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Link Jade + Aurora Glade - language problem


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Many french people (including those on jade sea) do not talk english. And Jade sea is a french server, they went on it because they wanted to talk french. You can still ask stuff in english, plenty of people will answer to you in the right language, and usually relevant info is in english. The screenshot you showed is just a few people having friendly banter, they do not have to do that in english, just like we're not asking you to talk french. If they turned on you for talking english well that would be wrong but they're not doing that, and it seems that's kinda what you are doing here

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> About **"french arogance"** one more screen (see english part **Lo Be N**):

> **Situation:** our commander create public WvW tag with invite link to Discord (speaking english, optional to join). I only sent link discord invite link to squad chat. And this was response.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/KgUCedl.png "")



How's that arrogance ? The dude is just being informative, there's always plenty of people on the jade sea teamspeak and most won't join a discord as it's rather incovenient typing the discord address and such (especially if it's an english speaking discord, listening to people you do not understand isn't what's the most fun thing to do when you can speak to other people you understand on teamspeak). And it's not like you can't join teamspeak or speak english in there either. Teamspeak is much more suitted for wvw than discord is, and is pretty big in jade sea so people there are even more relucant to use discord.

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This topic isn't about Discord vs Teamspeak. No about advantages vs disadvantages. We did't force to go Discord anybody. Optional! And yea, this english message is full of France arogance. There are many possibilites write it better. Do I should learn French for full experience WvW for more following ppl (because random LINK)? Next step will we teach spanish? (sry spanish ppl ;), only example) Similar example. Eh?!

Only What I want is play GW2 and i want play favorite game mode with **PUBLIC** chat in english for info, tactics etc.

For link FR server + FR you can speak french how you want... But we can start write in other languages too, whatever...


With germany servers we didn't problem. Interesting.



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> @"Donn.9024"

I misunderstood, my bad.


But, as @"Gryxis.6950" said, there is no arrogance here. He just said you will find more people to follow you if you go on the server teamspeak. He didn't ask you to lead in french, you can lead in english or even in czech.


And yes there is a lot of people on french server who didn't understand english at all, but you can still talk in english/other if you want, there is no problem with it.

By the way, your first screen just show random talks in french, not even relevant for wvw. I think most people can understand usefull information even if it's written in french.

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> @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > @"Donn.9024"

> ...

At the moment it was be very weird for us. I am sorry. It's hard describe it in english for me. My native language isn't english too (i'm doing a lot of mistakes). ;)

Your opinion is fair and I respect it. ;) About "random talks in french". It was be only small random example about problem. I can send more screenshots. =) And truly I didn't understand what said in chat. =) =)


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> @"Donn.9024" said:

> > @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > > @"Donn.9024"

> > ...

> At the moment it was be very weird for us. I am sorry. It's hard describe it in english for me. My native language isn't english too (i'm doing a lot of mistakes). ;)

> Your opinion is fair and I respect it. ;) About "random talks in french". It was be only small random example about problem. I can send more screenshots. =) And truly I didn't understand what said in chat. =) =)



No problem.

When i said **useful information** i think about short phrases like "bus (=zerg) 50+ porte (=gate) sud (=south) garni". Once you know the few words like that you can understand almost all the necessary information from map chat.

But it's normal that you don't understand the others random talks. Plus, some **few** people tends to polute map or team chat, but you can't do much about it (just block them if they are too annoying for you) and they don't represent **all** the french people of these servers.


You will find the same problem with some germans servers (not all, don't know for spanish on baruch) where chat is vastly in german and not in english. But we can't blame people for that. Nobody asks for the forced links between nationals and european worlds. There are people upset with that from both sides.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> Being from AG, I have to say that Jade Sea appears to be the "non-English-speaking" server that cares the least to switch to English in map chat (or team chat) compared to other mixed language link-ups we had in the past.

> When AG was paired with a German server, my fellow countrymen tried to keep map chat in English to keep everyone involved.


LOL? Whenever someone wrote something in german, even smalltalk, a shitload of AG morons started whining and spammed the chat with the usual na_zi trolling. So seriously, AG is propably the worst server to be linked with. :)

In the end it's more like an attitude problem of AG than french arrogance.


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> @"Reztek.7805" said:

> > @"Gorani.7205" said:

> > Being from AG, I have to say that Jade Sea appears to be the "non-English-speaking" server that cares the least to switch to English in map chat (or team chat) compared to other mixed language link-ups we had in the past.

> > When AG was paired with a German server, my fellow countrymen tried to keep map chat in English to keep everyone involved.


> LOL? Whenever someone wrote something in german, even smalltalk, a kitten of AG morons started whining and spammed the chat with the usual na_zi trolling. So seriously, AG is propably the worst server to be linked with. :)

> In the end it's more like an attitude problem of AG than french arrogance.



So how many international servers have your german server being linked with?

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> @"Reztek.7805" said:

> LOL? Whenever someone wrote something in german, even smalltalk, a kitten of AG morons started whining and spammed the chat with the usual ***** trolling. So seriously, AG is propably the worst server to be linked with. :)

> In the end it's more like an attitude problem of AG than french arrogance.



"AG is propably the worst server", because they (AG) want language they can understand in public/global chats. Funny. And thanks you for using yours vulgar words (circumvention filter). You're a amazing example of good man! ;)

And a lot of times i saw e.g.: **pls** english., english **please** we can't understand. No verbal attacks. But yea if the whole server are ignoring it, other ppl will be morons in next phase. But i haven't ever problem with link as Jade. Sorry. We have next month for improving the situation and communication. (and germany link was relatively fine) ;)


I am trusting Jade have good players and commanders. Mainly this thread is alerting about international links problem.


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