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POLL: Split The Ranked Queues? (Solo/DuoQ)

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> split more the 500 ppl ... facepalm


It's not exactly splitting 500 people in half, no matter how accurate that is. The vast majority of people SoloQ still, so it's likely they'd continue to do so after the queues split. We're talking about splitting 400 - 100 here. Splitting the queues is essentially placation. An effort just to make that small amount of people who do queue in teams feel good, and retain the option to keep doing it.


The alternative is **only** being able to play alone, or to go on merging coordinated teams with low-rank uncoordinated players, encouraging metagaming and match manipulation.


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Neither of the two options tbh.

Imo the best option (regarding possible balance and quality of gameplay) would be 3 separate queues: solo only, (2man + 3man) mixed queue and full team only.

I would argue this would cover pretty much every preference with minimal amount of split Qs and unreasonable alterations (like changing 5v5 into 6v6 or 4v4 just to enable duo Q only). Mixed queue could include solo, duo, 3 man and 4 man participants with full team excluded since full team vs any mixed team would be broken. Mixed queue would need the limitation of only including 2 groups so 4+1 or 2+3 only, not 2+2+1 or something.


Literally the only downside with this would be longer queue times due to the low player count, which has been THE counter argument for basically every change in sPvP from Anet for years.

However I'd argue that Anet can't hide behind this argument anymore since whatever they're doing now is complete garbage. There has been a vicious circle for years now of people leaving because Anet doesn't do shit and Anet not doing anything because there are not enough people. And since you can't argue about people leaving a unfun and broken game mode I'd say Anet urgently has to take responsibility for their own game and improve the systems before queueing times are unbearably long because nobody's playing the game mode anymore.

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> Neither of the two options tbh.

> Imo the best option (regarding possible balance and quality of gameplay) would be 3 separate queues: solo only, (2man + 3man) mixed queue and full team only.


That's uh... That's split queues. Maybe I didn't do a good enough job explaining it myself, but that's more or less along the lines of what I meant.


> Literally the only downside with this would be longer queue times due to the low player count, which has been THE counter argument for basically every change in sPvP from Anet for years.

> However I'd argue that Anet can't hide behind this argument anymore since whatever they're doing now is complete garbage. There has been a vicious circle for years now of people leaving because Anet doesn't do kitten and Anet not doing anything because there are not enough people. And since you can't argue about people leaving a unfun and broken game mode I'd say Anet urgently has to take responsibility for their own game and improve the systems before queueing times are unbearably long because nobody's playing the game mode anymore.


Too right. Arenanet has shot this down before because they've speculated queue times would be too long for the teams. According to players though, this was the exact opposite of what happened when they tried split queues before, but of course; the same people who benefit from merged queues will bandwagon on that self-limiting excuse because it benefits them and them alone.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> > Neither of the two options tbh.

> > Imo the best option (regarding possible balance and quality of gameplay) would be 3 separate queues: solo only, (2man + 3man) mixed queue and full team only.


> That's uh... That's split queues. Maybe I didn't do a good enough job explaining it myself, but that's more or less along the lines of what I meant.


As far as I understand your post you're suggesting splitting into solo only Q and duo only Q.

Especially since you're adressing the 5v5 issue with duo Q which in return I understand as specifically excluding other mixed queues (2+3 and 4+1) or full team.

> Obviously 2 + 2v2 + 2 wouldn't work. Conquest is a 5v5 gamemode. I don't necessarily think that it has to be that way though. 6v6, or 4v4 would work fine for this...

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> Neither of the two options tbh.

> Imo the best option (regarding possible balance and quality of gameplay) would be 3 separate queues: solo only, (2man + 3man) mixed queue and full team only.

> I would argue this would cover pretty much every preference with minimal amount of split Qs and unreasonable alterations (like changing 5v5 into 6v6 or 4v4 just to enable duo Q only). Mixed queue could include solo, duo, 3 man and 4 man participants with full team excluded since full team vs any mixed team would be broken. Mixed queue would need the limitation of only including 2 groups so 4+1 or 2+3 only, not 2+2+1 or something.


> Literally the only downside with this would be longer queue times due to the low player count, which has been THE counter argument for basically every change in sPvP from Anet for years.

> However I'd argue that Anet can't hide behind this argument anymore since whatever they're doing now is complete garbage. There has been a vicious circle for years now of people leaving because Anet doesn't do kitten and Anet not doing anything because there are not enough people. And since you can't argue about people leaving a unfun and broken game mode I'd say Anet urgently has to take responsibility for their own game and improve the systems before queueing times are unbearably long because nobody's playing the game mode anymore.


That would be my preference too. I don't Care about waiting Time since I only solo. But it would give opportunity to anyone desiring to q together.

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@"DoomNexus.5324" @"MyPuppy.8970"


When I say that I don't agree with 5v5 conquest being the only mode, that's pretty much what i'm trying to say. I think the split option to play with teams is what people make it. If they even get a separate ranked gamemode it's essentially theirs and Anet's to shape how they see fit.


If you mean the title why I included "(SoloQ/DuoQ)" that's essentially clickbait. This post would get no traction if people didn't know what it was for. Plus there's a crowd that come in hot everytime they think someone wants to remove DuoQ; which, i'm guessing influenced a lot of these No votes, but that's just me guessing.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> * It assumes that all the solo players would play in the solo queue. From the last time we had split queues, we know this isn't the case; a lot of solo players used the team queue.


Which doesn't mean much when "team" queue gave out more ranking points, more gold, etc.


And the very reason the "team" queue gave out more rewards and even allowed people to queue solo in a "team" queue the first place is because the reality is if you had an actual equitable fully split queue, the team queue would be unworkable. Most people who play instanced PvP games, play solo ( and to a lesser extent duo) most of the time. Even most who play as a full team at times only do so some of the time and the rest play solo/duo like everyone else.


Which is why even games with tens of millions of players cater to people playing solo and why an actual real split team / solo queue in this game would simply end up with a very dead team queue.




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Another option for the current system imo would be to only match similar team setups together.. if one team has a duo the other one needs to get one too or if one team gets 2 duos + 1 solo then the other team has to consist of 2 duos + 1 solo as well.

However I think such systems are inherently flawed because if you get a duo with say two thieves it's obviously going to work worse than a fb+scourge duo for example.


As a sidenote, I think the impact of duos is way overrated tbh. It probably just happens that 1) good players tend to duo Q a lot more often than full plebs and 2) it's much more memorable if you lose to a duo than to a full solo team especially if you're biased against duos so the impression of duos being broken is kinda skewed. I've also won a lot of matches against duo Q teams in a full solo team myself and I bet that everybody in here has either probably the same win rate independently to the solo/duo setup or would've lost some matches either way because the other team was just better skill-wise or had a better team comp.


Btw I'm like 95% of the time solo Q with a few occasional duo Q matches in between. And I'm not really overperforming in duo Q.

Not that I'm defending duo Q at all, I'd prefer a solo only + mixed + team only Q a lot more, I just think a lot of people are blaming the wrong things here imo.

Everybody who's complaining about solo/duo Q would probably perform the very same way in the very same frustrating manner than solo Q only just because the entire game mode stays the exact same coin flip with bad balance.

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