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Suspicious Travellers - Let The Hype Begin

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> @"AshinNoma.2147" said:

> Well this is a big meh.. like.. we have deep see dragon that is active for years now, we have Cantha with it's political story line, we have Ascalonian Ghosts & Logan becoming the king of Ascalon arc, we have a possible war with Charr race since Blood Legion Imperator is a kitten that hates humans and was displeased with the treaty, we could have something of new worlds and return of human gods thanks to all the mists portals, we could have some sort of "New Age" arc mix of technology and new type of magic thanks to Aurene.

> But we go with Jormag..? The dragon that we've put to sleep? What? Like why? This better has some super good explanation, people are escaping to other MMO's almost nobody is doing boss blitz this year, we need something that will be a game changer. Unless ANet is trying to pull a Blizzard and play the nostalgia vibe with Eye of the North and stuff, but still I feel like Cantha would be bigger here. And why have some Suspicious Traveler instead of Sons of Svanir? I'm also curious why release this small hype stuff now instead of 27th which would be right before big announcement event. I guess they want to make sure that more people will hear about it.

> Still I'm super confused now, I've been with this game(s) world for almost 14 years now, but I feel like that "brain trick" that makes you play no matter what because of nostalgia and all this time I invested is slowly running out. I need something big or new to keep me invested and I'm not sure Jormag&Primordus arc is gonna do it.

> I'll wait and see what ANet is gonna show us on 30th, I am hopeful, this going Jormag arc is kinda meh but I'll admit that I like this whole whispering stuff, creepy and mysterious. I wonder if it is truly Jormag or someone is playing with Norns? Some powerful shaman? Lyssa could always be a thing if ANet wants it to be but then again why would Lyssa consider herself with Norns.. oh well, nothing left but to wait for the big event.


I don't want to hype you up or down, but to me if they were to announce the next Expac it would make sense to be at the beginning or ending of a LS season. So going with exactly what they said for now and this is a discussion on the direction of the living story and set the bar there. As far as is this Jormag, going with some of the NPC quotes where non-Sons Of Svanir were asking SoS to open their eyes and that they can hear a dragon, that makes me wonder is a different dragon versus Jormag.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> I don't want to hype you up or down, but to me if they were to announce the next Expac it would make sense to be at the beginning or ending of a LS season. So going with exactly what they said for now and this is a discussion on the direction of the living story and set the bar there. As far as is this Jormag, going with some of the NPC quotes where non-Sons Of Svanir were asking SoS to open their eyes and that they can hear a dragon, that makes me wonder is a different dragon versus Jormag.


Yeah you're probably right with the expac, they could do something like Blizzard when they teased 8.3 on last BlizzCon for 5 seconds and then said nothing about it. So just inform us that expac IS coming. But I guess they'll focus on season 5 and if NCSoft words are true a mobile project.

About the Jormag vs another one, the obvious answer would be Primordus. We know thanks to S3 that to kill one you need another, that they are linked. And if thanks to Kralkatorrik's death some magic went out because Aurene could not "eat" it all then that could wake both of them. Someone here said that they hear 2 voices, one female and one male. What if Jormag is a female, Primordus male and because of the events that happened in season 3 they know that mortal races can do something [the machine] to kill them, so one might be trying to kill another because if I understood it right their lives are NOT linked, just their magics, in a way that they counter one another. And if there is no Primordus lets say, Jormag would be a lot safer.. unless we'll go with something like other Elder Dragons ate some of Primordus magic aspect and could kill Jormag. But that's a whole other conversation I think.

Still the event on 30th seems to be special so I hope ANet will blow me away, even with S5.



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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > > I'd like to see us go back to the Eye of the North with a full map.

> > >

> > > That would mean exploring the Charr more, which i doubt. i will hope, but i really doubt it. Still it would be great to see a map near the Eye of the North.

> >

> > A new Charr themed dye pack just came out. I wouldn't pass the idea off so easily.


> I think it would be amusing if they dropped a stealth upgrade to the Eye of the North map we have access to by making it a full map and non-instanced so we can use mounts to get out of the structure. Let players discover the change.


Honestly I would prefer if no mounts were present in S5 zones. I am the minority but I couldn't care less about the mounts.


