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> @"aetemes.2603" said:

> So I started my druid again after I geared it a long time ago. It was great back then for bounties open world fractals...dungeons if I am really feeling it. I loved it. I don't raid. I don't pvp.


> Now....I loathe it...I loathe every single minute I wasted gearing it. I am not sure how to make it work cause it's actually good not because I like "being a druid" Tempest boons much better and a lot easier with literally 0 investment in bd on gear just sigil runes horn food perfect...herald does everything much better has insane cc skills (why does the wyvern keep missing it's stun...btw I have to have my pet on passive now cause it just dies...it's just there for it's ability...if it's lucky it'll get its special skill off then back to passive).


> Regen on herald is so strong I don't raid so I don't know why is druid a thing...is it just the spirits?....cause I feel healing on herald is a lot easier. On druid...I have to channel melee cant dodge and get knocked out and die instantly...if someone dies...I cant do anything cause I'll pbbly die. If I get condid....I am like...screwed. The spirits are annoying to use in this mobile game. I am already channeling??? Herald auto attacks over here and my tablet does the work over there...all instantly...I have a shield and evade frames..and blocks and instant auras that their boons lasts a good chunk of time and they have a residual lasting time?????


> Like I feel tempest is the more of a offensive support...herald is the defensive...and druid is??? why am I playing this?? every boon is really hard to upkeep with 100%bd....and healing allies is extremley taxing position wise and honestly it doesnt prevent deaths that if they do die as I said good luck, I am probably dead anyways even if I take the lingering light talent?. Scourge does both heals great and rezzez in masses while my face is on the floor knocked out...so?


> I am trying to see what makes druid outshine others in certain scenarios I don't see it? I understand these changes revolve around pvp and raids...but...I dunno...looking for ideas on how to enjoy it without feeling "at least my frost spirit is up".


> Diviner long bow...and just boon...cause healing on it is just annoying? regen is weak just there to hopefully one day fill CA...bleh.


They basically nerfed it to push other supports forward, but rather than just making them to the druids level they gutted the druid. I mained druid through HoT and into PoF and it got destroyed this last year. Its not fun to use, and its not fun to play and its not even fun to fight in any sense as it is either super easy or the druid in question does some gtfo logic and bolts. It like renegade only really shine in raids ~

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I honestly do not get why you have such issues.

Running healing/support Druid mainly in fractals and group content in general a lot of times, and I heal people just fine.


In fact, i usually end up healing far better than most Heralds or even Firebrands I know.

The trick is to alternate between Celestial Avatar and Healing Spring.


That makes Conditions a complete non issue, because i am either in CA and can use CA 2 on cooldown, or Healing spring, which quickly refills my CA again and clears 2 condies every 2 seconds on its own.

The moment i drop out of CA again, I can use HS once more. Rinse repeat.


Spirits, i always use Frost, Stone, Spirit of Nature and then either Sun or Storm, depending on wether we are full power, or have some Condition damage class. Pop stone on cd, so the entire group continues getting the prot. If I have to provide it all on my own, I will use Blue Moa to get 100% Protection uptime.


That gives my 5 man group permanent 25 might, Fury, Protection, Swiftness and Regeneration (Which ticks for a lot per second), while debuffing my enemy with quick 25 vulnerability, if i am using Storm Spirit.

And if the fight demands more heals, I can simply use Spirit of Nature for the passive healing, while popping its active, for when someone downs.


I have tested it, and my healing per second can get as high as 7k to 8k hps per person, aoe, if pugs eat every bit of damage they can find. Maybe even more.

In fact, when I heal, the only way people will down, is if they eat one shot attacks, or stand in agony fields.


Tldr: Adjust your build and gear and then Git Gut. Druid is fine. ;)

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