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Grandmaster level 500 crafting Useless

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I want really thanks to developers of this game for developing some mechanics that made me feel really bad at first, then feel really great after.


First of all because I was all excited about this game. I found out about Guild Wars II 2 months ago, logged in and with one week after I started playing, I purchased my first expansion. Few days after that I decided to purchase 2 lws + another expansion and loaded some more money to buy gems so I could have some goods that I really wanted. As usual I decided to register myself in this forum and get some advices from veteran players about how to gear myself, how to get ascended and legendary gear and they helped me out with some great tips. One of them was about leveling my crafting skills in order to create my own gear.


I spent 2 months to find out the best way to lvl a profession and which one would be the best for a Thief. Last week I finally got level 500 on leatherwork and decided that I would gather sources to start crafting my ascended gear. Saved some gold and today decided to load again some money, so I would be able to buy some mats adding to the ones I already have saved filled my bank and inventory with all this and started crafting till I realize that to craft 1 piece of armor I have to wait 8 days to get it done. Because 2 of the items that is important to craft all pieces can only be crafted once per day, they can't be sold on TP because they are account bound and only for the coat I need 8 of them. If I knew I had to have all this work to lvl a profession, gather all materials and despite all, wait 8 days to craft only 1 piece I wouldnt even start at all. In all other games I've played as long as you have mats and the right lvl to craft an item all you have to do is start crafting it.


After aknowledging this I got really disappointed and frustrated, but since I already loaded money, bought gems and exchanged for gold for a high rate, I will just finish what I started. But after this, I can assure you I wont ever spend 1 cent of my money in gw2. Just because I think this mechanic is so stupid and I feel cheated on my gameplay. I am not from USA to start with and 1 US$ costs 3,15 of my country money and after achieve everything I should to be able to craft anything I wanted, I have to wait 8 days to craft only one piece. In the end of this month I have to travel to another city and if everything goes well I will move there and not be able to play this game for a while and the few days I'd have to enjoy it, I cant, because of the way it was planned to be.


I am just expressing my disappointed with this situation. I am not asking or will read any reply from players about this subject. just stating my point of how dumb I think this crafting mechanic is. It doesnt matter if your loading screen to craft something is faster than other games if you have to wait 8 days to craft something anyway. At least if I wait 1 hour to craft something in other games, it will only take 1 hour of my time not 8 days. And I am thankful for letting me realize it is pointless to invest my money here.

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The time gated materials are account bound. The Elonian Leather Squares and Deldrimoor Steel Ingots aren't. You can just buy those. A lot of players make money by doing the once per day crafting, then selling the crafted materials for a profit. Also, a lot of these materials drop from doing fractals or from salvaging ascended materials. Sometimes you can buy the crafted bits of the armor cheaper than the materials to make them.


The crafting materials were originally time-gated to prevent an economic shock, but as a side effect you can make money by selling the mats high.

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You can buy other people's time gates by purchasing the finished products. Deldrimor steel ingots, Spritwood Planks, etc.


You're free to base your entire opinion of the game on time gates they didn't hide, but that in no way reflects anything about the game.


As an example: If my guildies are ever are stuck on a time gate they can give me the materials to finish the deldrimor steel, spiritwood, ect., and then I craft them using my store of globs of elder spirit residue, mithrillium ingots, etc. So one could argue the mechanic bolsters community. Time gates can be very annoying, but there's no way to remove them without slapping every single person in the current game when the market crashes.

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Guys, if I wanted to just buy from TP everything without craft it myself what was the point in leveling a profession? If I buy from TP, counting not only Elonian leather square , but also Bolt of Damask, since both have items that can only be crafted once per day, I'd be paying around 20g ,30g+ than I should to craft everything. There are armor pieces that I can craft spending 65g and if I buy from tp everything I will be spending around 100g. I'd rather stay with my exotic gear, and farm it from fractals and raids, etc. I could buy the armor from fractals with items or either get lucky from some drop and change stats after as it was stated above. But if I want to craft 6 pieces of an armor, doing it by myself I'd take over a month to craft it all.

The point is, I bought all materials needed, So I'd have to spend 2x the money if I want to craft it faster by buying overpriced material from TP. and when I decide to sell the one piece of material per day that I can make, I will lose 1g or more for each piece due to TP Taxes to list the item. So as an example, I buy elonian for 9g and when I put it to sell after, 1 piece per day, for the same 9g I will earn around 8g or less. for the coat I need 8 elonian and 4 damask, that would be around 12g lost on selling. Anyways it is kinda pointless to me. I didnt like it and if I knew I wouldnt start or spend real life money for it.

I dont even feel like playing the game anymore, will just do my daily log in to craft materials. The best way to not lose even more money than I already have is wait and craft it the way they want me to do it. If they had made elonian leather square and bolt of damask account bound, people would still earn a lot of money from materials and the price to craft ascended gear wouldnt drop, and people wouldnt get stuck to craft whatever they wanted neither be a hostage from the market prices or either listing high taxes. After all I think the reason why we level professions is to have some advantage on crafting and not to resort on the market so often.

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> @MoarChaos.8320 said:

> You can buy other people's time gates by purchasing the finished products. Deldrimor steel ingots, Spritwood Planks, etc.


> You're free to base your entire opinion of the game on time gates they didn't hide, but that in no way reflects anything about the game.


> As an example: If my guildies are ever are stuck on a time gate they can give me the materials to finish the deldrimor steel, spiritwood, ect., and then I craft them using my store of globs of elder spirit residue, mithrillium ingots, etc. So one could argue the mechanic bolsters community. Time gates can be very annoying, but there's no way to remove them without slapping every single person in the current game when the market crashes.


