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Lets have a talk about those story instance boundaries again...


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Imagine you were set on doing some of the more annoying achievements in your story.


You spend half an hour doing the mission, listening to the annoying NPCs blabbering about who knows what...


Then after another fifteen minutes of careful planning you finally fulfill the requirements of the achievement but have to wait for the instance to actually finish in order to get it.


No biggie... There is just a boss, which is not that hard...


But then all of the sudden you find yourself kicked out of the instance...




Because you accidentally used a leap skill which catapulted you way past the boundary, resulting in just quickly skipping the warning and booting you out of the instance...


And this is not even the first time something like this happened. I've encountered the same issue countless times before.


How hard would it be to just add a simple invisible wall where the boundaries begin so that they prevent players from exiting the instance, intentionally or accidentally?

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