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Sharp Uptick in Amount of Expletives?

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> @"MaliceAwakening.9205" said:

> Anyone else thrown off by the amount of expletives being used in dialogue during the Bound By Blood release for Icebrood Saga? I understand that the Charr are meant to be portrayed as a warrior race and edgy, but I expect there are better ways to demonstrate this. Some of these expletive comments make them appear less like battle-hardened veterans and more like tantruming children (especially for Charr leadership).


You've obviously never been in the army. If anything, Charr language was really, really clean compared to what it probably should be.


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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > @"Ryukai.6524" said:

> > > Considering there are children as young a 5yo running around using the 'f' word as part of there everyday vocabulary nowadays. The dialogue in question is as sparkly clean as a freshly washed white bone china plate.

> > 5 year olds shouldn't be playing this game the age rating is at least 16-18... Thats more bad parenting than the game imo.

> I think they were talking about the vocabulary of 5 year olds in our world, not about them playing GW2.


Thats not how it was explained and swearing is a lot more mature than whining about virtual swearing in a forum..

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"anninke.7469" said:

> > > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > ...


> Immersed or not, if he got offended, he should grow thicker skin. I actually find it worse in fantasy settings if they DON'T have some sort of cursing or swearing (using their own words for it in their culture of course, they don't have to use our vulgar words but they should use THEIR vulgar words), and we should be able to grasp that what they said was considered vulgar in their world (wheel of time comes to mind where Mat would say "Blood and Ashes!" and Nynaeve would chastize him about his language), based on context of when those words and phrases are said.



Blood and bloody ASHES!!!


LOL just glad someone else was thinking of this, as they read this thread :D


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Possibly relevant: There's a sylvari merchant in the Brig complaining to one of the guards that someone called him a twig and berated him until he left. The guard just says that's not actually a crime so there's nothing he can do about it, and the sylvari complains that just means he'll have to wait until it escalates to assault and then report it.


It seems like the charr are definitely more free with what we would consider bag language (whether it's actually swearing in real life or something else), especially towards other races. Which makes sense when, as the story keeps reminding us, the treaty with the humans and alliances with the other races are still relatively new.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > > @"Ryukai.6524" said:

> > > > Considering there are children as young a 5yo running around using the 'f' word as part of there everyday vocabulary nowadays. The dialogue in question is as sparkly clean as a freshly washed white bone china plate.

> > > 5 year olds shouldn't be playing this game the age rating is at least 16-18... Thats more bad parenting than the game imo.

> > I think they were talking about the vocabulary of 5 year olds in our world, not about them playing GW2.


> Thats not how it was explained and swearing is a lot more mature than whining about virtual swearing in a forum..


I said 'Nowadays', not 'in game'.



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Considering that what used to be called swear words by the older generation is now considered part of everyday language...I don't see the problem, nor did I even notice it, it might help if people that go out in the real world listen to the conversations around them, you'll be surprised at how much you hear words used normally that you might consider as swearing(even on the playground).

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I think it’s best ANet stick to the type of exclamations that my mom used.


Here is a sample list

* Darn

* Foot

* Sugar

* Heck


These words will capture the full expression of NPC anger and frustration with the deaths of people they know and the destruction of the land and property and as a bonus no players will be offended.


Sample dialogs for ANet to use.

“Foot. My wife died and turned into a Risen. I was forced to kill her again. Darn Zhaitan to Heck!”

“That darn Kralkatorrik flew over my fields. They are now Branded and I’ve lost everything. My children starved to death. I’ve lost my home. By Sugar it’s been a bad year!”

“Dagnabbit! Three members of my Warband died in that fight. I’m lucky to be alive.”





Let me know ANet and I’ll help you write dialogue. As you can see, I have a real talent for it.

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It's either the very few instances of words which can barely be considered "swear words" by today's measure or Anet replacing those instances with "kitten". Take your pick.


Personally, I noticed it only because it hasn't been done in greater Tyria to my knowledge so it stands out. But having been in the military, and having even a cursory (see what I did there?!) understanding of Charr culture and Blood Legion specifically, the presence of these "swear words" is absolutely spot on.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"MaliceAwakening.9205" said:

> > Anyone else thrown off by the amount of expletives being used in dialogue during the Bound By Blood release for Icebrood Saga? I understand that the Charr are meant to be portrayed as a warrior race and edgy, but I expect there are better ways to demonstrate this. Some of these expletive comments make them appear less like battle-hardened veterans and more like tantruming children (especially for Charr leadership).


> You've obviously never been in the army. If anything, Charr language was really, really clean compared to what it probably should be.



Its super tame compared to any military branch. Constructing full sentences out of swear words is very really in the Navy(US) i wouldnt be surprised if it was the case in other branches either.

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I know I can have a mouth like a sailor, but I didn't even notice until looking for it after this thread was started. It's VERY tame, and fits the Charr culture (as much as a teen game can, anyway). I'm guessing OP didn't pass the two charr discussing Rytlock and saying, "I'd tap that" then. Not swearing, but surprised it didn't offend them.

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> I know I can have a mouth like a sailor, but I didn't even notice until looking for it after this thread was started. It's VERY tame, and fits the Charr culture (as much as a teen game can, anyway). I'm guessing OP didn't pass the two charr discussing Rytlock and saying, "I'd tap that" then. Not swearing, but surprised it didn't offend them.


People just want to be offended so they can be outraged at something.

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Lets face it, and has just been proven to me recently, people are way hyper sensitive to everything now a days it seems. Anything that might criticize, or show the slightest hint of disdain towards something is shot down, regardless of its intent. That being said, as far as in game commentary goes, I never noticed anything wrong with it and won't till maybe they add in the Late George Carlin.... then maybe there might be a reason.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> I've been through the story twice so far, and I honestly have to say I didn't notice, despite reading the opening post of this thread before the 2nd playthrough. Maybe living in a house with teenagers does that to you ;) .


Ha! If the OP is offended by the talk in this release, they'd faint from shock after listening to my teenage sister in law!

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