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I'm either overlooking something or something is broken...


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I've got every single Ruka's recipe from Dragon's Stand. I have a Spiritwood focus casing and core. I have a vision crystal. Yet, I cannot craft what I want even though I know the recipe. I want to make Ruka's Artifact but it won't show up in the list of known recipes at the crafting table. I am Artificer 500. I have the same issue with Weaponsmith and trying to create Ruka's Bastion. I've asked for help in the game but nobody knows. I have plenty of inventory space, the necessary discipline, level, materials, etc. What am I overlooking? I've actually wasted time rebuying the recipes in the off chance is bugged out. I had no issue making Ruka's Flanged Mace. The crafting recipe doesn't actually appear in the name list of Foci in the Artificer station, even though I have already consumed said recipes.


Any ideas?

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Aww man... wtf. I was under the impression that all recipe unlocks were account bound and usable by any character with the proper crafting discipline. Please tell me this isn't true for all recipes?


There are a few reasons why crafting can seem confusing, but this recipe thing isn't explained anywhere (even on the wiki). I've been playing the game on and off for over 4 years and this is the first I have ever heard of this. That being said I'm pretty certain that I consumed the recipe with my main who is the one trying to craft it. But also, I recently bought Ruka's inscription again in Dragon's Stand with my remaining map currency and it still claims "you already know this recipe".

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> The recipe is **not** character bound. You can buy it at the Trading Post: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recipe:_Ruka%27s_Artifact


> P.S. None of the recipes you learn are _ever_ character bound. They are _all_ account-bound.


O... my... lawdd...


I swear I looked at TP a while ago but didn't see Bastion (I changed my mind since), but low and behold Bastion is there along with Artifact. I shall now go bang my head against a wall for a few minutes.


Thank you for pointing out the obvious. That being said, I did kinda expect knowing the Dragon's Stand recipe to allow me to craft the Artifact. Confusing stuff.





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> @"Holgarf.6581" said:

> But also, I recently bought Ruka's inscription again in Dragon's Stand with my remaining map currency and it still claims "you already know this recipe".


Inscription could be a different recipe... And the "ruka's artifact" could be a different recipe... You should check it out too... Need both recipe to craft the ascended focus


You can search the recipe in tp if available and move the mouse cursor over it to check if you already learned the recipe... If not, you know what to do

Hope this helps X)

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I never tried making it myself but, I do see the following note on the wiki at the recipe itself saying: "anomaly: The recipe sheet lists Trailblazer's stats rather than Wanderer's. The item crafted uses Wanderer's as intended."


Now I am not sure if this is correct then but, do you use the following?


1 Spiritwood Focus Casing

1 Spiritwood Focus Core

1 Ruka's Wanderer's Inscription

1 Vision Crystal


This recipe ain't a discovery so make sure you didn't check some boxes under your craft popup (like hiding ascended recipes or level 500 recipes or the like). If you do select or unselect these tickboxes its very possible you are simply hiding them from your interface and thus making it seem you miss said recipes.


If it still won't show or does not work it may be bugged and then maybe support could look into it.


As last resort you could get a Chest of Foci instead.


[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Foci](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Foci "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_Foci")

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> The OP can simply go buy the recipe in question from the TP.


OP did mention he/she bought said recipe several times already and consumed it (incl getting message the recipe is already owned)


Which makes me believe the crafting popup of said professions has a tickbox checked or unchecked that thereby hides said recipes in the interface. So OP has the recipe in the interface but has just accidently hidden it via checkboxes.



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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > The OP can simply go buy the recipe in question from the TP.


> OP did mention he/she bought said recipe several times already and consumed it (incl getting message the recipe is already owned)


> Which makes me believe the crafting popup of said professions has a tickbox checked or unchecked that thereby hides said recipes in the interface. So OP has the recipe in the interface but has just accidently hidden it via checkboxes.




Nah it was definitely that I had to buy the recipe from TP. When I realised I could, I bought Ruka's Warhammer, Bastion and Artifact. Crafted Artifact immediately afterwards. :)


Now I just need to make le staff and I'm all good. :)

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > The OP can simply go buy the recipe in question from the TP.


> OP did mention he/she bought said recipe several times already and consumed it (incl getting message the recipe is already owned)


When a thread has this few replies, sometimes it's worth reading those first. ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > The OP can simply go buy the recipe in question from the TP.

> >

> > OP did mention he/she bought said recipe several times already and consumed it (incl getting message the recipe is already owned)


> When a thread has this few replies, sometimes it's worth reading those first. ;)


If they only had popped up yesterday. I'm looking at this thread on phone now and see 50 percent more replies from even before I had my 1st reply to op. And that while I had reloaded the page several times before and after I placed my replies... Something is strange.... Anyhow at least ops issue got resolved now and thats all that matters :)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Holgarf.6581" said:

> > I did kinda expect knowing the Dragon's Stand recipe to allow me to craft the Artifact. Confusing stuff.


> Yes, there are several layers of recipes required for many items. It can get confusing when you are not yet used to this game's crafting system. ;)


Oh man, it can get confusing even when you *are* used to the system! :D

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