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Profession markings for a group?


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![](https://i.imgur.com/VJ4BLQk.png "")

_(Being able to see these icons above someone's head would make it easier for classes that require a team to be close for the buffs)_


We have markings for squads: Circle, Square, Triangle, Star, etc

Having large markings for each profession would help a ton in working together and seeing

Which class is where in the mess that a fight can be sometimes


We now have these markings for squads only

![](https://i.imgur.com/1t1kTn6.jpg "")



Profession markings for both groups/squads would give clarity to all

The markings already exist in 2d now we just need them as an pickable option for parties/squads

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in terms of just raid/fractals, i can't see it being too useful - in raids it'd have to prioritise boon-providing classes name tags to be able to even see them most of the time, only slightly less of an issue in fractals, since you are for the sheer majority of most fights just stacking on the boss. if it's really crucial, maybe for first time raiders who don;t know about stacking yet, then commander can simply mark the boon providers- but that's rarely nesseccary since again, for most bosses you're gonna be on the boss or stacking a set location in the arena. that said i wouldn't exactly complain if it was a thing unless i couldn't turn it off.


i dont do pvp, but i can definitely see it being useful in wvw- providing that 1. you can't see classes of the enemy and 2. there's some way to control screen clutter. a full zerg of -large- icons would just be impossible to see anything. mayhaps if it replaced the small dot and each icon was r/g/b respectively? though it'd still be difficult to see in a sea of 50 dots. perhaps subgroup only?

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