worse is nothing special for them.I hope that I'm wrong and it's not beginning of the end.

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I think what Anet has said in the quoted portion of the original post is pretty in line with what can be observed in WvW.

The massive amount of condi dps output in WvW is inherent to the scaling of players -- we're not raid bosses, conditions shouldn't stack indefinitely, and they should be doing a chunk of health per interval rather than a large block of health. Condition damage should deal more over-time compared to power, but they didn't mention this. Absence of evidence does not equate to evidence of absence, i.e., just because Anet didn't explain why condi is broken in this particular AMA doesn't mean they don't know condi is broken. Excuse the necessary double negatives.


In large scale settings, condi bombers will continually pick off players that aren't condi cleansed, and those players who don't get cleansed will be the ones to complain about condi damage. After the uncleased players are picked off, it becomes more of a numbers game.


> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @xDudisx.5914 said:

> > " Scourge is an outlier with high value both defensively and offensively"

> >

> > Scourge nerf incoming! Great news!


> sad that they have no idea kitten they talking about and the balance change will just break the class looking at what they said...


> Scourge is not even close of being strong when comes to self defense... not even close....


Right, Scourge is not even close of being strong when it comes to self-defense. They sacrifice self-defense for allied-defense. And the amount of allied defense Scourge can apply -- especially when coupled with more than 1 other scourge -- is definitely an outlier. Gotta think of the whole picture.

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