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Are support tickets backed up or something?


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Normally I see a response in 1-2 days. Coming up on day 6 now. I had to put in my ticket as "Other" as there wasn't an option for my situation. I had screwed up and made the wrong item in the mystic forge and was requesting to have the materials sent after I destroyed the item that was created by mistake.


Just didn't know if support is swamped with tickets currently. Times like this I wish I could see where I was in the queue before someone actually got back to me.

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I had sent in a ticket last week and that took me 3 days for a reply (which was faster than I anticipated) but that was a really easy ticket for them that was more of a notice than them having to resolve some issue for me.


But I do think there is some queue / backlash at some parts of the support team atm due to the HoT becoming free and ppl missing functions in game or were unable to purchase certain items on sale due to this. Given your ticket needs some work for them to look up things thoroughly and optinal reimburse I expect it will take some extra time. You should have gotten an autoreply that they received your ticket tho (if you miss this you may want to check if the ticket really came in).

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I am having the same issue. I need to get my GW1 character name (if anyone knows of a way to get it without having to wait for the slow response help team please let me know). It has been 3 days already, and still nothing.

I know its GW1 old, but my guild is holding an event in the old game to get the achivements for GW2 and I am missing out because of this.

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Day 6 of my ticket lol, I just need the email associated with my account to be changed. Microsoft done did fuck up and my old email account (hotmail) was deleted.. i can't log into it or anything, and according to their support, the account doesn't exist anymore... so i made a new one with Google and well.. no response from support yet lol I can still log into the game and website just fine... i just would like to change the email and have this account secure again lol been playing since launch =) reallllllly don't wanna lose anything XD only issue i have is.. since the email account is gone.. i can only view and update the ticket directly form their website. if they need to send me any links or anything WELLL hahaha I do have SMS on tho, so maybe thru that but yeah.

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I had gotten a response and they asked me to delete the item in question so that they could proceed with the refund process. I deleted the item and responded around 30 mins after getting their message. This was 2 days ago. Not sure how long something like this normally would take, but it feels like they moved into the next ticket before finishing with mine. Not sure if this is normal to wait 2+ days after getting a response? Being that the weekend is here too, I'm not sure if support works the weekends. I know the devs aren't in the office until Monday, but wasn't sure about support in this case.

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> @"Puddles.6385" said:

> I filed 2 tickets the other day: one for being unable to buy gems, and the other to get some help on disconnection issues. The gem ticket was responded to in less than a day, but it's now day 4 on the support ticket.


There will be different teams on different issues (i.e. team payments, team technical issues, team help I lost an item, etc..). So while 1 or several teams may be busy, it does not mean every team may be busy as each has their own field of expertise.

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I got an official response stating..


> I wanted to first tell you we appreciate your patience while we got to this ticket; we have been experiencing an unusually high volume of tickets as of late. As we answer tickets in the order they are received, this has led to wait times that are much longer than we'd like.

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