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"Guild Soldiers" and "Guild Heroes" NPC Decorations

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"Guild Soldiers" and "Guild Heroes" would be NPC's that you can place in your guild hall like decorations. Potentially like NPCs in open world, they could have 'Ambient Dialogue'(Dialogue that plays as your character walks by) and/or 'Interactive Dialogue'(Dialogue that you trigger by walking up and pressing 'F' and making chat choices). Preferably, this Dialogue would reflect your stage in Living World and/or Expansion story, so it would feel like these guild members are actually fighting for/with you. Although this idea, while fun, is not necessary; having them silent is better than not having them at all. Essentially, I just want to have soldiers in my Guild Hall. But a few ideas as to how this system could potentially work is as follows.


**"Guild Soldiers":**


*There will be six 'Main Races' representing the six allied powerful nations of Tryia(Krytan Human, Charr, Sylvari, Norn, Asura, and Elonian Human); and seven 'Auxiliary Races' representing the weaker allied factions(Hylek, Quaggin, Ogre. Skritt, Grawl, Itzel, Nuhoch). Generically each Race's Guild Soldier NPC Decoration will look alike, ie all Elonian Humans will look the same, all Charr will look the same. The only exception is that each of the six 'Main Races' will be further divided by the three armor weights, Heavy(Guild Defender), Medium(Guild Watchman), and Light(Guild Archmage) ; this changes only what type of Guild Armor they wear. This way you can have your beefy Shield and Sword Guards holding your front lines or forming a wall at your guild's inner most sanctums as a final bastion of defense, your stocky archers on the walls and rooftops covering every inch of your fortress in a hellfire of arrows, and your lithe assassins and enchantress shattering the enemies front line before they're even assembled. Auxiliary Races wouldn't be given the same armor treatment, simply because Guild Armor currently doesn't exist for them, and creating 21(7races*3armor classes) new sets of armor for various unique racial bodies is an ambition ANet is unlikely to rally behind, let's be honest. Instead, a one size fits all Guild Armor would be created for each of the 7 Auxiliary Races, each with a Guild Emblem on the front.


**Possible Acquisition of "Guild Soldier": **

*All "Guild Soldier" NPC Decorations would be obtainable via a repeatable Recruitment Achievement quest line created for each of the 13 races; such as "(Race) Guild Soldier Recruitment". Example; "Elonian Guild Soldier Recruitment".

*Upon completing the achievement each time, you would receive in your inventory a "Successful Notice of (Race) Recruitment." Example "Successful Notice of Asura Recruitment".

*You would then(if it is one of the six main races) double click on the notice to choose which of the 3 armor classes you want the NPC Decoration to be. Once you've done so, you would receive the exact NPC decoration in your inventory; such as "(Armor Class) (Race) Guild Solider." Example; "Heavy Charr Guild Soldier".

*Double clicking on the NPC Decoration would send it to the Guild Decoration Vault of the Guild you are currently representing.

*When placing the Decoration, you could name the Guild Soldier(Similar to how you can write on signs and monuments) Their title will appear as "(Chosen Name)" and directly under that "(Guild Acronym) Guild Solider."


**Possible Achievement Quest Line for Guild Soldier**

To acquire "Successful Notice of (Main Race) Recruitment" (Repeatable achievement):

*Complete 5 meta events in (race's region)

*Complete 20 events in (race's region).

*Purchase with gold "Affidavit of (Race) Support" from 5 (heart vendors) in (race's region).

*Present "Affidavit of (Race) Support" to (Race's Leader) in (Race's Capital City) to acquire "(Race) Recruitment Permit"

*Hang "Recruitment Posters" in 10 places around the (Race's city).


To acquire "Successful Notice of (Other Race) Recruitment" (repeatable achievement):

*Complete 20 (race) events in (map)

*Purchase "Affidavit of (Race) Support" from (vendor) in (map). Requires (tokens) from (defeated enemies) in (race) events to purchase.

