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How much do you tip Mesmers for JP ports?

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I don't usually tip because I find the whole tipping thing a bit awkward though I always thank them. I have gifted small items like make-over kits or a black lion key when I have been especially grateful.

Someone once sent me 1 cent for rezzing them. It was in one of the starter zones. I ended up returning it telling them a tip was not necessary :)

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> @Spiral.3724 said:

> I read on the old forums that people tip 1 gold, but if you're only making 2 gold for doing the dailies, then you're giving half of it away.

> Do you tip depending on the difficulty of the JP?

> Do you tip depending on how much money you have at the time?

> I've had some Mesmers give the tip back ... why? Are they really that nice?? =)


When I used to get a JP for the first time, so I was getting an achiev, I would tip a gold. Or if I needed it for a collection or something and the mesmer was specifically helping me. Other than that I tip 50 silver or something every now and then just to help keep mesmers happy that they are helping :)

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I usually tip a gold. If you give tips for opening raid instances and what not, you can tip for a jp, especially if they are specifically waiting for you. Either this or I open a portal for someone else. I do/would feel cheap if I didn't do anything at all, but thats just me.

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For me it depends on a number of factors:


1) Was the port just for me? if it was, I try to tip the Mesmer if I can. If I'm just grabbing a portal on the ground I don't feel as inclined to tip.

2) How hard is the JP or thing needing the port? There are very few that I can't easily do and therefore I tip for the ones I can't complete when I can. I also use rule number 1 at the same time. If I can easily complete the puzzle I normally don't take any offered ports.

3) Do I recognize the Mesmer? If this is a person I've seen on a regular basis or one that's ported all 4 of my accounts, I try to tip. This is especially true of the PORT guild (love you guys) for the daily jp's. I usually make an effort to send a port Mesmer 5-10g at least once a month.

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I usually never tip mesmers who port. Some exceptions are when I'm in the area for a while (usually semi-afk) and see them continuously help people and be nice about it. Then I'll usually drop a tip, even if I don't use their portal.


In a similar vein, on the rare occasions that I do port others, I never ask for nor expect a tip from anyone who uses my portal. I do it simply to be nice. Usually its not even ports to the end of a JP, but as I'm making my way through one on my own, I see someone struggling on a certain part, so I will port them up, to let them try the next part on their own. Sometimes I follow them all the way up, porting them the whole way if they are having trouble. Sometimes I don't. But I never port someone expecting a tip from them.

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Depends on the jumping puzzle and the attitude of the person providing the service but in most cases I am pretty generous. After all, for some people even 10 silver means a lot, especially if they care about the thought (and most people do). Either way, my highest tip was 100g for Chalice of Tears because the mesmer was really dedicated about bringing me all the way to the end and I wanted to see the reaction, especially since the LFG said "tip if you want, but you don't have too". That description basically screams humility.

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Usually 50 silver. If it's something that requires a long-term time investment because of me, I'll tip more. I think I gave the two mesmers who helped me get the Not So Secret diving achievement ~30 gold, combined.


My thing is this- the time they're spending porting people is time that they're not earning gold from the game itself. And since there are rewards attached to completing jumping puzzles, I'm okay with kicking something back to anyone who helps me expedite that process, which gets me back to other, profitable, endeavors. ALSO, I have gotten enough harassment when I play my mesmer from people who expect me to be a portal bot for them that I appreciate those that do it for the greater good.

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Depends, yesterday while clearing mps that were unaccessable before Griffon in POF, was just starting the tomb mp and getting ready for a long jaunt of it, when this beautiful Mesmer port opened on the ground in front of me <3 I tipped them 45g. Because that is what I figured my time was worth :) It saved me a few hours (I am not the greatest at jps) so I was extremely grateful. On average though I will tip anywhere from 2-10g.

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Wait, people tip mesmers for portals? I remember doing tons of jumping puzzles when I first played the game a couple years ago and all the time mesmers would take pity on my horrible jumping skills and help me up the puzzle. I didn't even know you could pay people gold and silver, I'm suppose I'm still quite nooby in some areas...

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> @Chorne.8195 said:

> Wait, people tip mesmers for portals? I remember doing tons of jumping puzzles when I first played the game a couple years ago and all the time mesmers would take pity on my horrible jumping skills and help me up the puzzle. I didn't even know you could pay people gold and silver, I'm suppose I'm still quite nooby in some areas...


Apparently, people do. I sent the first 10 tips back to the owners today, but I got tired of typing Ty, but not necessary responses. So I just started taking them out laziness to respond back.

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I usually tip something, **if** I know what mes put the portal down. Time is money - they are spending theirs, and saving mine. It's worth something. I usually send a message titled, "I know it's not much..." with "...but thanks for the port!" In the body, and anywhere from 10 silver to several gold, depending on how valuable that port was to me. I think I average 35 - 50 silver. Sometimes they return it, some reply with a "thanks!" I appreciate the thanks as much as they appreciated the tip.

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