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2 thieves = lose rule in unranked/ranked


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Some ppl mentioned it in chat and i started to count and yes indeed much more often than not it stands true.

But cause of this lies not in thieves themselves but in builds; in current tank+aoe meta poor melee/rifle squishes can only decap empty and maaaybe down some worse failbuild.


As i dare not to venture in ranked yet (need more practice) i wonder whether rule stands in there as well.

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It's a solo niche role of +1ing roaming playmakers and having 2 given both teams are fairly equal in skill is a major detriment. Having 1 thief that isn't good is by itself a huge loss since the skill cap to play that role properly is quite high. Other classes not played well can still have a decent impact, scourge, sb, DH, etc. Having 2 thieves for me is usually a 90% chance of losing. I'd say every 25 games it happens so it's not enough to be too worried, but having just 1 thief is a roll of the dice whether you will be a 4vs5.

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Normally when I see two thieves on my team. And the other team has a somewhat balanced comp. 9.5 times out of 10 the match is lost before it even starts. It get compounded much farther if one of the thieves is not very good. It's basically fighting with 4 players against 5.


Again this is due to a proper comp having all of the options to support itself. Again the sloppy double thief team. Then again this get worst if your team gets two thieves, and a bunch of squishy classes that can't sustain on point. Because this game mode is all about the point after all.


Having a bunch of classes, that can burst people down and roam. Does nothing for your team. If they can't even stand and contest the actual point. Your team of squishies will mathematically eventually will start losing points. Because of their lack of staying power, and AOE power. Against comps that do. This is way before we even start to factor in the skill of the players.


Basically, because of the balance in this game. Unless you are DUO queueing with two thieves, and just rotate instantly kill enemy players. Your team of two thieves would be at technical disadvantage from the start of the match.

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thieves cannot decap anymore, really.

Thieves have been and likely always will be opportunists and kiters. At best a thief can hope to distract a group of players who thirst for an 'easy kill' for a fairly long while, leading them across the map on a wild goose chase.


But in genuine 1v1s? You better be a god.

Rifle squish builds are good enough if people ignore you, you can melt players from 1500 range and not have to fear the aoe hate and sb interrupts. But the moment someone turns to you, be ready to run.


Standard D/P DD, however? I honestly couldn't say. But the squishy nature of thief leads me to believe that most classes would eat it if they could catch it.

I honestly can't say for certain if a double thief comp means an instant loss... I'd rather say that unless you have a very scary frontline and even a spooky midline, doublethief is very very weak. (so two SBs and maybe a scourge to go with the two thieves?)

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