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GW franchise could use a CCG

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> The smart thing to do would be to license the rights to a third party, while maintaining some degree of oversight/review capability.





Maybe hand it off to the people that make the Pathfinder card game. There's no random cards in the pack BS, and it's players working together against the game, with smaller "location" decks simulating an adventure or dungeon crawl. It would work pretty well if you tossed a Guild Wars skin over it. And using a pre-tested system would mean little development is needed, so it would be cheaper to get it out the door.

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Definetely not as a real world card game.. but Ingame as a Minigame, absolutely yes..

A full detailed, complex, big Card Collection with Gameplay similar to Triple Tria, Gwint and Magic the Gathering would be awesome and absolutely the right thing, ANet could do to give this game something that is really fun, can be played ingame as tournaments, can be used as time filler for players when they have to wait on something, can be used as rewards, as achievement category, titles can be earned with it as well, could be played against NPCs as well if you have no other player at hand to play against.

The lore of the game provides more than enough Card Types for GW2 having an Ingame Gard Game


- Characters (Heroes/Villains/NPCs)

- Monsters

- Abilities & Effects (Boons/Enchantments, Conditions/Hexes, Skills, Traps, Magic Spells)

- Environments & Objects (Places, Weather Effects, Artefacts, Runestones, Bloodstones

- Lore Books (Special Effects, Class Effects/ Jokers)

- Mighty Entities (Field Effects with Elder Dragons, Gods, Animal Spirits, Tne Dream, War Machinery/Siege Weapons)


Various Card Rarities are simple to add as well - Common, Veteran, Elite, Champion, Ascended, Legendary (this counts for Game as well, Ascended shoudl be added there too as a Rank between Champion and Legendary for better Scaling/Balance)


Rules in Triple Triad were very simple, and this is why the Game was so succeeful and liked alot among people, to the point, that FF14 copied it into their game.

Each Card simply had 4 Valies, one per side, and if an Enemy Card was put to a side of yours, left, right, under or above, and had a value higher than your card on that side, your card was flipped over and turned colors, so that it belonged from that moment on the the side of the enemy, the player which had at the end when the field was full the most cards on their side, won. Values ranged from 0 to 10 (A) beign the highest, so a card that had somewhere an A, was practically immune from being flipped from that side, unless you found a way to reduce the value from the card lower to the value of yours, like making usages of elemental Strengths and Weaknesses between the Cards


Gwint in Witcher 3 is similar, only with the difference, that you there have more complexity, with Traps, Spell Effects.. the best version of it can be currently played for free online to get inspiration and ideas from it how to make a good Ingame Card Game, that anet could potentially use also to earn real money with, by letting players the free choice, if they wantto earn rare cards slowly by playing, or if they want to get them faster/instantly through paying Gems/Real Money.

Gwing (CDProject Red) made exactly with the Card Game the right decision, they made the Game itself visually impressive and addictive and topped all of this with Card Animations as rarest form of the Cards, so they added more aesthetics to the game by justaddign animated Card Skin Versions to each single card for the collectors, which whant shiny and good looking cards, that would happily fork out also real money, if they can this way boost their egos by having a full collection of animated cards, instead of just mere normal unanimated ones. What Gwitn made also right is givign the Cards also various "Factions/Card Sets" so that each player could have its own favourite Card Set/Gameplay Build, so the Card Types there weren#t just Card Type,s they were their own Factions as Card Sets which defined how you play with the Cards, cause every Faction has there its very own different gameplay style and tactics, how you win with them.


And lastly, Magic the Gathering was and is still the absolute origin inspiration from Guild Wars, woudl that card game never have existed, then we wouldn't have a Guild Wars 2 now. Pesonally sadly i had never the chance to play this Card Game from where naet got its ideas and inspirations from, but to have also an ingame card game in GW2 that you can play in tournaments with agaisnt other players, would be a pretty huge homage to MtG, especially if the Card Game rceives later a similar name, like for example - Glint - the Legacy (to give it also a little pun to Gwint xD) hitting two flies with one stone ^^


PS: keep Polymock out of this discussion, thats a completely different sort of Game, Polymock was more like ANets version of Pokemon, letting Monsters with their Abilities fight against each other, in form of basically Monster Chess Figures as collectibles to unlock the Creatures you could take for you into Polymock Battles.

This has absoluely nothign to do with a virtual CCG.

For Polymock it would be just awesome, if MINIATURES would take in the place of these Monster Chess Figurines, so that you would use the Miniatures, that you have unlocked for your Account as possible Polymock Figurines to summon them onto the Polymock Battlefield against your opponent.

its just somethign ,that has finalyl to happen, the poor Asura in rata SUm is already working lonely for 5 years on that Asura Gate, so that we can play finally Polymock... how long has he still to work Nate? Give that little Asura finally a break Anet and let him finish his work!! Thank You.

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