*Present "Affidavit of (Race) Support" to (race's leader) in (Race's village) to acquire "(Race) Recruitment Permit".

*Hang "Recruitment Posters" in 10 places around the (race's village)


**Potential Dialogue for "Guild Soldiers":**

*Guild Soldiers have a variety of Dialogue they say depending on your story progress. Will say one of the currently Available or Unlocked dialogue options at random as you walk past them. But you can also interact with them to ask about any of the currently Available or Unlocked Dialogue options.

-Available only while Core Story is active (unavailable to HoT and PoF races):

About war against Zhiatan

-Unlocked after defeating Zhiatian(two perspectives, races that fought him, and races that didnt):

About defeating Zhiatan

-Unlocked after defeating Zhiatian[until LSS1 is returned](Two perspectives, races that fought her, and races that didnt):

About defeating Scarlet

-Available only while LSS2 is active(Unavailable to HoT and PoF races):

About Mordremoth's awakening, and sudden appearance/threat of Mordrum

-Available only while HoT is active (Unavailable to PoF Races)

About War against Mordremoth

-Unlocked after defeating Mordremoth(two perspectives, races that fought him, and races that didnt):

About defeating Mordremoth

-Available only while LSS3 is active(Unavailable to PoF races):

About war against White Mantle[before climax in Claudicus Manor], Lazerus the Dire[before discovering true identity], Balthazar[after discovering true identity], Primordus and Jormag.[after they awoke, before they were forced to sleep]

-Unlocked after completing LSS3 (Two perspectives, races that fought, and races that didnt):

About defeating White Mantle, Lazerus the Dire, and putting two dragons to sleep

-Available only while PoF is active:

About war against Balthazar, Kralkatoric, and Joko

-Unlocked after defeating Bathazar:

-Available only while LSS4 is active:

About war against Joko and plague[pre Joko's death] and war against Kralkatoric and concern for Aurene

-Unlocked after defeating Joko:

-Unlocked after defeating Kralkatoric:


**"Guild Officer":**

*A low ranking "Guild Officer" decoration with Ornate Guild Armor, obtained by promoting a "Guild Soldier" decoration at the War Room Proprietor with:

-Writ of Merits (Bought from War Room Proprietor with Karma)

-Writ of Service (Bought from War Room Proprietor with Guild Accommodations)

-Writ of Skill (Bought from War Room Proprietor with Spirit Shards)


**"Guild Heroes":**


*Can recruit "Guild Heroes"(unique named and modeled guild NPC decorations) by finding and talking to them to launch their respective "Guild Quest". Can repeat "Guild Quest" after first success, but the guild only acquires the character once, immediately after first success.

*After becoming a "Guild Hero Decoration NPC" Their original appearance and name remains unchanged, but they get a new title under their name, "(Guild Acronym) Guild Hero".

*After placing the "Guild Hero" NPC Decoration, unlike the "Guild Soldier" chat options, they each have unique chat dialogue about their past, how you recruited them, and their life in the guild since you recruited them.

*Although their default appearance is unchanged, there would be a chat option asking them to switch into Guild Armor (or back into their normal gear if they're currently wearing Guild Armor). Aside from their armor, nothing else about their appearance changes, so they still look distinctly unique compared to the "Guild Soldiers".

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**Potential "Guild Hero" Examples:**


Feel free to add any examples you think of.


***Modus Sceleris "Modus Sceleris's Redemption"**(Includes Brigga the Bruiser, Freeth, Nanok, Orma, Panoowa, Veland, Veteran Icxitl, Veteran Trogani):

- talk to Moduc Sceleris Guild Leader after defeating them in combat to launch "Guild Quest" for Guild, Party, and Squad members on the map. (takes place in instanced map near a village). Their leader begs you to let them join your guild out of respect and ambition for your strength, but you refuse because of their crimes and plan to hand them over to Lion Guard in the nearby village. After locking them in a tent, the village suddenly gets attacked, and they ask to help you defend it. Following the successful defense, you decide to take them into your own custody to work off their crimes for your guild(in a canach like scenario). All 8 of them then become Guild Hero Decorations.



