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Thinking of coming back to GW2 and have a few questions.


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Hi all, i am thinking of coming back and i have some questions i would like to ask. Since i only played GW2 and a bit of HoT (on my friends account when i go over to his place) i have a feeling that a LOT of stuff has been added/changed. So here are few things that i would like to know.


1. How much did GW2 change since the beginning of HoT?

2. I am thinking of buying both HoT and PoF (really nice that i get HoT for free with PoF purchase) however i would like to know if that is permanent deal? I mean is it always gonna be HoT free if i buy PoF or is it a timed sale of a sort? I want to know because i would like to get both expansions.

3. How is the population on EU servers?

4. Are people still play old content and HoT content as well?

5. How hard is to get 100% of HoT world completion now? I remember for a short amount of time that i did play HoT it was really hard (for me at least) to explore PoI's and stuff for 100%.

6. Also how is the EoTM nowdays? I think i read somewhere that nobody plays it anymore, is that true?

7. How are dungeons now? Do people play old dungeons as well?

Any other info is welcome :) and thanks in advance!



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> @"Whisperer.1584" said:

> Hi all, i am thinking of coming back and i have some questions i would like to ask. Since i only played GW2 and a bit of HoT (on my friends account when i go over to his place) i have a feeling that a LOT of stuff has been added/changed. So here are few things that i would like to know.


> 1. How much did GW2 change since the beginning of HoT?


That's a long list.

There mounts now.


> 2. I am thinking of buying both HoT and PoF (really nice that i get HoT for free with PoF purchase) however i would like to know if that is permanent deal? I mean is it always gonna be HoT free if i buy PoF or is it a timed sale of a sort? I want to know because i would like to get both expansions.


yes, always.


> 3. How is the population on EU servers?

pretty good, I still manage to do old LW content..tho those maps can be quiet. Main meta maps are still busy.

WvW and PvP are not so popular tho.


> 4. Are people still play old content and HoT content as well?



> 5. How hard is to get 100% of HoT world completion now? I remember for a short amount of time that i did play HoT it was really hard (for me at least) to explore PoI's and stuff for 100%


Get mounts..its easier.

The skyscale(but you need to buy all of LW4) makes it really really easy.


> 6. Also how is the EoTM nowdays? I think i read somewhere that nobody plays it anymore, is that true?

eotm is dead because there's no pips to be earned...just play main WvW maps... they're kind of dead but there still a little life in them.


> 7. How are dungeons now? Do people play old dungeons as well?

People still play dungeons.

They havent changed

They're not as rewarding as they used to be.

endgame content is fractals and raids. (and maybe strikes..which are right now a super easy mode raid)


You can get free core account and play the game awhile in you're own account before you buy it

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1 - Hard to tell since changes have been made all the time since that moment.

3 - Population is still active

4 - It never stops to surprise me that old content is still played a lot.

5 - World completion for a first try is stil as difficult as before. But doing it once will give you more "tools" to make it easier for the next times.

6 - Not much to see on Edge of the mists

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1. Some of the more noteable changes:

* masteries (which you probably know from HoT) are the account progression system. Abilities like gliding (HoT), auto-looting (core Tyria), and mounts (PoF) are some of the more prominent masteries

* each class has two elite specs they can change into to gain access to a new type of weapon, new traits and utility skills, and often even new or changed class mechanics. To make use an elite spec, the character first needs to unlock it using hero points (similar to basic class traits, but only available at level 80)

* the old transmutation system made way for a wardrobe system of unlocked skins that you can apply to your equipment account-wide using transmutation charges. Once a skin is unlocked in your bank, it's unlocked forever.

* WvW has had a number of changes, most notably a split of experience. You no longer earn regular (character/mastery) experience in WvW but world experience that advances a wvw rank (from 0 all the way to 10,000) and feeds into a special wvw mastery system. Instead of sending your alts to wvw to gain experience, you now earn tomes of knowledge from reward tracks (among a lot of other loot) that you can use to level other characters on your account.

* fractals have been revamped and several new ones have been added, along with some fractal masteries (part of the core Tyria/basegame mastery tree) as well as new reward options


2. HoT, just like the base game, can no longer be bought (outside of a few external resellers selling off old stock) but is activated the moment you activate PoF on your account. There's no time limit on the deal.


3. The game switched from seperate servers to a megaserver setup sometime during the early years (pre-HoT). New map instances are dynamically opened and closed as more or less players play on a map. This effectively means that lower-populated maps are at worst region-wide (EU and NA are still separate due to technical reasons), so all maps are usually well populated (unless you are extremely unlucky and end up on a freshly generated map that didn't have time to get a lot of people in yet).


4. As far as I can see, people are playing all over the game world all the time. One of the nice things about this game is that you get decent loot no matter where you go and what you do, so people spread out all over the place.


5. HoT is a big step up in difficulty from the base game. That hasn't changed at all. Make sure your equipment is decent (rare to exotic level 80 with stats appropriate to what and how you want to play is sufficient if you know your class, ascended won't help you if you don't) and you know your character, especially things like stunbreaks, condi cleanses, and a general idea of how to play in different situations.


6. leveling characters by running circles around EotM is no longer possible (due to the revamp of wvw experience as outlined above), which made a lot of people stop playing those maps. If you enjoy playing those maps for their own sake, there's still people there that do the same.


7. Personally I still love playing dungeons, but they are no longer a focus of many. People claim they are not rewarding, but in my experience you actually get a very decent return on the time you invest if you know what you're doing.

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As a person just returned myself


1.A lot some good some very bad.

2. yes forever

3. Sorry not sure im AU

4. Yes a lot still play but some content like Dragon Stand is unplayable now at least on my server.

5. They added mounts is made world completion a lot better

6. many seem to pvp

7. there are a LOT of currencies now and much grind, and i mean much grind, just a heads up.


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well it depends on what do you want to do in this game.


if you are back for wvw or pvp forget about it and leave, balance is a joke, those game modes are neglected, and anet only gives silent treatment to the thousands of complains in forums, they even answer more posts on reddit than here


if you are back for raids and competitive or "hardcore" pve, unless you are willing to play a class and build you don't even like in order to fit a meta group i doubt you will enjoy it, unless you actually love one of the current meta classes, in which way you are lucky, but they can take away that build and class from you in a second (ask chronos how do they feel now, wvw and raid wise)


if you are here just to be another casual pve farmer then the game is excellent, driving through the maps with mounts, doing minigames and events can be really fun, making collections for weapon skins too, world bosses, and meta maps can be fun too, for the first 10 times i guess

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> Dont come back for pvp or wvw. EU wvw pop is better than NA, but still not great. EotM is dead. Wvw and pvp have been neglected in both balance and content ever since HoT released.


it's so nice to read this type of comments, it's like realizing im not the only one feeling this way, you wouldn't belive the amount of pvpers and wvwers defending anet, even after the disaster they been doing for the last 2 years, or saying stuff like you just need to buy more gems and support them so they can work on it...


anyway since im here i strongly recommend ESO, i switched last month to that game and it's been a blast, it has so many elements i love from gw2, a wvw mode called cyrodiil in a map thats like twice as big as all wvw maps together!!! and really fun combat mechanics more like a dark souls game than a traditional mmorpg

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