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Crafting in current GW2 - Why character specific?

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I can understand that it's a money maker to have people pay for additional active crafting professions on a single character, but why not make the professions account wide. I also understand its really only a small inconvenience to swap over to a character you have the craft on, but I'm just asking for quality of life purposes. Maybe the effort to change the code to that like they did for currency is too much for what it provides. Just posing the question fresh as I'm sure its been asked before, but I think it's a worthwhile suggestion.

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Though skill levels are unique per character, unlocked recipes are not. Coupled with that, characters can swap and raise Disciplines for negligible cost, and train up alternate crafting disciplines *much faster* with access to mats and level buffs.


It's not really about making money, as an account can only ever buy two expansions. It's (supposed to be) a gold sink.

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The account wide system is okay but it makes things too easy. You have literally everything account wide.


Crafting gives XP, at launch it could mean people leveling by crafting. Sadly, people want more and fast so here we are. Asking for account wide everything.


No offense, this just makes me dislike the system game is providing just for the **ultimate convenience**.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If not make it account wide then at least make it possible to move the crafting mastery over to a different character. That would be a very nice QOL change. This way new people still get their XP for upgrading a toon by crafting, (if that's how they want to do it), and the rest of us are able to move the crafting to our most used toons. For me it would be awesome if I could move my scribe to my current Main character, along with a few other crafting professions that I use more than the others. ;)

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> @"Natreus.3867" said:

> I can understand that it's a money maker to have people pay for additional active crafting professions on a single character, but why not make the professions account wide. I also understand its really only a small inconvenience to swap over to a character you have the craft on, but I'm just asking for quality of life purposes. Maybe the effort to change the code to that like they did for currency is too much for what it provides. Just posing the question fresh as I'm sure its been asked before, but I think it's a worthwhile suggestion.


I don't know the last time I met someone who actively found it unattractive to role an alt or who actually thought it was some kind of chore to log into another toon.

I think it's a suggestion that you yourself argued against three times in your own post.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> unlocked crafting recipes is accountwide. Should you level the same proffession on another char , you instantly get access to the recipes.

> And you can see it as well with armor insignia, sigils, runes, also shared between crafting profs.


It's not cheap to get a craft to max level so doing it on two chars wouldn't make sense. That's why the idea of being able to at least MOVE the profession to another char would be kind of cool.

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What I do not understand is why they do not allow a single character to have all 8 Disciplines active. Anet could sell a lot more Crafting Discipline unlocks, and I would be happy too so everyone wins. And it would still be on a per character base.


I realize that the amount of Gems/gold it would cost me to buy 4 more crafting unlocks would be enough to pay for 40 years of constantly swapping disciplines at 50s each, but I am both a convenience guy as well as a penny-wise/pound-foolish guy who just hates to pay 50 silver every time he wants to craft a few Foodstuffs. :)

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