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The growing ugliness of Guild Wars.


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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> Don't forget that Blood Legion isn't alone in this, we've heard about Fume Brighteye being on the verge of making a power play for awhile now. With the Foefire Ghosts vanquished the Claw of the Khan Ur would come into focus, I could see Brighteye trying to take it for herself, I could even see her even betraying Iron ad handing it over to Bangar and the Blood Legion just to keep the war with humanity going. The Ash Legion are the only ones of the three who don't seem to have a significant reason to pursue a war with the human race, but who knows? could go either way depending on what exactly is revealed about Ash Citadel, if anything.


> I do feel like the Charr are next up to bat. Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire were targeted at the Sylvari and humanity specifically, if we wanted to follow a pattern an expansion critiquing the Charr and their culture is due, judging by all the things we've seen in the latest season it also seems to be lining up pretty well. Who knows? perhaps what breaks the camels back is even the Olmakhan themselves, their version of history directly contradicts Legion records and perceptions of events, if more people like Rox start flooding to the tribes the Charr might feel it's time to make a power play. Hell it'd even fit their Roman aesthetic, a grand display of violence to keep their populace unconcerned with their growing social issues.


Yeah picture if your human how Fume Brighteye wants to kill you and may use her sire being killed an excuse, I love female charr and rather just tie up fume brighteyes over killing her, and just force her to see that humans and charr do not have to be enemies. I really hope it dose not come down to kill FUme Brighteyes.

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