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Game Loot

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I've had this problem for just over a week now. The game world chests are not giving any loot. To answer the obvious, no this is the first time in one "reset" 24 hours. Map event Dragons, the Chak Gerent, and Shadow Behemoth for game world examples as well as Dungeons and Fractals chests. The game world event chests are "open" as if I had done them earlier that "day" which I had not and the dungeon and fractals chests stay shut. I get loot on the HUD and I get a HUD chest, when the event is done. When I walk to the chest in the 3d world, nothing. I sent a game bug report, but who knows if anyone got it.

Any help?

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Thanks for the response! I did get that mastery. Just recently as a matter of fact. I was under the impression that it was for corpses and tiny loot bags you get from the skritt burglar or in WvW.

I had not realized it was for the big event chests as well. So it seems to be just a user error.

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It counts for every chest, even within dungeons and world bosses.


You just have to be alive for it to be working. In the beginning I nearly forgot one or another chest because I thought, I autolooted it, but I was dead at the end of the fight. So when you're dead or down (shouldn't happen there I hope) better at least take a look at the chest.

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