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I'm Bad

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I'm in full ascended gear, and yet I still get hammered in PoF. I hate it, so far. The spawn rate, and aggravate (aggro) distance are HORRIBLE. It is not fun to have EVERY fight be desperate survival. I have never rage-quit any games before, but I have out of PoF at least four times already. I am losing patience with it more each day. It is a chore, not entertainment.

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Heh, I guess we're opposites. I utterly suck at Necro and my best class is Elementalist. I'm a Tempest, I use a Staff, usually on Fire Attunement, with Glyph of Elemental Harmony for healing, followed by Arcane Shield, Lightning Flash, Mist Form, and my racial Fern Hound skill. I tend to hold my own with ease in PvE but not in WvW or PvP.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> "Hey wait, what are you doing aggroing those guys way over there, we arent done with this fight yet....!@#$%& cats..."


This is why I am loving Soulbeast. It takes me a while to get used to play style so still working on it but love tha absence of a pet running about (just please get rid of the persistent merged spell effect!). Haven't attempted to play my other eight classes yet.

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Surprisingly, no. Not in the open world (the only content I do), at any rate.


But that's not because I'm super good or anything like that. My main is just a full Viper, glass cannon build Elementalist; it's literally the squishiest thing in the game. And to make it even "better", I only use Dagger/Dagger (and, recently, Sword/Dagger), so I'm the squishiest thing in the game AND always in melee range. Because I'm so used to dying in literally two unmitigated hits on my Elementalist, I'm surprisingly comfortable on literally any other class' glass cannon builds.


I actually die a lot more often on my Elementalist than I do any other of the classes. <.<

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> @Jimmus.2083 said:

> I'm in full ascended gear, and yet I still get hammered in PoF. I hate it, so far. The spawn rate, and aggravate (aggro) distance are HORRIBLE. It is not fun to have EVERY fight be desperate survival. I have never rage-quit any games before, but I have out of PoF at least four times already. I am losing patience with it more each day. It is a chore, not entertainment.


If you're having every fight feel like "desperate survival", it honestly comes down to you just having to get better at the game. The open world is not hard at all, there is nothing wrong with it.

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I have no main. I hop from alt to alt, focusing on one for couple of weeks at time (usually with a fresh new build), getting decent at it. But by the time I switch to the next alt, I've already forgotten how to play _that_ class. So yeah, I'm pretty bad at whatever I happen to be playing at the moment. Jack of all, master of none. And my gear is poor, of course. Since it's spread thin on multiple alts and builds.


So I have to concur, PoF is nothing but "desperate survival". I'm never going to 'git gud' enough to enjoy it. I've actually ragequit a few times (mostly because of how distant the waypoints are), something that hasn't happened elsewhere in the game. Getting a griffin would probably, but it's doubtful that I'll manage to save up enough for that anytime soon. Outfitting alts is expensive.

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> @Jimmus.2083 said:

> I'm in full ascended gear, and yet I still get hammered in PoF. I hate it, so far. The spawn rate, and aggravate (aggro) distance are HORRIBLE. It is not fun to have EVERY fight be desperate survival. I have never rage-quit any games before, but I have out of PoF at least four times already. I am losing patience with it more each day. It is a chore, not entertainment.


Is it that rough? I was considering buying it but this kind of gameplay isn't for me anymore...what's it like compared to Or?

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> @Snowywonders.1378 said:

> > @Jimmus.2083 said:

> > I'm in full ascended gear, and yet I still get hammered in PoF. I hate it, so far. The spawn rate, and aggravate (aggro) distance are HORRIBLE. It is not fun to have EVERY fight be desperate survival. I have never rage-quit any games before, but I have out of PoF at least four times already. I am losing patience with it more each day. It is a chore, not entertainment.


> If you're having every fight feel like "desperate survival", it honestly comes down to you just having to get better at the game. The open world is not hard at all, there is nothing wrong with it.


Heh, before I played Reaper my main was a Hammer Guardian Tank, the only way I survived was full Soldier Gear, and using only Hammer, even then during Season 2 I was either taking dirt naps or living in a downed state all the time and I've been playing for almost 4 years. Sometimes people are just bad at the game while still being hardcore (I have thousands of hours), I mean my reflexes are awful, I was actually diagnosed as a kid with a weakened left side (a nice way of saying Cerebal Palsy) , after a childhood of Special Ed help in the 'Resource Room' and getting involved in weightlifting and sports in High School I get through life with almost no noticeable symptoms other than a slight limp that becomes really pronounced after I work a 12 hour day at the Hospital, and speech quirks that make pronouncing certain consonants very difficult for me such as Ls, how ever in games like GW2 I have a noticeable handicap with my reaction time so for me it really isn't a learn to play thing, my counters will always be a second or two too late, so I have to play a Reaper or any class with a lot of baked in defense (I always play tanks in WoW for example because mechanics are very forgiving and you have a ton of time to fire off a Defensive CD, how ever DPS is not an option because I can not execute flawless rotations to squeeze out high numbers). This is why when people say crap like Git Gud, or it's a learn to play thing I want to reach through my monitor and scream in their face.

