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What happened to the Charr PC's original warband?


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Is there a story reason why our warband wasn't present during the celebrations? Any speculation? I personally can't think of much, but my best guess is that they might've been assigned to protect the Black Citadel from potential attacks while Smodur and many of the charr stationed there were going to the celebration.

Is there any chance we might see them during the saga?

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IIRC (I’m probably wrong cause I don’t play my charr characters often) most of your warband dies as part of the personal story, and only the favored member you pick during character creation survives (and they become who you summon for your “call warband” racial skill).


It still feels like a massive continuity hole that your surviving companion just disappears from story relevance, but almost everything in the personal story was dropped moving forward into S1 and HoTs. Like your sister never is heard from again if you chose the missing sister plot hook during human character creation, or Lord Faren treats you like a generic Commander PC even if he was your “best friend” during your personal story. Also the mystery that is Malyck... Most content from personal story has either ceased to be relevant/referenced, or it becomes homogenized for everyone.

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> IIRC (I’m probably wrong cause I don’t play my charr characters often) most of your warband dies as part of the personal story, and only the favored member you pick during character creation survives (and they become who you summon for your “call warband” racial skill).


> It’s still feels like a massive continuity hole that your surviving companion just disappears from story relevance, but almost everything in the personal story was dropped moving forward into S1 and HoTs. Like your sister never is heard from again if you chose the missing sister plot hook during human character creation, or Lord Faren treats you like a generic Commander PC even if he was your “best friend” during your personal story. Also the mystery that is Malyck... Most content from personal story has either ceased to be relevant/referenced, or it becomes homogenized for everyone.


Actually if you play the escort tanks story-line in Orr you see your sister again. Deborah s the one that takes the dog and body of the guy back to Kryta.

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Since only one of the original warband survives the assault, they couldn't easily put any of those in the new map. Then when you leave to join one of the three Orders, they take over leadership of the other charr (who vary based on your warband selection and father (not sure about that last one) ), which probably makes it difficult to go to the Blood Homelands without the Centurion. Plus, all the reasons people have listed above.

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> @"Majosea.2487" said:

> > @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > IIRC (I’m probably wrong cause I don’t play my charr characters often) most of your warband dies as part of the personal story, and only the favored member you pick during character creation survives (and they become who you summon for your “call warband” racial skill).

> >

> > It’s still feels like a massive continuity hole that your surviving companion just disappears from story relevance, but almost everything in the personal story was dropped moving forward into S1 and HoTs. Like your sister never is heard from again if you chose the missing sister plot hook during human character creation, or Lord Faren treats you like a generic Commander PC even if he was your “best friend” during your personal story. Also the mystery that is Malyck... Most content from personal story has either ceased to be relevant/referenced, or it becomes homogenized for everyone.


> Actually if you play the escort tanks story-line in Orr you see your sister again. Deborah s the one that takes the dog and body of the guy back to Kryta.


Yes, but again, that's part of the Personal Story.

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> @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

> A letter alone would be nice to have every LS chapter. In the case of charr, a letter from the warband and possibly your father (if he's still alive and not imprisoned) would be nice.


I really don’t know what kind of coding effort that would take, but it seems like a simple solution for major personal story figures.


Obviously there would be a lot of variables to take into account, so maybe that’s why it hasn’t happened... it would be nice to just get a letter in my inbox from Deborah updating my PC on her life.

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> If they did a heroes system similar to gw1, it would be cool if you could recruit some Personal Story characters. Then maybe you could get occasional releases of companion quests and other content, buuuuut I doubt that’ll happen. And not sure it would work in GW2 anyway.


I agree, this would be awesome, but it would've needed to be done before launch. The henchmen system in GW1 was... less than optimal at times, which is probably why a GW2 version was never constructed, even if the concept were discussed in the early planning days. A henchman system would've been good for certain hanging story threads, like if you choose not to slaughter you honorless gladium father, or possibly Malyck after he went off to find ~~himself~~his Tree. But alas, we venture alone with Dragon's Watch and the Personal Story allies get discarded like yesterday's news.

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