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Anet please dont nerf us into the ground


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I've been playing necro since beta and have loved the class mechanics and how much versatility i can do with it. I also love to raid and have FINALLY been having a decent time being accepted into pugs. i can do condi on soe fights and have actually had success with power scourge and it's really nice that my 3 sets of ascended gear are useable now.


I'm begging you please dont destroy us offensivly. I get that we might have a lot of options defensivly and offensivly right now but please just balance the defence, I dont want to start seeing "NO NECRO" in lfg for the next 2 years.


If anything please :

reduce the personal barrier on desert shroud

slightly reduce the healing power to barrier (but not too much, i like my healing/buff scourge)

reduce the barrier on sand flare.

maybe reduce the power on summon sand shade by like 5% to bring it inline with weapon auto attacks, but not too much.


I'm just begging you please dont kill our damage numbers compleetly. Balance WvW heavily but please dont kill raids and pve stuff. :)


from :

A long time (GW1 beta) player who really likes to play your game

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> Fun fact: Scourge was suppose to be a support class


I get that, and i love running full harriers and buffing might and barriers and healing people, but i also love the burning and the all over the place damage and the utility that shades add.


so fine, take away 5% damage from shade attack pure damage skills, give reaper 5% more damage on skills in shroud, and then scourge gets some balance and power reaper gets some love :)

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> Fun fact: Scourge was suppose to be a support class


Yeah. In an alternative dimention where barriers mean shit.


Yet it has purely condi offhand. It has purely offensive line of traits for condi. Is has "boon-corrupt" written over entire skillset. Obviously it wasn't meant to strong condi DPS option.

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Our damage from the bug fix will still be high.

The larger issue is Spvp and WvW and the change that will also affect pve

I think the largest issue with scourge in WvW and Spvp is the unpredictable condi burst from the shades

The second much smaller issue is the boon corrupt.

The best way to fix this issue i think is to change the way the shades work with the other f skills

Manifest Sand Shade

Will now be a pulsing Aoe field same effect (affected by same traits)

one pulse every two seconds


Sand Shades will no longer have their strike effect when using f skills

sand shade strike effect will no longer effect around player when using f skills

f skill apply their affects as normal around shades and player

If needed a small damaging strike will be added to f-skills to proc traits


If it is felt that the boon corrupt need to be dealt with immediately then

F2 and F3 switch places


F2 nefarious fervor

8sec recharge

convert 3 conditions

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > Maybe raids shouldn’t be the metric for anything’s performance...


> The thing is, when it comes to pve, Raids are the only place where builds actually matter. So they have to be used as the metric for how good a profession performs.


Raid is extremely limited, golems even more so, and only a tiny percentage of players - mostly well equipped and trained - do them regularly. Raids completely disregard sustain and the ability to generate one’s own boons and conditions. If you want to see something closer to DPS-only performance for the majority of players, turn off all raid meta support and go into the golem clean. You’ll still ignore sustain, but it’ll give you an appreciation for support that you may not have had before.


How many PvE players are out there playing with full raid meta support? Very few and they’re mostly confined to raids and high-end fractals. If anything needs rebalanced based on raid data, it”s the boss encounters themselves, not the builds facing them. Stop giving them large hitboxes and chaining them to the ground. Let them move freely and quickly, so you can’t stack on them effectively and range is required. Split the group more often. Drop dance-or-die mechanics for consistent direct damage. Lots of things can and should be done there.


If you still want to look at builds to limit effectiveness, look solely at support. That’s what allows those huge golem DPS numbers. Limit the effectiveness of Druids, Chronos, and PS Warriors and you open up the meta significantly. The meta lives on overpowered support right now.

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > > Maybe raids shouldn’t be the metric for anything’s performance...

> >

> > The thing is, when it comes to pve, Raids are the only place where builds actually matter. So they have to be used as the metric for how good a profession performs.


> Raid is extremely limited, golems even more so, and only a tiny percentage of players - mostly well equipped and trained - do them regularly. Raids completely disregard sustain and the ability to generate one’s own boons and conditions.


Yeah. Just like any PVE content considered high-end before. Even dungeons.


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I just stumble into an old song that show how necromancers were frustrated in PvE. The song show how confident necros were after HoT release, expressing their joy. Now, history showed that in the end reapers ended up treated like the good old core necro but... If we could avoid another disappointement... Let's hear this good song:



I firmly believe that with scourge the necromancers are currently in the same mood as reapers were at this moment.


