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Utility Skills


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I wanted to discuss 3 in particular: [spectral Ring](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Ring "Spectral Ring"), [signet of Spite](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Spite "Signet of Spite"), and [signet of the Locust](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_the_Locust "Signet of the Locust").


1. Spectral Ring - does anybody use it? And if you do, do players around you get mad for fearing away pulled in mobs? I just cannot see the application of this skill anywhere especially with the huge 40 sec cooldown.

2. Signet of Spite - this has long been a confusing thing to me. Why is something that passively boosts power, actively applies conditions? I can see hybrid builds using both aspects, but otherwise, a power- or condi- only build will be getting half of the use with a 60(!) sec cooldown.

3. Signet of the Locust - While I will briefly use the 25% speed to traverse small sections, I never use the active portion.


I have no idea what to do about Spectral Ring. If you have uses, I'd be curious to know.


What I propose is to switch the active skills of these two signets with each other:


Signet of Spite - passive 180 power, active steal health from nearby foes. CD: 30 secs

Signet of the Locust - passive 25% movement speed, active applies those conditions. CD: 40 secs


Rationale: Since power builds generally have less survivability, having another heal skill plus aoe normal damage would make the proposed Signet of Spite useful and cogent. Since condi builds have less mobility, the proposed Signet of the Locust would help with that plus have motivation to take the signet. The 60 second cooldown shouldn't be that long anyways because it's not an elite skill.

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