Refreshing EotN would be crazy though.

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> @"Matt H.6142" said:

> A wiki note for this update points out a sneaky update

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Suspicious_Traveler


> Feel the chill?


Oh noes... Not Jormag. Bleh. Perhaps we will be spared dealing with him and the story will instead circulate around the Sons of Jormag, their cult, and how we can bring it down.


> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Oh well so the graphic was snow rather than sea.

> gutted.




> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> omg omg omg we are going north! We are going north! Time to polish the look of my winter sylvaris!


Let's hope we will finally get to wear some decent traditional Norn clothing! :)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> This reminds me of the very beginning of Season 1 (which wasn't a season at the time) when we started finding refugees coming into Hoelbrak and the Black Citadel from more remote parts of the Shiverpeaks. Definitely looks like forshadowing of Season 5, and like Jormag will be involved.


> > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > There was a time when i mentioned that there was no evidence that Elder dragons can go full war on each other. Nothing in Guild Wars lore about it so far.

> >

> > And after hearing this i wonder if this will be a Steve(Bubbles) vs Jormag conflict?

> > I always thought that Jormag is male, since most of the Elder dragons are males, and Jormag sounds male-ish (oO).

> > But we still have no info about Deep Sea Dragon, who actually can be a female. Voices from the around Traveler belong to female, but one weak and very silent voice that says: Closer - seems to be male's voice ( 6:26 youtube video from above, sounds like a warning of someone coming ).

> >

> > Deep Sea Dragon have water as his\hers area of influence (possibly?), while Jormag has Ice ( same thing as water, but only under sub-zero conditions ). We know that Jormag were severely weakened by Balthazar's actions, alongside Primordus. If Deep Sea dragon is trying to overtake Jormag's area of influence and overtake him aswell, that could mean Elder Dragon's war.

> > Female voice says: They will betray you - Deep Sea Dragon telling Jormag that Svanirs will be overtaken? oO

> > Again female voice says: You are stronger with me - trying to convince Jormag to submit?

> >

> > Will be fun turn-turn-turn if we will have to side with one of them =)

> >


> Do we know most of the Elder Dragons are male? I seem to remember Aurene called Kralkatorrik 'grandfather' which implies Kralk was male, but I can't remember any mention of a gender for any of the others. (And given he was at least part plant Mordremoth could be male, female, both, neither or something only botanists have a word for.)


> Admittedly it would cause a lot of problems for the Sons of Svanir if Jormag isn't male, but that on it's own could be a reason for Anet to go down that route.


Elder Dragons have been treated as gender neutral overall. The explanation from devs being that their genders are "beyond Tyrian understanding" or some such. Male nouns are often used just because that's the typical case for the English language for centuries; Kralkatorrik and Jormag are the only ones actually ascribed a gender, and the latter is done solely by the Sons of Svanir who are misogynists. Mordremoth has a male voice actor but as you say, that doesn't really mean much.


Personally I wouldn't be surprised if the Elder Dragons' group of species are single-sexed, as that would explain the lack of mention of a father for Aurene/Vlast, or mother for Glint. If Elder Dragons just take masculinity/femininity as it suits their personality rather than actually being male or female.


> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > I'd like to see us go back to the Eye of the North with a full map.


> That would mean exploring the Charr more, which i doubt. i will hope, but i really doubt it. Still it would be great to see a map near the Eye of the North.


The Eye of the North is in the Far Shiverpeaks. It has nothing to do with the charr, nor do we need to cross charr lands to get there.


Though to be honest, until Dragon Bash, they had been building up a lot of charr hints slowly throughout Season 4. So I had been suspecting a charr plot more than a Jormag one. It wouldn't surprise me if they decide to double up the plots since they did that with Seasons 3 and 4. Sadly, that meant the plots couldn't get proper exposure (they all felt like they were missing one or two episodes to their length). But par the course, right?

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> Okay so according to the wiki under current dragonrise they show primordius and jormag as dormant, but the sea dragon as AWAKE. This is all very confusing, on the one hand we have what looks like snow and def a pair of icy or water type eyes in there. We have these norn travelers speaking of jormag, and the whispers. OTOH we show that the only dragon awake is the sea dragon. I wonder if anet is pulling a blizzard and trying to throw us off the trail with fake clues lol


Jormag and Primordus were put back to sleep during Season 3.


