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Songs you can play with your instrument


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I've took a look at my instruments and wondered which are the musics you can play with your instrument, so without half-tones. And of course they can be performed with your hands! I will consider a 1-8 binding for C to C. Here is what I've found: () = change octave 0=down 9=up (aren't notes)

1=DO 2=RE 3=MI 4=FA 5=SOL 6=LA 7=SI 8=DO


Sorry by advance for the long incoming wall of text.

Also sorry for that abundance of "_", those are spaces since their numbers aren't considered when posting.




##**Version with keys:**

**Radioactive (Imagine Dragons) melody simplified:**

2-6-6-5___2-6-6-5___3-3-3-4-3-3-2-2___2-6-6-5-1-1-1-1___x2___then___1-(0)6-(9)3-2___2-2-2-2___2-2-2-1-1-(0)6___(9)1-1-1-1-(0)7-7-5___(9)3-2-3-2-3-2-3-(0)6___(9)3-2-3-2-3-2-3-(0)6 6-6-6-(9)1___6-5-4-5-2___6-5-4-5-2___8-8-8-7-7-7-7-6___6-5-4-5-2___6-5-4-5-2__8-8-8-7-7-7-7-6-6-6-6-5


**Wakfu opening:**



**The exorcist (modified tone, no swap needed):**

4-5-3___4-5-3-4-2___4-5-3___3-4-2-3-1 + Eventually a second player spamming inferior octave 6 for the rhythm


**Call me maybe:**



**Rytlock's Critter Rampage gw2:**



**Fairy Tail:**

2-3-2-1-(0)6-5-6-(9)1-2-1___2-3-2-1-(0)6-5-6-(9)1-4-3-2___3-2-1-(0)6-5-6-(9)1-2-1-4-3-2-3-2-1-(0)6-(9)1-2-1-4-3___x2___then 2-3-4-3-5-4-6-5-4-3___x4___then___2___6___ 6-1-5-1-4___3___2___3___2___6___8___8-1-6-4-5___1___4___3___2__3


**Uptown Funk Bruno Mars:**



**Zelda Lullaby**

3___5___2___1-2-3___5___2___1-2-3-5-(9)2___1___(0)5___4-3 x2


**Hell Bells ACDC**



**Pirates of the Caribbean**



**Calamari Inkantation splatoon**

3___2-3___2-3___2-3-2-(0)7-(9)2-3__2-3___2-3-5-6-7-3___2-3___2-3-2-(0)7-(9)2-3___5-6-7-6___6-5-3-5-6-7-(9)2-(0)7-6-5-3-2-3___3-3-2-(0)7___6-7-6-7-6-7-(9)2-3-3-5-(0)7___ 7-6-7-(9)2-(0)7-6-7___(9)6-5-6-8-6-5-2-2-3




##**Version with notes:**

**Radioactive (Imagine Dragons) melody simplified:**



**Wakfu opening:**



**The exorcist (modified tone, no swap needed):**

FA-SOL-MI___FA-SOL-MI-FA-RE___FA-SOL-MI___MI-FA-RE-MI-DO + Eventually a second player spamming inferior octave LA for the rhythm


**Call me maybe:**



**Rytlock's Critter Rampage gw2:**



**Fairy Tail:**

RE-MI-RE-DO-(0)LA-SOL-LA-(9)DO-RE-DO___RE-MI-RE-DO-(0)LA-SOL-LA-(9)DO-FA-MI-RE___MI-RE-DO-(0)LA-SOL-LA-(9)DO-RE-DO-FA-MI-RE-MI-RE-DO-(0)LA-(9)DO-RE-DO-FA-MI___x2 then___RE-MI-FA-MI-SOL-FA-LA-SOL-FA-M___ x4___then___ RE___LA___LA-DO-SOL-DO-FA___MI___RE___MI___RE___LA___DO___DO-DO-LA-FA-SOL___DO___FA___MI___RE___MI


**Uptown Funk Bruno Mars:**



**Zelda Lullaby**

MI___SOL___RE___DO-RE-MI___SOL___RE___DO-RE-MI-SOL-(9)RE___DO___(0)SOL___FA-MI x2


**Hell Bells ACDC**



**Pirates of the Caribbean**



**Calamari Inkantation splatoon**





If anyone have any other song you can post it here, also I'm all hear about a method allowing to hide those texts like spoilers, that way you can choose the version you want.

I'm also aware that it may burn your eyes and again sorry.

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Many songs that cannot be ordinarily played in the original key can be transposed to C Major or A minor.

Definitely check out gw2mb.com for somewhat standardized notations for these songs, and consider joining a music guild for group play which is a lot of fun.


(There are several, MGT or Musician's Guild of Tyria being one of the more prominent ones. They usually hang out near Minister's Waypoint in Divinity's Reach.)

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