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Convert Dungeon paths into Fractals, open dungeon maps?


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So the other day I was chatting in WoodenPotato's live stream and the thought came to me, which many seemed to like the idea of.

Would it be possible to convert the Story dungeon paths, and maybe the exploration paths, or the "best" one into fractal levels?

Most of the content would already be there, they'd just need to dust off the long forgotten dungeons and do some revamp polish.


Afterwards add the existing dungeon locations as open world explorable areas?


This is a bare-bones idea which would require fine tuning at the developers behave of course; but I think would work nicely for the people who want the dungeons again.



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> @ich.7086 said:

> I don't see the point. Dungeons are still available content.


> They are abandoned because it's legacy code, porting them into fotm is as hard (if not more) than revamping them.


It'd combine the two together. So instead of having a (newly formed) Dungeon team & Fractal team, they can make the dungeons go into fractals and just let the fractal team deal with it. And is better than just ignoring the dungeons like they don't exist, or outright removing them.

We're constantly seeing features getting cut or forgotten. Dungeons, Guilds, At one point and a minor one at that, PvP.


I was simply suggesting an idea to add the dungeon paths, or new fractals which are themed for the dungeons would be a worthwhile idea. But if all people want to do is "solo" them because they can and haven't anything better to do then I guess they can stay as is. /shrug

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> I'd imagine the work to convert them to fractals considering they are based off old tech and code would be comparable to just fixing/revamping them as they already are


Hmm perhaps poor word choice? Either import them as is but polished, or make new ones based on the old paths. That was kinda the idea I was going for.

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> @Riku.4821 said:

> > @Randulf.7614 said:

> > I'd imagine the work to convert them to fractals considering they are based off old tech and code would be comparable to just fixing/revamping them as they already are


> Hmm perhaps poor word choice? Either import them as is but polished, or make new ones based on the old paths. That was kinda the idea I was going for.


I am no expert on such things, but based on how they have discussed core features and the difficulties with the old code etc, it would still amount to the same thing - ie considerable resources being allocated to convert/renew/redesign/import into how things are currently. Given that they have said they want to renew some of the old festivals and it is difficult due to old tech/code, imagine the work several dungeons and any or all the paths would be.


I'm not against the idea, although my preference is to a polish to bring them relevant to todays game and then bring 1-2 new ones in every expac I just don't think they will ever allocate the resources for it.

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I don't think dungeons need to be merged with fractals. First off, going from less than 25 fractals up to nearly 40, would require serious restructuring of the tier system. At our current rate, I wouldn't expect this to be necessary for at least 3 years. Additionally given the current model of only 3 fractals being rewarding per day, it would lead to any new fractals being very rarely played. So the daily system would new a big overhaul. This too might be necessary in the future, but who knows how long gw2 is even going to be in development. So merging dungeons into fractals would require a very large rework of fractals, and I don't think it would be worth the effort.


I can't speak for the rest of the population, but I can say why I personally don't run dungeons very often anymore. The number one reason is, I finished the dungeoneer achievement before hot launched. It feels like doing dungeons is a waste of time, as I could make money doing other fun content that also give achievements. I don't think this issue could easily be addressed.


The second major reason is the community and the inability to easily get other like minded dungeon runners to join a group. Fractals have the advantage of having a centralized hub, and centralized lfg. Dungeons split up their population which makes filling lfgs harder. For fractals, I could post an lfg like, "t4's, need 1 druid, 1 ps, 2 dps", and that lfg will actually fill up. But if I post an lfg in the dungeons page like, 'p123 experienced fast 80s', it doesn't usually fill well. In fact, typically you get players who are not level 80, and rarely do you get players who actually understand how to do dungeons fast enough to make them rewarding.


If anet seriously wanted to bring dungeons back to life, here is how I would recommend doing it, by focusing on unifying the dungeon community. First off, remove the 8 dungeon tabs in the lfg, replace it with 2 tabs (lfg and lfm the same way raids do it). The next thing I would do is create a new daily tab, just called dungeons, same as how fractals work. Every day, choose 3 random explorable dungeon paths (no story mode paths), and make completing these one of the dailies in the new dungeons daily tab. Make each of these 3 achievements give 1 of some new centralized dungeon currency. This currency would be for buying modern relevant items. Some of these new items should be account bound, and some should not (so they can be traded similar to ghostly infusions).

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Please no. Fractals are so fundamentally different from dungeon paths that they are not replacements for each other.


Story dungeons should be made part of the personal story, IMHO, just as Arah story was and made separate from the requirement for explorable dungeons. But explorable dungeons should not be made into fractals.


> @Riku.4821 said:

> > @Randulf.7614 said:

> > I'd imagine the work to convert them to fractals considering they are based off old tech and code would be comparable to just fixing/revamping them as they already are


> Hmm perhaps poor word choice? Either import them as is but polished, or make new ones based on the old paths. That was kinda the idea I was going for.


You wouldn't be able to "import them as is" to fractals for multiple reasons:


1. Fractals are fundamentally shorter than dungeons. There is no dungeon path as short as the longest fractal path. Fractals are designed to be "fast dungeons" so "normal dungeons" result in negating the entire purpose of fractals being so short.

2. Dungeons have one difficulty setting, fractals have four. Among these difficulty settings are new spawns and mechanics.

3. Fractals have instabilities, which require a different set of balancing numbers than dungeons which have none.

4. Fractals utilize one singular map, while the dungeons utilize eight different maps (nine if you count TA story and 11 if you count Arah story). They likely cannot simply call upon the dungeon maps so they'd need to copy/past the entire eight dungeons into the fractal map... if there's room for such a thing (probably since most dungeons don't have water in them - just TA, HotW, Arah - but even that's a lot of space...). It *might* be possible to call upon multiple maps - we seem to see this happen in PoF now - but I do not know.


And that's just on the *surface*. If we want to talk code and stuff, we're entering a whole new dimension of problems.


It's the same reason why ArenaNet cannot simply "move Season 1 content into story journal instances" even though there were 30+ Season 1 instances. The coding between the two are fundamentally different.


By "moving dungeons to fractals", you would be recreating the dungeons from the ground up.

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At first I was like, hmm neat idea. But then I thought about it...


1. There might be technical/coding problems with that. dungeons seem to be built very differently from fractals

2. That would add way too many new fractals in the rotations, and will probably mean redoing the scale and tier levels

3. Some dungeon paths are way longer or harder than others, while fractals try to keep similar length

4. there are probably dungeon mechanics that won't scale well, if at all from tier 1 to 4

5. the story doesn't really fit the fractals very well

6. In general dungeons are just not designed with the fractal system in mind, and will most likely require major reworks

7. How will we get dungeon tokens?

8. The dungeon system is more familiar for new players.. don't even t1 fractals require lvl 80?

9. In the end all this isn't worth it for just adding fractal rewards and instabilities to dungeons

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