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Increase squad size


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Three big issues facing WvW at the moment. 1) Content and rewards. 2) Stagnant meta a.k.a. too long with terrible balance. 3) Server performance i.e. lag. The consequence of those three issues being we have a declining population which is becoming more concentrated by default.


Thanks to these issues, and particularly point 3, we need to distribute the players not concentrate them all in one place. Also, because of damage scaling more players nearly always beats less players when you adjust for skill. So, in order to prevent the correct answer to solving nearly all challenges in WvW be "bring more people" the design should make it harder to coordinate large groups and not easier.


From a balance and health of the game mode perspective, forcing 75 players into 3 x 25 man squads is better than having 75 players in one squad _**even**_ when they're all in the same voice comms with one real commander.

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> @"Kirnale.5914" said:

> Is there any reason the squad size needs to be limited at 50? Couldn't it be incresed to 60 or 70? I have been wondering about that for a while. More than often our commanders gets more than 50 zerglings, especially on reset fridays. Other people, even with correct build and skills, can't get in and have to live without support, heals, etc.

> I would say the same problem persist in PvE too, but strangely, no one have questioned it, or at least not that I am aware of.


What server do you play on, as i need to consider moving to it, the one im one cant even get 30 on a tag, let along 50+

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