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Hospital in Jeopardy

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If you play an Engineer you can actually try to pull the mobs from inside with the F# button skills from the race abilities as the invisible barrier blocks projectiles but not line of sight effects. Don't know about the other classes, sorry for that, but for a few this might be helpful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best of luck getting a response. I had this problem twice and submitted bug reports BOTH times (the first being TWO WEEKS ago!) so far the best I've been able to do, is use a warrior, and use the shout that causes the enemies to get 10 stacks of Vulnerability. This will trigger the first few gang members to come after you. after that though, you have to hope that some NPC's or Logan goes in to grab Ted and Blaze. If they don't, then leave the instance and go back in again. but that is all I have been able to manage. :/


Edit: Nvm, Just saw the most recent comment.

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