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Unfixable Broken Brand Stompers in New Map?


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I don't know if it's just me running into the issue, but I figured I may as well post it to see if others have as well.


I've been trying for half an hour now to repair the broken brand stomper near Cavern of the Khan Ur in the northeast of the new map, at this exact location:


![](https://imgur.com/AP2rJeD.png "")


What leads me to believe this stomper is bugged is that no matter how many times I attempt to fix it it doesn't work. The "clock" will appear above the stomper and when it's full nothing happens, the stomper remains broken. I don't know if the enemies change per instance, but the enemies that spawn at this particular stomper, at least for me, are branded devourers that throw branded grubs that land on the stomper. The grubs have an expanding AoE field, but I've always been able to kill them before the AoE field reaches fruition, thus not damaging the stomper. If the grubs damage the stomper, you get a red message across your screen that reads: "The cluster of repair golems has been destroyed. The Brand Stomper remains broken." However, during my attempts this message has never shown for me; the "clock" simply fills, the timer buff on my bar runs down, and the stomper remains broken. During a few attempts, I even managed to kill the devourers before they could launch _any_ grubs at the stomper. No matter what I try, repairing the stomper completes, but the stomper remains broken.


Edit: I've recorded a video of this happening, unfortunately it wasn't an attempt where no grubs were deployed. However, I killed the grubs before their AoE went off and everything happened just as I explained above.



Edit: Encountered another unfixable broken stomper west of the Iron Legion camp:

![](https://imgur.com/bEeHfqY.png "")


Same as before: Fought branded enemies until the timer wore down, allowed no enemies near the stomper, received no red failure warning, and the stomper remains broken.


I'm currently at 8/11 stompers fixed. As the achievement doesn't have hints to the locations, could it may be possible this is a stomper I had already fixed and is bugged in that way?

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~~I'm having this same issue, kinda - I got to 10/11 of the brand stompers and then they ALL started appearing as broken again. I have re-tried to fix all 11 of them, and none of them are popping as the last one, and they all still remain named as broken.~~


EDIT: The bug seems to be they appear as broken even after you have "fixed" them, it turns out I was still missing one. It's likely you have already done that one and it's been counted towards the achi.

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