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Balthazar Fight in "The Departing"

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First time around this was fairly fun, but my 2nd time through with another of my characters it just felt a boring, pointless time-sink that really turned me off playing.

Once this has been completed with one character please just allow us to "quick loose" with our remaining characters or something so we don't have to suffer this totally fight repeatedly.

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> @CafPow.1542 said:

> All the balthazar-fights felt "to long" for me.

> He has his 3-4 attacks which you avoid and thats it. He's quite easy to beat tbh.


It also doesn't help that there's no penalty for dying. It's hard to take any boss fight in GW2's Personal STory seriously when if you die, the checkpoint literally just spawns you right back into the fight.

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> @"Blade Syphon.4325" said:

> > @CafPow.1542 said:

> > All the balthazar-fights felt "to long" for me.

> > He has his 3-4 attacks which you avoid and thats it. He's quite easy to beat tbh.


> It also doesn't help that there's no penalty for dying. It's hard to take any boss fight in GW2's Personal STory seriously when if you die, the checkpoint literally just spawns you right back into the fight.


Disagree entirely. It's a _story_, and I can take the story quite seriously. even with fewer penalties than ANet could impose. Not all of us have the right characters, builds, experience, lag, computer power, etc, that makes the fight as trivial as this makes it out to be. Yes, the fight is tedious, but making it rage-quit difficult -- especially with arbitrary penalties for not learning the encounter quickly enough, etc -- doesn't make it less tedious. Different story-telling and sequencing would.


I'd also add that I had to tend to other business during the final Balt fight, so I had to log out. It took about 20 minutes to figure out how to get back to the instance, fighting mobs and the stupid lightning along the way. That was ridiculously over-penalizing for a disconnect or real life interefering with a game.


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> @Druitt.7629 said:

> > @"Blade Syphon.4325" said:

> > > @CafPow.1542 said:

> > > All the balthazar-fights felt "to long" for me.

> > > He has his 3-4 attacks which you avoid and thats it. He's quite easy to beat tbh.

> >

> > It also doesn't help that there's no penalty for dying. It's hard to take any boss fight in GW2's Personal STory seriously when if you die, the checkpoint literally just spawns you right back into the fight.


> Disagree entirely. It's a _story_, and I can take the story quite seriously. even with fewer penalties than ANet could impose. Not all of us have the right characters, builds, experience, lag, computer power, etc, that makes the fight as trivial as this makes it out to be. Yes, the fight is tedious, but making it rage-quit difficult -- especially with arbitrary penalties for not learning the encounter quickly enough, etc -- doesn't make it less tedious. Different story-telling and sequencing would.


> I'd also add that I had to tend to other business during the final Balt fight, so I had to log out. It took about 20 minutes to figure out how to get back to the instance, fighting mobs and the stupid lightning along the way. That was ridiculously over-penalizing for a disconnect or real life interefering with a game.



No offense but, in this case why even have enemies do damage then, or give them health? If there's no penalty for dying, no reason to avoid damage and do a boss' mechanics, why even have them in the first place? I mean, I get having limited play time, we all have that at some point in our lives. But saying that the game's story should be utterly faceroll, and offer no challenge what so ever is just silly. Once I realized there was no penalty for dying in the encounter, I basically just stood there and zerged him down as fast as I could, not bothering to avoid AoE or anything since I knew if I died, I'd respawn instantly.


You may as well just have the fights be over in ten seconds, bosses do nothing but auto attack, and fill the rest of the time with cut-scenes and dialogue. The game's still that - a game. It should have some form of challenge and lose condition, even in the storymode. Guild Wars 1 had a very punishing campaign, but it was still soloable, and it was still very fun to complete. I can't see any reason why GW2' can't do something similar. I'm not asking for the game to kick you back to the start of the mission like GW1 would, but having to redo parts of a boss fight, even if it's just back to the start of a phase, would be better then just respawning with zero penalty what so ever.


That's just stupid.

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If you fail enough your armor will break, which means you either try and throw your squishiness at a fight repeatedly or leave and retry. Small penalty, doesn't equal no penalty, or translate to just let players win Blade. I've never reached that point, but it's story mode. It's not designed to make the average player reach that point. The hard content is in raids, and the new fractals. I felt the same type of small penalty in gw1 so I don't know what you mean. There's a build for every mission in gw1.

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  • 10 months later...

> @"Blade Syphon.4325" said:

> > @Druitt.7629 said:

> > > @"Blade Syphon.4325" said:

> > > > @CafPow.1542 said:

> > > > All the balthazar-fights felt "to long" for me.

> > > > He has his 3-4 attacks which you avoid and thats it. He's quite easy to beat tbh.

> > >

> > > It also doesn't help that there's no penalty for dying. It's hard to take any boss fight in GW2's Personal STory seriously when if you die, the checkpoint literally just spawns you right back into the fight.

> >

> > Disagree entirely. It's a _story_, and I can take the story quite seriously. even with fewer penalties than ANet could impose. Not all of us have the right characters, builds, experience, lag, computer power, etc, that makes the fight as trivial as this makes it out to be. Yes, the fight is tedious, but making it rage-quit difficult -- especially with arbitrary penalties for not learning the encounter quickly enough, etc -- doesn't make it less tedious. Different story-telling and sequencing would.

> >

> > I'd also add that I had to tend to other business during the final Balt fight, so I had to log out. It took about 20 minutes to figure out how to get back to the instance, fighting mobs and the stupid lightning along the way. That was ridiculously over-penalizing for a disconnect or real life interefering with a game.

> >


> No offense but, in this case why even have enemies do damage then, or give them health? If there's no penalty for dying, no reason to avoid damage and do a boss' mechanics, why even have them in the first place? I mean, I get having limited play time, we all have that at some point in our lives. But saying that the game's story should be utterly faceroll, and offer no challenge what so ever is just silly. Once I realized there was no penalty for dying in the encounter, I basically just stood there and zerged him down as fast as I could, not bothering to avoid AoE or anything since I knew if I died, I'd respawn instantly.


> You may as well just have the fights be over in ten seconds, bosses do nothing but auto attack, and fill the rest of the time with cut-scenes and dialogue. The game's still that - a game. It should have some form of challenge and lose condition, even in the storymode. Guild Wars 1 had a very punishing campaign, but it was still soloable, and it was still very fun to complete. I can't see any reason why GW2' can't do something similar. I'm not asking for the game to kick you back to the start of the mission like GW1 would, but having to redo parts of a boss fight, even if it's just back to the start of a phase, would be better then just respawning with zero penalty what so ever.


> That's just stupid.


But by that logic, why do anything with an interaction system that could result in variable output? Why not just watch a movie, with its consistent, predetermined pacing, which you can pause at any time, or rewind back to parts you missed? Thats much a better protection of your limited time. Or watch a Lets Play of the story mode (for the same reasons).


We both know why you don't do that...

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