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Did the balance patch do anything?


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Actually played the game for a bit to see how the balance patch changed WvW and it seemed like the same aoe spam fest. Things that need to be nerfed into the ground if they want to make wvw decent again are..




-boon spam


-stealth (3-6 second of stealth tops)

-movement skills aka run away skills(mounts and gliders included)

-remove banners


Big changes are needed in wvw since it's balance has been ruined for years. The balance was mostly based on pve for some reason and needs to be tuned down.

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I must be weird because whenever I've zerged this week I've found it *alot* better. No more pulsing AoE death trains of chugging doom running back and forth. Much less ground pressure. The bomb is still there sure but now you can actually manouver close to a zerg without instantly dying. But maybe I've just gotten lucky.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I must be weird because whenever I've zerged this week I've found it *alot* better. No more pulsing AoE death trains of chugging doom running back and forth. Much less ground pressure. The bomb is still there sure but now you can actually manouver close to a zerg without instantly dying. But maybe I've just gotten lucky.


I didnt realize anyone was left to actually test fights with. Maybe there is hope after all.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I must be weird because whenever I've zerged this week I've found it *alot* better. No more pulsing AoE death trains of chugging doom running back and forth. Much less ground pressure. The bomb is still there sure but now you can actually manouver close to a zerg without instantly dying. But maybe I've just gotten lucky.


Well described, I've seen a similar thing. Just need to avoid the shade bomb, but the pulsing red circles you used to see approaching you are now gone. Everything else is the same though: stealth pushes, yolo portals, condi bombs, dragon banner spam.


On the plus side that one rando who wants to look badass by sitting on his Warclaw as your zerg approaches can now be quickly dismounted and deleted, though when that happened it might have been that person had not yet read the patch notes :)

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > I must be weird because whenever I've zerged this week I've found it *alot* better. No more pulsing AoE death trains of chugging doom running back and forth. Much less ground pressure. The bomb is still there sure but now you can actually manouver close to a zerg without instantly dying. But maybe I've just gotten lucky.


> Well described, I've seen a similar thing. Just need to avoid the shade bomb, but the pulsing red circles you used to see approaching you are now gone. Everything else is the same though: stealth pushes, yolo portals, condi bombs, dragon banner spam.


> On the plus side that one rando who wants to look kitten by sitting on his Warclaw as your zerg approaches can now be quickly dismounted and deleted, though when that happened it might have been that person had not yet read the patch notes :)


True.. in small scale it’s obvious as there is one or two just hopping up and down in front of you and, just as they are getting back up from the dismount, you can almost hear the ‘**OH KITTEN**’ through your speakers...



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Did some roaming over the past weekend and it seemed like condi mirage was the only annoying build that's still prevalent. Some people in chat were upset about a new warrior build using might traits and fried golden dumpling but didn't encounter it myself. Other than that things seem pretty good right now.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Actually played the game for a bit to see how the balance patch changed WvW and it seemed like the same aoe spam fest. Things that need to be nerfed into the ground if they want to make wvw decent again are..


> -damage

> -healing

> -boon spam

> -condi/strips/conversions

> -stealth (3-6 second of stealth tops)

> -movement skills aka run away skills(mounts and gliders included)

> -remove banners


> Big changes are needed in wvw since it's balance has been ruined for years. The balance was mostly based on pve for some reason and needs to be tuned down.


You asked for everything, buffs, heals and damages to be nerfed. What is your point? To drive more players away? So contradicting :D

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Scourge is still strong. It still hits 10 targets with less aoe but 10 from range which might be stronger in most instances. I think all the good DPS players quit for other games is all or maybe they're playing healing warrior lol. Not much of a nerf imo


> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Actually played the game for a bit to see how the balance patch changed WvW and it seemed like the same aoe spam fest. Things that need to be nerfed into the ground if they want to make wvw decent again are..

> >

> > -damage

> > -healing

> > -boon spam

> > -condi/strips/conversions

> > -stealth (3-6 second of stealth tops)

> > -movement skills aka run away skills(mounts and gliders included)

> > -remove banners

> >

> > Big changes are needed in wvw since it's balance has been ruined for years. The balance was mostly based on pve for some reason and needs to be tuned down.


> You asked for everything, buffs, heals and damages to be nerfed. What is your point? To drive more players away? So contradicting :D


Everything is overtuned and power crept. How will balancing the game drive players away? This games balance pre expansion was so much better and more populated. I also forgot chrono. They should buff that in wvw since they butchered it for pve for some reason

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By asking for a nerf to both support and dps builds, you are cancellng each other out and they are back to the same state of power vs support. All it will do is making all classes weaker in other modes. Not every skills ANet bothers to split between modes.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> By asking for a nerf to both support and dps builds, you are cancellng each other out and they are back to the same state of power vs support. All it will do is making all classes weaker in other modes. Not every skills ANet bothers to split between modes.


? e.g when you pick FB and Scourge how does this make the other classes weaker ?

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


> * Sand Savant: We've wanted to address the target cap issue with this trait in WvW for a while, however it is an incredibly gnarly problem because this is a large functional change that would need to be preserved between game modes. This was why the cooldown split was made on this trait originally. We hear you that the trait is an issue and we're working on it. This is a tough case to crack in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another.