In Season 2 - and again in Heart of Thorns - we were subtly exposed to the order of the Elder Dragons' awakening. Primordus -> DSD -> Jormag -> Zhaitan -> Kralkatorrik -> Mordremoth. This means the DSD has been awake for 150-200 years, but very far away that it doesn't influence Central Tyria.


Just because Jormag and Primordus were put back into a dormant state, doesn't mean their threat is gone. The Sons of Svanir, Icebrood, and destroyers are all still active and dangerous (as we saw with destroyers in Desert Highlands of PoF). We were given a very heavy implication that Season 5 won't be a "world threatening plot" which in of itself implies it won't directly deal with an Elder Dragon. Having the plot be about preventing Jormag from rising again seems sensible.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> The Sea Dragon is awake, but far, far away. I am unconvinced they will bring it into the plot ever, but if the do, it needs a good reason to come to us since it is probably quite happy in its domain, soaking up on ley lines.


Moving to absorb the magic of multiple dead Elder Dragons and a god is a pretty good reason, imo. One they can literally use any time.


> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> And don't forget Kralk's call to "mother". More likely something we know versus not know but still as they said in the other thread on writing, everything has a purpose. Maybe not now but...


In the War Eternal Guild Chat, they said that line and others won't have payoff for years to come. It's a "far distant plot". Probably planned for after dealing with the remaining three Elder Dragons.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Kralkattorik is dead and he released ley-line energy, it created a shockwave in the network awakening the others, just like with the breachmaker imho.

> About the voices I think it's the gift of Aurene since she upgraded into ultra-necrozma: maybe we are able to hear dragons through her.


Except that Aurene absorbed Kralaktorrik's released magic. Unless she didn't absorb the magic Kralk gained from Balthazar, Zhaitan, and Mordremoth. Though that seems rather unlikely.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Whatever became of the weird howling/sounds/whatever it was in the cornfields?

> Will this turn out to be similar?


That was audio leftover from Halloween that didn't get removed with Halloween (happens from time to time). It wasn't an active teaser (something they've done before, like the corpses near UW portals leading up to Hall of Chains, or the illusion forming and deforestation in Kessex Hills during 2013's Halloween leading to Tower of Nightmares).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> Just because Jormag and Primordus were put back into a dormant state, doesn't mean their threat is gone. The Sons of Svanir, Icebrood, and destroyers are all still active and dangerous (as we saw with destroyers in Desert Highlands of PoF). We were given a very heavy implication that Season 5 won't be a "world threatening plot" which in of itself implies it won't directly deal with an Elder Dragon. Having the plot be about preventing Jormag from rising again seems sensible.


That's rather what I suspect. Perhaps the Sons are devising a way to "wake" Jormag, and our task is to prevent this?

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Well i went and listened the best place seems to be wayfarer for the clarity. Durmand priory has too much background noise from the asura gate. But you can still get a good sound of them if you move away alittle. So yeah turn all game sounds to zero, everything, then turn master volume all the way up, and environmental volume all the way up. You can def hear 2 different voices and the male voice you can actually make out closer closer. The other voice is really hard to make out whats being said, but its def saying something, and it is creepy. I love this kind of stuff lol. The creepier the better imo, nice foreshadowing anet, i dont know how someone found this but good job.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Really? What was Halloween doing in Fields of Ruin/Ebonhawke? And where did the Devs express that statement? It would be most interesting to read.


Audio in cornfields was from old LA, not Ebonhawke, unless there's a _second_ cornfield with audio oddities out there I didn't know about.


> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> I hope we get some kodan allies. They're much more interesting than the norn to me.


That_shaman made a tweet that some icebrood _and kodan_ models got minor updates. So Kodan returning seems very plausible.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> Also never got word what that rumbling in Lions Arch was before PoF landed. Have to go back to some of the spots and listen if its still there.


