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CC-Stability Overhaul: Intensity


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This idea is aimed at:

1: Differentiating few and multiple stacks of stability.

2: Differentiating shorter and longer hard cc abilities.

3: Increasing interactivity between these two.


Part 1:

Currently, one stack of stability is removed for any kind of cc. The way it'd work with intensity is:

-Stability removes the duration of incoming hard cc. Each stack of stability removes up to 2 seconds of daze, or up to 1 second of any kind of stun. If the stability stacks are equal or more than the incoming cc duration that needs removing, then the cc is ineffective. If stability stacks are less than the incoming cc duration, then the rest of that duration is applied to the player.



-1 stack of stability + Headshot(1/4sec daze) = stack removed, no cc

-1 stack of stability + Bullscharge(3sec knockdown) = 3-1 = 2 seconds of knockdown applied.


(Mind you, these are just used as examples, the goal of this change is not the buffing of certain abilities. It's a systematic suggestion, things are expected to be balanced around this afterward.)


Part 2 (extra step): Stunbreak intensity


All stunbreaks receive an intensity level; stunbreaks with 1 intensity remove either 2 seconds of daze or 1 second of any other stun, etc. If a stun is not fully broken, it's just reduced in duration. Skills that are dedicated to stunbreaking and have no other effects generally have a bigger intensity than ones that do.

Having more or equal intensity than the duration it's required for doesn't make a difference: using a 5 intensity stunbreak on a 1sec daze doesn't give you any advantage, it breaks the stun just as a 1 intensity would.


Lemme know how you'd like if it worked this way.

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What problem is such a proposition solving?


Seems to me that professions with access to a lot of stability are still going to have access to a lot of it, those with numerous methods to break stuns passively will still have that as well. Just seems like all it does is shift the power in favor of professions that can apply these effects in greater quantity and frequency than others... and professions with minimal access to stuns and dazes are still going to be unable to break through stability.

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Also note that if a stunbreak doesn't actually helps you get out of danger, it's mostly useless (see rite of the great dwarf). So this suggestion would be awful against the stronger ccs.


I'd rather reduce CC durations to be fixed (eg: knockdown is always 2 seconds).


I do think ANet should overhaul stability / CC at some point (again...), it's currently a spam fiesta of both.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> So a Warrior with that already has kitten loads of long lasting hard CC is now gonna be able to CC even more as it can now ignore certain thresholds of Stability and deliver its CC anyway. Greta, great.


> @"rdigeri.7935" said:

> (Mind you, these are just used as examples, the goal of this change is not the buffing of certain abilities. It's a systematic suggestion, things are expected to be balanced around this afterward.)


I knew i'd need this >.>





As for the ones asking the purpose, or what problem it solves... well i wasn't trying to solve anything. It allows anet more customization to skills, i suppose.


It'd introduce partial success to cc-s, instead of a yes/no scenario.


They seem to like this kind of stuff anyway, with the range treshold changes.


It's not like anet considers posts much, i just wanted to share this idea with those who like thinking about design.



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