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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> I just stumble into an old song that show how necromancers were frustrated in PvE. The song show how confident necros were after HoT release, expressing their joy. Now, history showed that in the end reapers ended up treated like the good old core necro but... If we could avoid another disappointement... Let's hear this good song:




> I firmly believe that with scourge the necromancers are currently in the same mood as reapers were at this moment.




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> @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > > @Lahmia.2193 said:

> > > > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > > > Maybe raids shouldn’t be the metric for anything’s performance...

> > >

> > > The thing is, when it comes to pve, Raids are the only place where builds actually matter. So they have to be used as the metric for how good a profession performs.

> >

> > Raid is extremely limited, golems even more so, and only a tiny percentage of players - mostly well equipped and trained - do them regularly. Raids completely disregard sustain and the ability to generate one’s own boons and conditions.


> Yeah. Just like any PVE content considered high-end before. Even dungeons.


Dungeons, fractals, and open world events all include a ton more direct damage than raids. Raids are near-exclusively limited to damage that requires breaking a breakbar, stepping into a colored shape, or stepping out of a colored shape. You stack in melee range, which isn’t a problem because the target doesn’t move, heal through whatever damage does come in, and bathe in boons from your support. It’s an aberration.

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I can't wait to see these nerfs happen and see NO NECRO in every pug group i try to get into for raids. It's fun when your class offers nothing compared to other classes so much so that the community shuns and outcasts you from doing high end content. But again just have to wait and see how bad these nerfs will be and if my necro (which was the first character I got to 80 on release and have had the longest) ends up going on the bench again till another expansion with hopes that we will for once be a viable choice.

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> @Jitterboy.3709 said:

> I can't wait to see these nerfs happen and see NO NECRO in every pug group i try to get into for raids. It's fun when your class offers nothing compared to other classes so much so that the community shuns and outcasts you from doing high end content. But again just have to wait and see how bad these nerfs will be and if my necro (which was the first character I got to 80 on release and have had the longest) ends up going on the bench again till another expansion with hopes that we will for once be a viable choice.


You're using viable wrong. Necro has always been viable, it's just not optimal. I've never had a problem in Fractals. I always pug too. Just wait until next Tuesday I guess. :/

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> @Kam.4092 said:

> > @Jitterboy.3709 said:

> > I can't wait to see these nerfs happen and see NO NECRO in every pug group i try to get into for raids. It's fun when your class offers nothing compared to other classes so much so that the community shuns and outcasts you from doing high end content. But again just have to wait and see how bad these nerfs will be and if my necro (which was the first character I got to 80 on release and have had the longest) ends up going on the bench again till another expansion with hopes that we will for once be a viable choice.


> You're using viable wrong. Necro has always been viable, it's just not optimal. I've never had a problem in Fractals. I always pug too. Just wait until next Tuesday I guess. :/


In that regard fractals and raids are completely different. When pugging fractals, you almost never get specific profession requests (unless its for CM100 - usually for a healer). The only other time is for Condi only, in which case necro has been fine for a while.

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Don't bother. Scourge will be nerfed to the ground into near uselessness for PVE, because people don't like seeing necros having equal numbers.



>You're my using viable wrong.


No, in MMOs, this is what viable means. Anything that is not performing within a couple percent of "optimal" is simply not considered viable. This has been the case since the genre began. Language changes, and that's what it changed to. I don't like it either, but when among the Romans, do as the Romans do.


>I've never had a problem in Fractals


Me neither, but fractals are easy. The only issue really is for raids. But there I don't even want to bring a reaper/necro, because I can just do more on any other class. Scourge changed that, and I'm sad to see it go. I will always have better classes to play in raids, I just wish I could use a reaper and actually be useful to the group. Being carried by the group just sucks.

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> @Kam.4092 said:

> > @Jitterboy.3709 said:

> > I can't wait to see these nerfs happen and see NO NECRO in every pug group i try to get into for raids. It's fun when your class offers nothing compared to other classes so much so that the community shuns and outcasts you from doing high end content. But again just have to wait and see how bad these nerfs will be and if my necro (which was the first character I got to 80 on release and have had the longest) ends up going on the bench again till another expansion with hopes that we will for once be a viable choice.


> You're using viable wrong. Necro has always been viable, it's just not optimal. I've never had a problem in Fractals. I always pug too. Just wait until next Tuesday I guess. :/


Never mentioned fractals once. I am talking about RAIDS my friend. The raiding community became so bigoted towards necro players that they were not taken whatsoever. With good reason. We offer nothing compared to other classes. they do everything we do but better. With scourge the way it is now we finally bring something to the table. Sadly with Anets track record its going to be nerfed to the point that I see NO NECRO for another 3 years. Don't believe me. Look at power reaper. It's still waiting for buffs that are probably never coming.

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