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Windswept Haven: Appreciation and Music Possibilities


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Windswept Haven is a beautiful Guildhall, and perfectly fits the desert theme. I can honestly say that it is my favorite guildhall in the game. Yes, it does have its flaws, but today I want to focus on one thing that is already implemented in the game elsewhere.


Both of the HoT themed Guild Halls have their own unique music, but Windswept Haven lacks its own. Because of this, I have gone through the entire soundtrack of Nightfall and Path of Fire in order to find one song from each that most perfectly fits Windswept Haven. Interestingly, after my search I found that the two songs are already found in Sun's Refuge, available for play from Both are already in the game, available to listen to from PJKT-D33-J4Y (The Music Golem):


Nightfall Tab:

The Five True Gods

OST Link:


Path of Fire Tab:

The Opulence of Vabbi

OST Link:


To be fair, only one would be able to make it into the Guildhall, so I would say my personal preference is "The Opulence of Vabbi".


I wanted to make this thread as an area of open discussion for any other tracks that might make good music for the hall, as well as a place to discuss any of the things you've loved about the area.

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