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how to add more and more varied story content that takes longer?

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I know gw2 delivers story content by doing both expansions and living world episodes, and that's awesome, I've enjoyed every new episode we've got.


My issue is that it usually takes very short time to complete these, compared to how often they are released, and then we're just left with grinding map events, map currencies, or achievements (which isn't bad in itself) but story wise, we have almost no side quests or anything else that helps the story move forward, or help decorate and define that story.


This is beacuse GW2 doesn't have regular quests, like other MMOs or RPGs in general. the closest we have are map hearts, which are in fact some kind of sidequest, but each map has around 5 or so. so it really doesn't take a lot to do. Some collections also have some story quests in them, and I enjoy them, like the skyscale, or bettle mount for example. but many other collections are just item collecting without much else.


Compared to other MMOs, like WoW or ESO, where each new area has probably 30+- quests. the whole area takes longer to finish. When I play ESO, each new map takes me a few days to complete, if I want to do all the side quests too. in GW2, doing the story and the hearts for a new map takes around 1-2 hours at most. and then only doing events, griding curency, and collections. Even if I consider map events as story content (which some of they are) it still doesn't take that long to do them.


I know gw2 is diferent, and I don't WANT it to be like WoW or ESO or any other game in that aspect. But I wish there was more quests to do around each zone, where I feel I'm helping people, because doing story+events+hearts still can be done in a few hours, compared to 2-4 days I take to finish a map with all quests in ESO/WoW/random other MMO.


I'd like to see your opinions on this. :)

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How much does a quest advance story in the average MMO?


I find that a lot of mmo quests in general don't provide any more flavour to the world than the average collection in gw2 does. Yes there are quests with expansive story lines, but so so so so many filler quests that are just there to give exp, and you'll be lucky if these random filler quests contain anything useful in the grander scheme of things. That said, i know ESO is particularly good at giving these little "have some exp" quests a nice amount of flavour, but many MMOs do not.

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What they should do in my opinion is add more heart quests to each region, but also make it so that some heart quests can only be unlocked when you finish a previous one. Also, definitely increase the conversation options with heart NPc's


That way the system would remain the same for those who dislike "traditional MMO" quests but it would still create an atmosphere of an actual storyline and progression for those of us who think that Hearts are boring AF.



> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> How much does a quest advance story in the average MMO?


> I find that a lot of mmo quests in general don't provide any more flavour to the world than the average collection in gw2 does. Yes there are quests with expansive story lines, but so so so so many filler quests that are just there to give exp, and you'll be lucky if these random filler quests contain anything useful in the grander scheme of things. That said, i know ESO is particularly good at giving these little "have some exp" quests a nice amount of flavour, but many MMOs do not.


Ehmmm... In both WoW and ESO there is main regional questline that is abundant in lore to the point GW2 can't even compare. And the side quests are usually tied into those regional storylines. Quests in other MMO's go far beyond adding some flavour.

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