**Parker Cole "Without a Job"** (Only Available During the Festival of the Four Winds in Labyrinthine Cliffs):

-Talk to her, after she says she's in between jobs and asks if you need a master thief's help, a new "yes, actually, we are recruiting" option is available, which launches instance for guild, party, and squad members on the map.

-She says, "Ah, but there's only one problem, it's the reason I'm between jobs you see. While sleeping off a night of heavy festive drinking, a few mischievous Zephyrite children stole my equipment and hid them various, hard to reach places. I'd retrieve them myself, only, my glider and mounts were among the stolen, and if I try to use those crystals with this hangover... Anyways, retrieve my all gear in 15 minutes, and I'll join your guild."

-Random Guild Member, "A test, really, after asking for a favor?"

-Parker Cole, "hey, i'm willing to join your guild for free, normally I charge a lot for my services. Sure, I need your help now, but if I had my equipment, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I figure, If I'm gonna sign myself away, I should make sure you're worthy of my services first, right? So in a way, I'm doing YOU a favor, by providing this opportunity."

-After convo ends, timer starts, must find Parker Cole's 32 personal items spread throughout Labyrinthine Cliffs in 15 minutes.

Items include:

*5 Weapons(two pistols, two knives, rifle)

*6 Armor Pieces

*6 accessories

*3 resource gathering equipment

*Underwater breather

*2 underwater weapons


*8 mounts



**Solitary Sylvari "A New Lease on Life"** (only available during the Festival of the Four Winds, in Labyrinthine Cliffs):

New chat dialogue option after learning that he was one of the Sylvari who answer Mordremoths call.

- player chat option "If you need to push yourself, there's far steeper, much higher cliffs out there. We can help you make it to the top of every one of them."

- "Can you, what about that one, over there?" After he says this, an Instance guild version of Sanctum Sprint is launched for guild, party and squad members on map.

- In this version of the race he isn't able to collect any aspect crystals. Like the normal Sanctum Sprint, you can collect the aspect crystals and use their movement skills, but instead of the attack skills, you are given support skills, to throw him aspect crystals to help him complete the race within a time limit.

-after successfully completing the race, he asks, "Why are you doing this for me, I never even told you my name?"

-Random player, "why ask when i already know, it should be Phoenix, shouldn't it?"

-Phoenix, "Yes, I think you're right. Tell me, where's our next great cliff?" Phoenix then becomes a "Guild Hero" NPC decoration.



**Guild Hero Lionguard Jess "Thieves Den"** (only available during the Festival of the Four Winds in Labyrinthine Cliffs):

-New chat option added to Lionguard Jess. Player, "Notice anyone suspicious today?"(based off the two Suspicious Strangers on the beach)

-Jess, "yes, there was two pick pockets on the beach, but they fled to their hideout before I could catch them. I tried to round a few lionguard to go after them, but my superior said the council's orders are 'we are not to give chase, our only priority is to defend the Bazaar.' The only thing is, I know one of them. She's the same one that trained me, now corrupting another innocent life. Probably promised her they would live the easy life after this heist... (sigh).. it never happens. Anyways, that girl is not her only new apprentice, all three of the ones I caught bare her mark, and I doubt they are the only ones. She needs to be stopped, and soon, or this time next year no traders will risk coming to the Bazaar."

-Player, "My guild and I will go in with you." Launches guild, party and squad on map into instances guild version of Aspect Arena, remained "Thieves Den", which is well defended by a band of thieves using crystals. Have to defeat them within the time limit before the leader flees.

-Upon completion Jess remarks that he prefers the way your guild handles business to the lionguards strict rules. And you offer him a place in your guild. He then becomes a "Guild Hero" NPC decoration.


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