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We've heard it all before

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> @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > Currently every player has 1 build template for PvE, WvW and PvP. If you take your Guardian from Lion's Arch, to Eternal Battlegrounds, to the PvP lobby, your have 3 separate trait builds and utility bars, which are saved based on whatever you slotted in while in that zone. That is how it works currently.

> >

> > After this patch, everyone will have 3 build templates per character for free, and on launch, will automatically be setup with any existing PvE, WvW, and PvP builds.

> >

> > So after this launches, if you use the same character to play PvE, WvW and PvP, you have literally been given NOTHING, as you need to use 1 template for each game mode. You only benefit if you choose to purchase additional templates, or if you only play that character in 1 or 2 of those game modes, which now gives you the freedom to run a second build in one of them.


> Expect, I really think you are wrong here.

> Every character will indeed get 3 free build templates, that *initially* are set to the 3 different builds your character already has, you can then go ahead and change this. However, I have haven't seen anything in the official announcement, that would indicate that WvW & sPvP builds are not saved separately anymore - this is essentially a wild speculation people just seem to be assuming is true.


> I personally think it's much more likely that in the future each character will still have independently saved PvE, WvW & sPvP builds (even just because changing how that would mean more changes to the game engine) AND have 3 build templates that can be loaded instantly all the time (by hotkeys even).

> So If you save 3 PvE build template, you can probbaly still:

> - manually change your current build to some variation that is a 4th build

> - go to WvW / sPvP and get your corresponding build there (you just can't insta load it after any changes or in another game mode)




You could be right. I can only interpret what I've seen posted, but that doesn't make me correct. I was hoping the live stream would clear stuff up, but I didn't have a chance to watch it. In any case we'll all see by end of the month

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> @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > Discussion posts are flooded with threads saying how the future templates (as described) will ruin the game.

> > Didn't we hear the same or similar things when HoT and PoF came out with gliding and mounts?

> > Build templates are something people have been asking for since GW2 rolled out.

> > Please wait until you have used them for a month, let the bugs get worked out, and get used to swapping before posting how bad this new shiny is for the game's future.



> **straw man**

> noun

> _1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument._




I may have made an unintentional argument with the first part, but the rest is still valid.

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