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> Does anyone else play one class so much that when they actually hop onto a different class they realize just how bad they are at the game? I mostly stick to my Necromancer but I wanted to pick up the new elite specializations for all of the other classes. Granted, my alts aren't geared well and their builds were selected by a blind monkey, but it felt like I was playing a completely different game. With my Necro it feels like I just press 1 and win. Meanwhile, my other classes get clobbered by ambient creatures.


> Alright, so Ranger was also easy-mode. Mesmer wasn't too bad and Thief was surprisingly not horrible. But oh no...Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, and Engineer. I might as well have been running around with my computer monitor turned off. And Revenant was somehow even worse. I just had to AFK next to a hero point and wait for someone else to pick a fight with it.


> Running through the hero points 9 times has really depressed me. I need to send my Necro back in there for some revenge. Oh hello Mr. Djinn! And hello to your friends...two Veteran Hydras, Sand Sharks, a pack of Sand Lions, that wandering patrol of Forged...remember ME! <3


I recently joined a guild and they want raiders. So most of my 80's are in exotic gear with random ascended gear. I don't do very much dps but I play this game the way I want to play and that is as support. So the raid leader inspected my gear did a dps check on me playing my necro and told me I couldn't raid.


Basically bad is subjective. Most players think high dps is what makes a successful player. I disagree. I feel the player that plays the game his or her way and focuses on fun is the "good" player.


We might not have the skill to raid but we can have fun!



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Ranger. And I freely admit how bad I am, at all classes. But it doesn't bother me. I do play Ele and Rev but very rarely. This is the first MMO I've ever played so I have zero idea about all the nitty gritty stuff to be the best I can. When people talk about traits, runes, sigils, dps etc. I'm like a deer in headlights. I've gotten excellent help from people though.


Basically I just fumble my way through the game bashing things and/or dying. I don't PvP unless it's against a friend. (I will get you Glorious Brigandine, someday) in WvW I just stand still and let the player kill me (learned the hard way fighting back doesn't help) I've done dungeons and fractals occasionally and I never raid.


All that said, I'm having fun. Lots of it, there's so much to do and see in the game and learn. So I guess slowly but surely perhaps I am getting a little better. If nothing else I've learned not to just stand in one spot while fighting. =)

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I turn bad when things are getting hectic over a while and I can't move strategically.

That was the case before and as Deadeye, it multiplies.


For example, in the early PoF instance when you are infiltrating the camp of the Forged. I slowly made way into it, literally sniping them down that even Rytlock and Carnach were just standing idle because I could get it done on my own. Shoot down the guards to prevent alarms as well. Suddenly, the cat, I mean, Rytlock runs into the center and causes a huge fight with 15 enemies at once and my playstyle is turning into a rubbish mess as if I have a stroke and mash random buttons, dashing INTO red areas and such. I can keep cool for like 5 minutes, but then I am totally overstrained and while I took my time was fine 95% of that mission, in the last couple I played so bad that I wonder if it's me or the profession, and we all know it's mostly me; the profession does not make me weapon swap or dodging into danger...


Sometimes, especially when distracted ("life happens") I die the most stupid deaths (and I rarely die, 56 times within 1.5 years so far), but usually it happens when people watch me. That is super embarrasing and I wonder if they just shake their head in real life and thinking how garbage I am.. x-)


I L O V E Deadeye, and I thank ArenaNet for picking that idea up, but apart from the downside of it (stationary, mediocre rifle damage), I multiply the difficulty of the downside by 3 just because I am not used for that, also in other games. Gimme a sniper or stealth and I am effective, give me something fast and I lose control..


EDIT: I just read Shrimpkin's response and I am 100% the same opinion. So far I am pretty happy to be a Lone Wolf™ so I can use my rifle without getting ham for "not pleying da meta".

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Obligatory "I’m bad, and that’s good. I will never be good, and that’s not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be than me."


I am trying to think of a profession that I am bad at where I am constantly dying. I don't have a revenant or a guardian, but I do have the others which I am okish at. I am not the best at them though. Thief and Ele are my mains though, so I know those the best.

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I main mes and have a bunch of other 80s I don't really play and their playstyle just doesn't suit me. My first character was ranger and I also had an ele I mained for a while. I started practicing on engineer bc I wanted holosmith. And was starting guardian. I levelled thief and warrior but didn't make 80, it just wasn't for me.


