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How much do you tip Mesmers for JP ports?

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I port people for both the satisfaction of helping and the tips (I'd say a 70-30 split reasoning respectively). There are definitely better ways to farm gold, but I still enjoy getting roughly 10g an hour (in my experience) just sitting back and helping dozens if not hundreds of people out. I don't ask for tips, but I do always say "NP" when someone thanks me to let them know which mesmer ported them if there are multiple. I'll also thank people for tips out loud. That said, I'd say my average tip is anywhere from 50s-1g.

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I have around 10 mesmers and the majority of my game play lately has been porting people. I have ported every jp with maybe the exception of some of the WvW ones. I don't ever ask for tips but If I feel like I am not getting much I might say "tips are appreciated" after all is said and done, definitely not before, and only for harder JP content. I like helping people but I also like the idea of dealing with people instead of the typical pve fanfare. Its nice to make some gold while providing services for real humans. The Mesmer porting community is split on this. Some think it is bad to receive tips, while others think its completely fine.


If you want an idea of what is fair and typical I can give you some insight.


JP dailies are typically in the range of 25s-2g. It depends what reason you have for completing the jp and how generous you feel.

1. If your getting it for the ap and the gold then typically these people will give you less ~25-50s.

2. If they are just really after the AP and/or something else to do then you might get a 2g tip.

3. Any higher than 2g is typically an admirer that appreciates you helping out themselves or the community. this tip can range from 3g-20g, with the usual highest being around 10g.


regular JPs are typically anywhere from 50s-5g

1. 25s-1g for those that really don't care about the ap. Might be based on chest contents.

2. 1g-5g care about the ap or part of a collection.

3. 10g-20g rare but with enough kindness on your end and enough frustration on theirs.... they might be glad to have it done.


Toughest Jp content

1. 5g is pretty common. sometimes dips below that. I see a lot of 2-4g and once in a while lower but usually 3-5g.

2. 5g-10g is probably what its worth to most people that have the gold.

3. 20+ gold. It happens. Not guaranteed but more often than you would think if you have a lot of people you help. These people your saving their time, from being frustrated, and achieving something they might not be able to do without you.


For the toughest JPs( I am thinking Chalice+tokens and NSS Dive) Id say 2g-4g is average but not terrible. 5g is a decent tip. 10g is great 20g is awesome. 30-60g is like WOW! and the most I have ever made for porting for one JP.... 125g I was like #^&^#%^&%^&%#^%^&%#%^& amazed to say the least. If your wondering, it was for NSS dive.


I should not e that a lot of people don't tip, but that's okay because helping is its own reward sometimes :) Also, some people don't have much to give, but I always say its the thought that counts.

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I rarely do JPs. I hate them. I only do them if it's for something over and above the daily. When I do them, if it's a long and difficult one, I will tip a mesmer anywhere between 50s to 5g depending on difficulty, how helpful the mesmer is, and how badly I need the puzzle. The one time I tried to tip more than that was at the Not So Secret diving goggles... and the mesmer who helped me sent it back. If someone is demanding tips, I'll skip the puzzle rather than pay them. If they're asking nicely for donations, I'll toss them 50s or so.



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