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IF you could kill off one of the NPC who would it be?

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> @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> Kasmeer. [...] and i have no clue where she came from either. As far as i can tell she just showed up at the beginning of HoT as a miscoloured pact minion.


Incorrect. She showed up in LWS1 and was prominent ever since. In Season 2 we learn a lot about her situation (her father's dishonor, her name's disgrace) and about her (her empathy and being a good judge of character, her insecurities). You must have not paid attention to the story. ;)

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Kasmeer. She is always such a weepy mess, who has let me (the commander) down with her damsel in distress antics. Really don't need that on a mission.


I love Tiami, but we really need to insist on leaving her behind. I really don't want to be pulled off mission because she had to be rescued again after doing something stupid. No Tiami -- you can't take care of yourself.


I just want to punch Braham in the face several times. He may be an immature child, but I am far past sympathizing with him. I did nothing to cause him pain and don't feel like being his punching bag anymore.


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What is it with people and wanting to kill of NPCs? I don't really get it... well I suppose it is an effective way of not seeing a character you dislike again.. still seems harsh to me.

I have no reason to want any of the current cast dead, rather I would be really sad to see some of them go. (Don't take my Taimi away!).

Infact if an enemy NPC comes after my NPC friends I will want them dead.

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> What is it with people and wanting to kill of NPCs? I don't really get it... well I suppose it is an effective way of not seeing a character you dislike again.. still seems harsh to me.

> I have no reason to want any of the current cast dead, rather I would be really sad to see some of them go. (Don't take my Taimi away!).

> Infact if an enemy NPC comes after my NPC friends I will want them dead.


To be fair, killing the npc off was the option provided in the topic. I would be delighted to just have some of the current crop of npcs leave. No goodbye. Never see them again. Never hear from them again. Never hear of them again. I dont need them dead but Id love them gone.

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1) Get rid of the generic NPCs who speak in a slack-jawed manner - or get a dialogue coach to help retrain the voice actors to enunciate properly so they can redo those lines. Listening to that slack-jawed crap is the aural equivalent of nails raking across a blackboard. I turned off my sound, but this meant not being able to listen to the more pleasant and funnier dialogue found around Tyria.

2) Get rid of Braham, Rytlock, Jenna, Caithe.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Wisty.4135" said:

> > Taimi 100% no question. Annoying technobabbling exposition dump that takes up valuable screen space for most every story mission, it seems.


> You've got a point there. ;)


> > @"trixantea.1230" said:

> > Kasmeer and Jori for obvious reasons.


> Which are...?



They haven’t gotten hardly any story since season 1 so if you missed that they’re just ransoms that tag along with you and you invite into your guild. I like em ok but don’t feel much for them

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I'd say Taimi but I have a feel that is the reason Gorrik was introduced in the first place, Taimi is going to die soon (probably with expansion or something) and definitely feel like we are being set up for it with Marjory and Kas coming back and us dealing with Gorrik more than her (Skyscale collection, icebrood prologue as examples).


Canach being MIA kinda worries me but we know he's up to something.


So for someone to kill off....honestly Rox would be my choice. She just seems to be there as decoration or a Braham translator at most and while she showed promise, I tend to forget she was an original who fought Scarlet.


Though a solid death and would not care in the least would be Phlunt. You're a wasted baddy and god I hope we find out that you are secret Inquest or something so we can bash your face in.

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Wow i wonder why everyone hates Taimi.. Shes the only well acted character on the team and killing her off would be like ending the whole team because shes their heart.. Now i'm ok with ending the team but not Taimi shes great.

> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> Kill Caithe and her people please

> I hate the Sylvari so much I want them all dead

> Make a salad with their dead bodies and don't forget to season it


I gotta say i'm totally with you there, they should have made proper elves or kept the Dwarves, cause i detest those salad huggers.. That said isn't eating salad cannibalism.

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> What is it with people and wanting to kill of NPCs? I don't really get it... well I suppose it is an effective way of not seeing a character you dislike again.. still seems harsh to me.

> I have no reason to want any of the current cast dead, rather I would be really sad to see some of them go. (Don't take my Taimi away!).

> Infact if an enemy NPC comes after my NPC friends I will want them dead.


I know, it does seem harsh. Though maybe depending on how the saga plays out, I could see myself wishing for a fitting end to Bangar.

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Unpopular opinion: I miss Trahearne.


Hear me out. I loved his melodramatic mispronunciations. He wasn't particularly useful but I enjoyed having him around if only to laugh at "Clawr Island" and other things of that nature. I have gone through the cycle of hating Logan and making fun of him to the point I have a character called "Sir Logan Slackeray" and hated Braham and Taimi as well. They've become a lot more tolerable to me now.