There's also a loud deep repeating BOOM BOOM BOOM sound at the very bottom of Ntouka Pond in the Domain of Kourna. It wasn't there originally, if you look at Insight videos the oldest ones don't have the sound but the newer ones do. I was wondering if it was some sort of dragons 'heart beat' resonating through the water.....



> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> And don't forget Kralk's call to "mother". More likely something we know versus not know but still as they said in the other thread on writing, everything has a purpose. Maybe not now but...


Maybe the whispers are from 'Mother'... Maybe the elder dragons were put in place by someone/thing-else to absorb the magic to prevent 'Mother' from awakening...

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> In my opinion I think It looks to me like the LW episodes will involve the plot to wake Jormag and Primordus which we will attempt to stop which will lead up to the expansion containing the dragons. This will be followed by LW6 which will lead to the Cantha and Bubbles expansion.


My concern is that we were told LWS5 would be a respite from dealing with Elder Dragons. And now it looks like that won't be the case. :/


> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I was expecting "not a world ending threat" in this coming season means no dragons and hopefully something more personal.




> @"phokus.8934" said:

> It was pretty clear that it was snow and not water.


It was not.

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> @"Ryukai.6524" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > Also never got word what that rumbling in Lions Arch was before PoF landed. Have to go back to some of the spots and listen if its still there.


> There's also a loud deep repeating BOOM BOOM BOOM sound at the very bottom of Ntouka Pond in the Domain of Kourna. It wasn't there originally, if you look at Insight videos the oldest ones don't have the sound but the newer ones do. I was wondering if it was some sort of dragons 'heart beat' resonating through the water.....



> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > And don't forget Kralk's call to "mother". More likely something we know versus not know but still as they said in the other thread on writing, everything has a purpose. Maybe not now but...


> Maybe the whispers are from 'Mother'... Maybe the elder dragons were put in place by someone/thing-else to absorb the magic to prevent 'Mother' from awakening...





I looked up an insight video for the Kourna thing and HOLY kitten, that sound is really unsettling. It reminds me of the sound clip you hear deep in the caves of Hackdirt if you play Oblivion.



(The rumbling sound begins at 4:17 and repeats every 8-10 seconds)


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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> What would make the expansion more intresting is to have both Malygos (Jormag) and Deathwing (Primordus) as main villians in the same story. A fire and ice themed expansion is something that can be unique in the MMO genre and can potentially offer a very intresting scenario if done right.



Aesthetics would be awesome too (Icelandic Volcanic Eruptions anyone?) Though personally I've always seen the Elder Dragons as being more Old God'ish what with the corrupting and especially now with the 'whispers' aka


The ~~Old Gods~~ Elder Dragons are keeping ~~Azeroth~~ ~~Mother~~ the World ~~asleep~~ in balance by eating all the ~~Azerite~~ magical energy because if it ~~wakes up~~ becomes unbalanced the entire world is DOOMED!


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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > Oh well so the graphic was snow rather than sea.

> > > gutted.

> > It was pretty clear that it was snow and not water.

> >


> well yes and no, it could of been sea spray. But thx for your reply :3


I thought it could have been sea spray/foamy waves too, not necessarily snow. Either way, I'm interested to find out more! :)

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I was expecting "not a world ending threat" in this coming season means no dragons and hopefully something more personal.

Wait a sec, did they come out and say s5 would not be a world ending threat season?




> @"Ryukai.6524" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > Also never got word what that rumbling in Lions Arch was before PoF landed. Have to go back to some of the spots and listen if its still there.


> There's also a loud deep repeating BOOM BOOM BOOM sound at the very bottom of Ntouka Pond in the Domain of Kourna. It wasn't there originally, if you look at Insight videos the oldest ones don't have the sound but the newer ones do. I was wondering if it was some sort of dragons 'heart beat' resonating through the water.....



> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > And don't forget Kralk's call to "mother". More likely something we know versus not know but still as they said in the other thread on writing, everything has a purpose. Maybe not now but...


> Maybe the whispers are from 'Mother'... Maybe the elder dragons were put in place by someone/thing-else to absorb the magic to prevent 'Mother' from awakening...


Hmm i checked out a video from February this year and you are right , no weird rumble sounds. Maybe players should go check other deep water areas. See if you can hear it there also.



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