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What currently are your favourite things to do in GW2?

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Log on when new dyes are released and try them on in the hero tab and then say "neat" then log out and watch mario maker 2 twitch streams waiting for next elite specs while wondering if alliances will even happen and hoping for a graphical makeover for existing WvW maps and reminiscing about when scrapper was good.

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If there's something new, I do that - lw, festivals, ranked pvp if in season. I don't play much, so usually by the time I get everything I want with the new lw the next new has come, so I always have new stuff to do. If it so happens that there's nothing on the horizon I would try Fractals or WvW.

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Hmm. I do dailies most days. A few times a week I'll do guild WvW for as long as its on. Occasionally, if guild member X needs content Y for reward Z and there's a request to help, I'll do that. Once in a while, I'll drop a bunch of mats from storage on the TP.


I'm not sure if those qualify for the adjective "favorite." To me, favorite implies I do other things, and atm I don't.

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Open world exploration. It may not be the thing I'm doing most at the moment (lately I haven't had time for much more than 3 festival dailies) but it's the thing I most look forward to doing. New (to me) maps are my favourite, but there's also several maps or areas I enjoy repeating.


Importantly for me map completion includes lots of things which aren't required for the map completion tracker - I do events as I come across them, jumping puzzles when I find them (or when I'm passing if I already know it's there), talk to NPCs, do achievements which I find myself progressing as I go along or which seem interesting and anything else I come across in the process. This means completing a map can take me a very long time, but I find it much more fun than rushing through a 'checklist' of locations because I never quite know what I'm going to end up doing.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I like to talk to NPC's everywhere as I'm travelling and listen to what they have to say. There's soooo many little lore tidbits out there!


Agreed. I love the lore bits you can find around, and the odd conversations. Like the guy who asks one of the Zephyrites who had to sit on Aurene's egg. The response is something like "Sit? On the egg of the scion? Last hope for the world against the Elder Dragons?" And the guys just like "So...that's a no?"


One reason I'm glad my main character joined the Order of Whispers is you occasionally get additional dialogue from Whispers agents around the world. It's usually references to nearby events, mini dungeons and things like that but I really like the extra lore.

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WvW for Gift of Battle and Mystic Clover. Especially since I learned that certain (unrepeatable) tracks reward 7 clovers instead of the usual 2.



I've enjoyed having a new focus. I'm not new to WvW but it's been a while since I've played this game mode with any regularity or dedication. Also enjoying the quick and easy WvW dailies now that I'm actually paying attention.

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My truest love is gathering and crafting but at this time I need my characters nearby to help me with our inventories in preparation for their birthday celebrations.

So a new hobby was needed, same as an old one. I am not apparently tired of the same jumping puzzles I did constantly during the earlier years. Weyandt's Revenge every day!

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