So I'm going to say Kasmeer and Marjory. Because I honestly have not enjoyed a single moment of their onscreen time. I don't like their voices, I don't like their overly-dramatic "Help meh!" from Kasmeer and then Marjory rushing into trouble.


TL;DR: Kas and Jory gotta go. Or improve somehow.

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> I'd say Taimi but I have a feel that is the reason Gorrik was introduced in the first place, Taimi is going to die soon (probably with expansion or something) and definitely feel like we are being set up for it with Marjory and Kas coming back and us dealing with Gorrik more than her (Skyscale collection, icebrood prologue as examples).


> Canach being MIA kinda worries me but we know he's up to something.


> So for someone to kill off....honestly Rox would be my choice. She just seems to be there as decoration or a Braham translator at most and while she showed promise, I tend to forget she was an original who fought Scarlet.


> Though a solid death and would not care in the least would be Phlunt. You're a wasted baddy and god I hope we find out that you are secret Inquest or something so we can bash your face in.


If Taimi dies, I hope they bury her so we can "/dance" on her tiny tiny grave.

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My taste in characters must be really off. XD

Trahearne was one of my favorite NPCs, now I really like Taimi and Braham... Granted, I was a bit late to the party and played LS3 in one go, so Braham's "phase" did not take as long as it did for you who played the story when it was released. :)

OTOH, I really don't care about the remaining characters of DE, except Caithe, who I can't stand. I tried to tell my sister (who does not play the game herself) a bit about the story one day. I couldn't come up with a single character trait for Rytlock. oO After all those years of story, those "old" characters still don't really leave an impression, at least for me.


Taimi and Braham are still quite young. I hope they still grow, mentally, and become great people. :) It'd be such a shame for them to die now.

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Aurene. I hate it since the start, just a weapon we used. Plus, what's the point of being an elder dragon if all the other are dead? Aurene's Tyria? Nah I'm out of it then, will join Primordius before it's too late. Or better, sbubbles since nobody know its name and where is is: I hope its ability is mind/memory washing, that way it is invincible. How to fight something you have never heard about?


Frankly, Aurene is too powered, and she is already causing havoc, daring to interrupt a charr ceremony! They are true, we have 0 influence on it, and it shocked me that the commander simply say "she does what she wants" PFF if she didn't did that, bangar would have never go to jormag.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Aurene. I hate it since the start, just a weapon we used. Plus, what's the point of being an elder dragon if all the other are dead? Aurene's Tyria? Nah I'm out of it then, will join Primordius before it's too late. Or better, sbubbles since nobody know its name and where is is: I hope it's ability is mind/memory washing, that way it is invincible. How to fight something you have never heard about?


> Frankly, Aurene is too powered, and she is already causing havoc, daring to interrupt a charr ceremony! They are true, we have 0 influence on it, and it shocked me that the commander simply say "she does what she wants" PFF if she didn't did that, bangar would have never go to jormag.


Tbh it is because bangar believes we control it that he wants to go to jormag.


And isn't the idea that we will look for replacements for the others also?

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Aurene. I hate it since the start, just a weapon we used. Plus, what's the point of being an elder dragon if all the other are dead? Aurene's Tyria? Nah I'm out of it then, will join Primordius before it's too late. Or better, sbubbles since nobody know its name and where is is: I hope it's ability is mind/memory washing, that way it is invincible. How to fight something you have never heard about?

> >

> > Frankly, Aurene is too powered, and she is already causing havoc, daring to interrupt a charr ceremony! They are true, we have 0 influence on it, and it shocked me that the commander simply say "she does what she wants" PFF if she didn't did that, bangar would have never go to jormag.


> Tbh it is because bangar believes we control it that he wants to go to jormag.


> And isn't the idea that we will look for replacements for the others also?


I would like to seek replacements, but how it's going, Aurene will replace them all, I bet as a prism dragon, it can absorb any magic.


For Bangar, I dunno, for a first impression from us, the commander, Aurene ruined the occasion. Maybe It's just because we interrupted the celebration, can be possible, Bangar to me seems very patriotic, fan of war sure, and only like blood legion. I think he doesn't accept that Aurene is flying around making brand opale everywhere. We aren't implied, I really think he see Aurene as a threat that has to be eliminated even if it requires Jormag.

If you inspect the office, you will see an icebroodish scepter, I think he is planning that since he heard about aurene.

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