I see your point, but I think it was the "lazy" decision to fix a problem, when I am sure there are other ways to get the same results without influence the crafting system. Anyways as I said, if I can craft my gear paying 60g for each piece, I wont spend over 100g to do it buying materials. I will wait this one month to craft everything and probably when I am done I wont be here to use it anyway due to rl appointments.

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There is no time gating if you have the gold. If you don't have the gold, there is always time gating. I don't see how this is different from other games. The "one per day" materials were never a problem for me when I crafted ascended stuff because I simply didn't the gold to craft a full set in a day anyway.


You already decided to do away of **the "time gate" that is farming for gold** by using your credit card, buying Elonian Leather squares instead of buying the ingredients and hitting the crafting button a few times is no different. Nobody likes hitting a button on a crafting station, that's not what you level your crafting for. You do it because you cannot buiy ascended armor or legendary gear.


You can buy all the mats for one Elonian Leather Square and craft it for 5g 78s, or you buy it from the TP for 8g 25s.


When you craft a legendary weapon that costs 3k gold, the 40 days you need to craft the "one per day" items is no problem either, unless you pull your credit card. But if you do that, go the full way and buy enough gold to purchase all materials you need on the market. **You made a miscalculation, the price for Zojja's Guise today is higher than for Zojja's Guise in 8 days.** And again, this doesn't surprise me at all, it's like that with many things in life. If you purchse your materials instantly, you will pay too much also. You save gold by ordering at a lower price, but it might take a few days to get the items.

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It made sense to make it time gated when they release ascended. It has to stop people with lots of gold to get the entire set in 1 day. Also crafting was pretty much the only way to get ascended gear. Now ascended is pretty much the exotic of 5 years ago. Wvw gives ascended gear. Spvp gives ascended gear. Raid gives ascended gear. Fractals give ascended gear. Everything gives ascended gear. At this point they could just remove the daily cap on crafting.

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Knowing that your new. Using real money for gold exchange to craft is the worst thing to do. There is plenty of gold around the game where you shouldn't have to use real money for. The gem store shouldn't ever have to be used since you can convert gold to gems. It's just time to do it. The only thing you should get for gems are the bank, more inventory added to mats, and bag sslots. But to understand how much gold to gems. Right now 90 gold for 400 gems. That's a good rate. Before it was higher. And 800 gems you need 180 gold. Which isn't much. You need waaay more for making it all crafting to 500. Now how much time depends on your solution of getting gold fast paced. I got 500 to all crafting and 400 for the other 2. Noticing what you have done I would be angry too. But as you being a beginner you should've read guides and asked people before dropping a lot of money. How much you used idk, But I prob did it slow. I got all crafting to 500 in a month or 2? And that's barely understanding the gold mechanics. For you I hope you look up guides so you don't cough up more real money for the game. The time limit yes. That part sucks. But honestly it takes time to get more mats so I kinda not really understand why they did it lol. Yea I hate that part but to say useless..... No. Those things work. But I will say this. Technically if your crafting ascended or legendary it will only effect in wvw, raids and fractals. However. You can just use ascended for those. My understanding legendary just make it so you can switch them to other characters. However the power rates and precision etc are same value for ascended and legendary. So unless your doing those three, you don't need them. I will say this also. Exotics are fine to start with in raids and fractals because people can beat it with that gear. However you always gotta make your toon stronger to go to higher raids and fractals. But useless? No. Frustrating MF yes.

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  • 2 months later...

First - as someone who has crafted a lot of ascended gear in a short time - my #1 problem is getting all the raw materials like bloodstone dust and dragonite ore and spirit shards for auger stones. Then maybe black diamonds for the Yassith's inscription I favor. I craft every day without fail my once a day items like mithrillium, elonian leather, silk weaving thread, etc.. - and clean out my material storage of empyreal shards, bloodstone dust and dragonite ore by making them into bloodstone bricks, empyreal stars, and dragonite ingots. The obsidian shards you need can be purchased from the Itzel vendor at the Shipwreck Peak waypoint and a little grinding will net you enough airship parts to buy all of them you will need. Mind you - I keep this stuff on hand and ready too go - So the revenant I just created last week and leveled the hard way last week, now has 2 ascended weapons and an ascended breastplate (that's the one where you get the biggest boost from ascended). Overall - ascended gear is about 5% better than exotic, and exotic is a no wait deal. Some of the exotics require level 450+ anyway. Find an inscription (or inscriptions) that work for you - checking the master for the crafting discipline or buy it on the TP, I also bank a number of viper's inscriptions pre-made as the black diamonds can be obtained 1-2 at a time by storming Tarir with enough exalted keys from the preceding events to open a lot of chests. The crafting has got to be the most fun part - but preparation is the key to crafting on demand. To be honest, I spend more time gathering, and fighting bosses for crafting drops than anything. Get yourself 6-7 days ahead on key components and you'll be good. Spiritwood is also good to have around - but I have 30 planks in the storage and that's plenty, I'll make more when I actually use some. I'm hoping they will allow Jewler to go to 500 and make ascended rings, amulets, and trinkets soon - the ascended material recipe is there, but you cannot craft anything with it (trust me, tried discovery) - but 2 weeks of grinding the Living World season 3 will fill you out between unbound magic, blood rubies, and Orian Perls you should be able to get a player outfitted by using those things to trade for ascended items with the vendors in those maps - especially you have 2 or 3 other characters working on gathering the things you can only get daily. Don't despair - I'm not a great player - so if I can do it, anyone can.

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