I don't think I can ever play a face tank direct damage and take or absorb direct damage kind of style. Mesmer for me is like the most damage mitigation and movement through handy active defense and survival tools and avoiding with distracting illusions. When I play other classes I certainly do die more than I ever do. I think it's normal even with a whole lot of practice to have one that just suits you best

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You're probably not bad, the game simply does a very poor job at communicating mechanics. All mechanics have a very short notice window, bosses are tiny, and there's a ton of visual noises that is pretty but also prevents you from seeing what tiny bosses do. The visual noise may also hide the condition damage aoe, which is a red circle that isn't even full. It's just a thin red line, you'll miss it often unless you expect it and specifically loot for it and position your camera accordingly. The game is difficult but it's first and foremost punishing. Games that are not clearly communicate big incoming hits/damage and don't hide stuff behind a crapton of visual effects and they certainly don't make telegraphs hard to see. There would be a lot to do to improve that but every new piece of content is just a repetition of the same design mistakes, so I suspect that ANet's designers are old and set in their ways and don't really care about accessibility.

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On the contrary, I find rev to be one of the best / funnest open world classes. Specifically condi rev.


Unyielding anguish, when traited correctly is one of the best open world skills in the game, it is a massive AoE, it chills for kiting/breakbar and does pulsing damage and like 12-15 stacks of torment to 5 targets. It can actually "one shot" a lot of the regular open world mobs (leap at them and walk away). Aside from that one, almost all the mace/axe weapon kit has great damage, even the auto. And while the new shortbow certainly doesn't deserve much hype of its own, it can still function as a ranged weapon in a punch, and has a bit of CC/AoE.


While most of Kala's Warband summons suck for solo (they are group buffs which are WEAK and not worth casting for one player) the 2nd heal is functional. The exception being the Warband member that pulses daze on everything. That shit is dope yo, open a fight with that guy and switch to malyx, enemies can't do ANYTHING for 10 seconds.


The F skills are meh, but citadel bombardment can be fun (especially with a Legendary!), and actually pretty damn strong on a large hitbox.

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"It's not hard" is such a condescending nonsense statement. _Obviously_ it's hard for a good many people. And easy for others. Both are true and do not cancel each other out.


I find this game a lot harder than WoW, where I _loved_ being a tank, it was my perfectly suited playstyle. GW2 sadly doesn't support that, and in combination with my brain overloading fast when spammed with visual clutter and generally being best at processing written information, I'm definitely struggling. I immediately know what to do when I read, say, the good old "Onyxia takes a deep breath", but it takes me ages to learn an enemy's brief visual "tells" here, especially when buried in all sorts of exploding sparklecrap and a bunch of unhideable squadmate nameplates. So yeah, I tend to struggle on all classes and don't have a single one that I genuinely love, that just "feels right" like my WoW characters did, and that is a constant source of frustration. My canon commander is a sylvari guardian, she's the first and sometimes only one who does all the story and map content, but I'm not really "better" with her than with other classes.


If I "dared" to do any group content maybe I could learn to enjoy a support character (I love the mesmer class on paper), but open world is all I do.

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MM power reaper is fun! Sure it doesn't get invited to parties, but it has a blast all by itself, and if you're having fun that's all that matters. Pootling through open world and story stuff it works just fine. I certainly prefer it for that stuff, since my fingers refuse to work after the Nth dodge and severe key fudging of evades on my otherwise beloved chrono*, in amongst all the flashy sparkly gubbins. Honestly, it's better as the reaper, not being the corpse on the floor but raising the corpses. And I mean, _all _the corpses. I love "Rise!" I no longer fear stupid amounts of mobs, thanks to tasty reaper shroud.


*Although the main reason I've lighted up on my chrono use? The enemies always know which one it is. On the necro, ranger - heck, even the ele I'm levelling right now just to torture myself - the pet/minions/summon all keep aggro. Clones/phantasms don't. WHY?! Or is it just me..? :s

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Over the years I've maxed every class, [ along with 5 different necros they are my favorite] and I must say the one thing I always recommend to people playing new classes is go pvp. Pve is to easy to get any real experience from to get better.


Also I would advise not to use builds that are displayed as Current Meta builds. They are generally weaker then the reputation they garner.


I also suggest that you should forget about how much damage your are inflicting and focus on more tanky/regen focus. I've carried guildys though dungeons and practically solo guild missions when I do them. [they usually die and rez constantly] Which shows that the majority of the player base normally use glass cannons and wonder why they die instantly.


Only class that gives me honest trouble is thief and thats due to the fact i'm never gotten used to dodging constantly.


Most of all play classes that fit your play style personally I'm a pull everything then kill them up close kind of player.

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> @Jimmus.2083 said:

> I love all the trolling "git gud" crap. I'm mediocre in-game, but I have REAL WORLD skills. You know, like job experience. And as I've said, I have a hard job, I don't need my entertainment to challenge me unduly. That's for leet kidz.


we think the same...


when i play a Game even if its the PvP side of it i like playing characters where i dont need to play my keyboard like a Hyperactive kid on a piano just to be effective...

I play games for relaxation and fun..... if i want to Work or stress myself while getting myself tired i go to my workplace there i get payed for it..........

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