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I read it carefully because I was willing to try doing gold making in dungeons today. In every mmos running dungeons with a seasonned group has always been lucrative and kind of fun (because you try to get better times each time). It is sad that gw2 community lost that incentive. At release, it was already kind of challenging finding parties to do dungeons for gear on my server.

I understand why ArenaNet wants to shutdown dungeons as it can proves to be maybe "too" lucrative but it remains a big shame nonetheless. I believe they really have the skills to developp new dungeons. Tuning ancient ones is easy, add a 1 before the 8dungeon gold reward and voilà(15g for 8 djs instead of 5, maybe the first time of the day). Obviously it will never be as rewarding as fractals, but it can be a decent entry point.


edit: also no post on reddit about dungeons since monthes. Tells a ton.

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