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What is your opinion about Jormag's gender?


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> @"coso.9173" said:

> non binary is not hypothetical, it means someone doesn't identify with a male or female gender, that's all. it doesn't mean they're not male or female biologically.


The issue isn't that. It's that one half of the argument doesn't agree on how you even phrased that.


Its a political buzz word. Unfortunately. A lot of well meaning innocent people get caught in the way.


But because the side who tend to believe that "you can be anything you want, it's all just an illusion anyways." is pushing for new and specific words... Words that open scientific definitions. Like non-binary, suggest a thing that, in the right's view cannot be. The right doesn't think that gender and gender roles are separated. They tend to think that gender roles are the result of evolution (or god) thus making a person who is non-binary someone who is rejecting evolution, (or god).


Like I tend to agree with you. Folks should be able to admit that societal gender roles are a choice. However you can't just invalidate thier position. And you can't just throw them into the basket of deplorables either.



As for, "listen to the extremists" - always know what the worst nutcase says on both sides. Because the fact is that extremists recruit from the middle. So if you want to understand something political, you have to run the mental software of "buying thier position". I'm not saying 'believe what they believe' but you have to try it on. Understand what it is that makes people from the middle, move to the extremes. You can't truly understand what makes them do it untill you've listened to the worst of them.


As for, "listen to intellectuals you trust" - I am NOT saying to go find your favorite political echo chamber and nestle in. What I'm saying is, I know what take all my favorite intellectuals are going to have on any given issue. What I'm interested in, are the times I'm wrong, and my favorite guy suddenly turns on a dime and supports the other side. I'm not talking about logging into YouTube and swollowing kitten hook line and sinker. I'm saying that, you have to see if those people you trust throw you a curve ball. And then don't let that curve ball force you to unsubscribe and grumble whatever red or blue opinion you wish they'd said under your breath.


The point is to check the temperature of the roast in multiple places so none of its parts, in your mind, are undercooked.


If you just *hate* the other side in this argument, it means you haven't tried on thier position going "what would I have to believe in order to believe *THAT* ?" it's too complex.


If you only read "boring articles" it's much easier to be lead off the path. See, our mainstream news are controlled by extrimists. (on both sides, to varying degrees.) and so lots of "boring articles" are written to look like 'the final word' on an issue that are loaded with political jargon. My wife majored in journalism, and man... You should hear her pick apart the trusted publications. "that phrase is designed to create sympathy, see here? And right here they're creating an 'us vs them' narrative. And here? It's actually product placement. And here? The use of the word 'allegedly', the writer is saying that because they're the only one alleging anything.... Etc etc etc"


This is why you go straight to the extreme, knowing both sides are wrong. Then find people who live in the middle... Then zoom out a meta-level and decide for yourself. Don't just read The Wal Street Journal and imaging you're all caught up. In 2019 *NO ONE NEWS SOURCE CAN BE TRUSTED BY ITSELF*. I suggest reading everything, good bad and ugly, on a point then thinking for yourself.



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Sorry for the double post. But here's some fallout from the Canadian law.


I don't really support what the dude being fined here did, personally. And this article sourcing is literally random. If you want to find other sources search 'Canada Biological Man'




But this blurring of the terms allows for things like this.




Hey I'm not here to argue about the above. I'm just providing research data. And if you click my links and stop, then you don't understand. Take each thread and dedicate 5 browser to tabs. Decide for yourself.






So, listen my personal view? I think every person ought to be free of oppression and allowed to do as they please so long as it doesn't hurt other people.


Some of the above topics blur the line... And I still don't know where I stand. Why? Because these problems are bigger than me. I'm just a guy. And can't fix it. And even if I could, odds are I'd make the wrong call because my life experiences are limited.




*if you're going to click the above links, then you need to do the rest of the research yourself.*


I'm providing information to help folks understand, not to pick a side, or defend either position. (they're both wrong about some of it from my perspective... So who am I to tell you?)

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