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Rating dependant on other players


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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > @"DoomNexus.5324" said: since I don't queue in ranked at those times anymore I can comfortably sit in plat again.


> No need so many lines, just this means that you agree with the op's opinion : rating depend (more or less) from others.


> And I add my own personnal opinion (again) : it's completly absurd to keep a competitive mode, with individual ranks, made to work for full teamQ, with a kitten system of solo/duoQ.


Yea I completely agree with this. And I didn't argue against your opinion or op, I just questioned your challenge to sindrener because I don't really understand what this would be supposed to show? That queues are worse during off-hours than during peak times, so there are less people who can be matched against so the match maker has to increase rating deviation, so you also get a lot more plebs as team mates and/or better players as opponents? Everybody could predict that without a legendary player showcasing it.

I also don't really see the point in blaming someone for playing only at times where it's a bit more unlikely to get complete [insert negative term of choice] as team mates. It only makes sense to do that.

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It would be a great idea that individual players who die more than 5 times in a match recieve a dishonour penalisation for an hour. Im tired to see how my entire team wipes like its nothing wrong. People sholud avoid death more because it cost a lot of points that the enemy team recieves.

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> @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> It would be a great idea that individual players who die more than 5 times in a match recieve a dishonour penalisation for an hour. Im tired to see how my entire team wipes like its nothing wrong. People sholud avoid death more because it cost a lot of points that the enemy team recieves.


so you wouldn't mind being put up against the top 10 players in the game, being spawn camped all game by the better players AND receiving a dishonor for an hour afterwards?


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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> Yea I completely agree with this. And I didn't argue against your opinion or op, I just questioned your challenge to sindrener because I don't really understand what this would be supposed to show? That queues are worse during off-hours than during peak times, so there are less people who can be matched against so the match maker has to increase rating deviation, so you also get a lot more plebs as team mates and/or better players as opponents? Everybody could predict that without a legendary player showcasing it.

> I also don't really see the point in blaming someone for playing only at times where it's a bit more unlikely to get complete [insert negative term of choice] as team mates. It only makes sense to do that.


Sindrener made only sarcastic comments on this thread which is about the exasperation of a part of the PVP community who sees the fun factor of competing in PVP ruined by other players behavior. It reflects that the community that makes PVP fun for **everybody** i.e. players who want to invest time and have fun in an action combat MMO oriented competitive environment is decreasing to a level where the fun factor lies on casual players who don't care and strategist players using the current state of PVP to their advantage (it has always been but the advantage gained is much more noticeable today). Well, I can see where it leads if things don't change and I don't think anybody will like it.

So let me summarize : OP and certainly most of the players participating in this thread are the players we want to keep playing in PVP. Being condescending to these players is being short-sighted.

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I kept telling that to them for years, they obviously ignore cos they are among laziest mmo developers I have seen among many such games. The only way to make them not ignore it is insult them, but then you'll end up being banned after they'll read it + will do nothing about it since they'll become bitter about listening to facts about their own shortcomings anyway.

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