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Minion rework


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Made this post in relation to the recent sustain nerf to reaper *sadface*


Necromancer minions are terrible as of now, the traitline death magic is decent but uncommon to see. (not counting meta builds here) Most builds involve the necro fighting by himself with various power or condition inflicting skills.

Instead of some hellish looking meat bags it would be so much cooler if their character models were changed to skeletons or zombies. I mean we already have zombie models in the game with all its animations (Looking at the enemies in orr)

The general theme of necro was the ability to raise undead army AND command them but here all you can do is command them to die (Not all) for some effects or gimmicks like the wurm port. Now I know that giving minions the same command mechanic like ranger pet would be op but what if we tweaked their commands to only perform a **specific** action?

A new line of skills called "Command" can be added to the utility wherein upon summoning unique undead the necro can command each to perform a skill. Example a skill lets the player summon a big tank looking charr who taunts/ absorbs a portion of damage for its master.


Feels like this minion focus could turn into a great elite spec. Thoughts?


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