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Fractal Hub.


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I'm sure this was talked about, especially in the old forums. But I want to ask again because it seems the developers answer more on these forums anyway.


Are there any plans on making the instanced party hub into a normal hub like the Raid Lobby is? I think its big enough to warrant its own hub, like the raid lobby, like the heart of the mists etc. Would also make fractals feel more unique and polished.

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I'm referring to the place we go to load in fractals. It already has a bank, TP, merchants, and repairs. The same as the raid lobby. So I was wondering the dev response to why its limited to the party and not an instanced map for a fractal hub.

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What I meant was, people asked for a fractal hub, or to use the fractal entrance instance as that hub. What we got instead was Mistlock Sanctuary. So, to answer your question: No, I do not see us getting to use the main fractal instance as a hub, because of the fact that the Mistlock Sanctuary exists.


As for a dev response, there may have been one, but I do not recall if there ever was or what it was, if it did exist.

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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> What I meant was, people asked for a fractal hub, or to use the fractal entrance instance as that hub. What we got instead was Mistlock Sanctuary. So, to answer your question: No, I do not see us getting to use the main fractal instance as a hub, because of the fact that the Mistlock Sanctuary exists.


> As for a dev response, there may have been one, but I do not recall if there ever was or what it was, if it did exist.


But isn't the mistlock sanctuary a gem store item?

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It is, but it doesn't change what it does, which is pretty close to what you are asking for (as a lot of others before you have asked for). Again, Mistlock Sanctuary appears to be the answer to the question of what you are looking for, albeit not the exact answer you are wanting. Just the only answer that we have, at the moment.

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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> It is, but it doesn't change what it does, which is pretty close to what you are asking for (as a lot of others before you have asked for). Again, Mistlock Sanctuary appears to be the answer to the question of what you are looking for, albeit not the exact answer you are wanting. Just the only answer that we have, at the moment.


hmm, I understand. I can see how it "could" be a hub for fractal players, but also wasn't it meant for PvP players; or do they have their own?

I don't know if you can call a paywall locked area as the hub for a certain game mode of players. Like imagine if the Heart of the Mists itself was a $10 paywall hub.


Do people even use the Mistlock Sanctuary, aside from crafting or something, can you even start fractals in the Mistlock Sanctuary?

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Yes, it has a portal directly to the Fractals, as well as a portal to the Aerodome, and the fractal golem merchants (only premium area that has these things), as well as having all of the other amenities of the other premium areas (MF, Dungeon token vendor, etc). It was meant for everyone that wants a cool/different place to hang out, wasn't directly marketed towards Fractal players or any other specific group. The whole reason that we ended up with the Aerodome, was because prior to it's existence, people would just hang out on the open world maps, causing meta's to fail and to upscale events that people weren't taking part in (due to just standing around waiting for their group to form).

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> @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> Yes, it has a portal directly to the Fractals, as well as a portal to the Aerodome, and the fractal golem merchants (only premium area that has these things), as well as having all of the other amenities of the other premium areas (MF, Dungeon token vendor, etc). It was meant for everyone that wants a cool/different place to hang out, wasn't directly marketed towards Fractal players or any other specific group. The whole reason that we ended up with the Aerodome, was because prior to it's existence, people would just hang out on the open world maps, causing meta's to fail and to upscale events that people weren't taking part in (due to just standing around waiting for their group to form).


Hmm okay well thank you for the response. I still kinda wish we got the fractals hub as a real hub though. The area is so cool and well designed; but never used aside from starting the fractal level and buying keys lol. Oh well, maybe the next Expansion fractals will get some nice love? haha.

Edit: I don't know if I'm missing it; but is there no permanent gem purchase?

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> @Riku.4821 said:

> > @Fatalyz.7168 said:

> > Yes, it has a portal directly to the Fractals, as well as a portal to the Aerodome, and the fractal golem merchants (only premium area that has these things), as well as having all of the other amenities of the other premium areas (MF, Dungeon token vendor, etc). It was meant for everyone that wants a cool/different place to hang out, wasn't directly marketed towards Fractal players or any other specific group. The whole reason that we ended up with the Aerodome, was because prior to it's existence, people would just hang out on the open world maps, causing meta's to fail and to upscale events that people weren't taking part in (due to just standing around waiting for their group to form).


> Hmm okay well thank you for the response. I still kinda wish we got the fractals hub as a real hub though. The area is so cool and well designed; but never used aside from starting the fractal level and buying keys lol. Oh well, maybe the next Expansion fractals will get some nice love? haha.

> Edit: I don't know if I'm missing it; but is there no permanent gem purchase?


Fractals are constantly getting love, especially now. One thing to note, Fractals and Raids are not part of the expansion release cycle, they have their own release cycle, so it's always possible that changes to it can happen before the next expansion.


I don't think that the permanent Mistlock Sanctuary pass is currently available. According to the Wiki it was last available on the Sept. 29th Gem Store sale. Does not say if it is still available.

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> @Riku.4821 said:

> All right thank you, I had a 2 week pass box and picked it up. Its a cool place, and yeah this seems like what I was asking for, just not the same location; which is a shame, but works either way I suppose. Thanks.


Glad you had a chance to check it out. It's like the Raid lobby, on steroids :)

I woudn't have minded something free for everyone that was exactly like the Aerodrome. However, given that we have the Mistlock Sanctuary now and many have spent 1000 gems for it, I think it would be bad PR for ANet to offer a fractal lobby this year or next.

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