I'm curious about how Anet will monitor this trait and evaluate the changes made in this last balance patch.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > Actually played the game for a bit to see how the balance patch changed WvW and it seemed like the same aoe spam fest. Things that need to be nerfed into the ground if they want to make wvw decent again are..

> >

> > -damage

> > -healing

> > -boon spam

> > -condi/strips/conversions

> > -stealth (3-6 second of stealth tops)

> > -movement skills aka run away skills(mounts and gliders included)

> > -remove banners

> >

> > Big changes are needed in wvw since it's balance has been ruined for years. The balance was mostly based on pve for some reason and needs to be tuned down.


> You asked for everything, buffs, heals and damages to be nerfed. What is your point? To drive more players away? So contradicting :D


Its not contradicting, maybe you should think about stuff like that before you comment about it.


Lowering dmg leads to less ppl exploding in under a second, resulting in actual movement, meleeclashes regrouping etc. and not just pirateshipping until on side has lost enough members to onepush them, or for them to retreat.


Now that ppl dont drop instantly you can actually make use of healing abillities to keep them alive, but right now there is so much healing in the game from passives and aoes that nobody would die, so no skilled/dedicated healers needed rly.


Same goes with boons, nerf amount of corrupts and rips to actually make them meaningfull and use them tactically with cc etc on one place and not just spew them out left and right. Now that you lowered the amount of rips you can also lower boons to make them more meaningful to when they are used etc.


If you just lower dmg and dont do stuff about healing and boons, ppl will just tank for years and nobody dies. If you nerf everything ppl actually have to play tactically and skillful to not die, and kill the enemy.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > Actually played the game for a bit to see how the balance patch changed WvW and it seemed like the same aoe spam fest. Things that need to be nerfed into the ground if they want to make wvw decent again are..

> > >

> > > -damage

> > > -healing

> > > -boon spam

> > > -condi/strips/conversions

> > > -stealth (3-6 second of stealth tops)

> > > -movement skills aka run away skills(mounts and gliders included)

> > > -remove banners

> > >

> > > Big changes are needed in wvw since it's balance has been ruined for years. The balance was mostly based on pve for some reason and needs to be tuned down.

> >

> > You asked for everything, buffs, heals and damages to be nerfed. What is your point? To drive more players away? So contradicting :D


> Its not contradicting, maybe you should think about stuff like that before you comment about it.


> Lowering dmg leads to less ppl exploding in under a second, resulting in actual movement, meleeclashes regrouping etc. and not just pirateshipping until on side has lost enough members to onepush them, or for them to retreat.


> Now that ppl dont drop instantly you can actually make use of healing abillities to keep them alive, but right now there is so much healing in the game from passives and aoes that nobody would die, so no skilled/dedicated healers needed rly.


> Same goes with boons, nerf amount of corrupts and rips to actually make them meaningfull and use them tactically with cc etc on one place and not just spew them out left and right. Now that you lowered the amount of rips you can also lower boons to make them more meaningful to when they are used etc.


> If you just lower dmg and dont do stuff about healing and boons, ppl will just tank for years and nobody dies. If you nerf everything ppl actually have to play tactically and skillful to not die, and kill the enemy.


sometimes its just about having brave pugs :) the scared ones are food

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The OP likely references the days when boons were rare(25 might was a big deal to achieve at one point), fights big and small scale were more strategic(some small scale fights were all about interrupting the enemy's heal), instead of just blowing them up with a few skills or being blown up by their few skills. It's nice to have builds that fit somewhat into a rock paper scissors concept, but there should still be room for player skill to change the outcome in the majority of fights, not the bare minimum.

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We are waiting for a condi-focused trend, but so far most zergs still are power-based.

There are more condi spikes now, but that might be due to the missing cleanse.


Composition trends that we saw were more power-scrappers, more cleanse-warriors and higher healing output on heal-tempests and heal-scrappers due to monk runes.


The scourge change did improve the first range-bomb but also removed a lot of red pulsing fields.

It feels like they do more damage overall in a fight now. After a bit of practice, they also live as long as before. ^^


enemy zergs seem to use less invisible blasting as before, perhaps due to the reveal coming back.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> So basically make it so that we all run around each other waving our hands, doing no damage and I guess sharing a drink or two? Seriously I don’t understand the point of this OP.


he didn't ask for that, he asked for balanced fights, how can you not see the difference? the game ever since hot is a mess, either you build for one shots, or you build to be immortal, even with some classes you can do both at the same time.


btw of course this change won't make a real impact, by now it was like tossing a glass of water into a building on fire...

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > So basically make it so that we all run around each other waving our hands, doing no damage and I guess sharing a drink or two? Seriously I don’t understand the point of this OP.


> he didn't ask for that, he asked for balanced fights, how can you not see the difference? the game ever since hot is a mess, either you build for one shots, or you build to be immortal, even with some classes you can do both at the same time.


> btw of course this change won't make a real impact, by now it was like tossing a glass of water into a building on fire...


The problem and point is that you will never get balanced fighters unless you make everything one class and playable in only one way by people who all play exactly the same style.


As long as you have diversity everywhere there can never be true balance. You have to adjust to individual play style as well as whatever class you happen to be fighting.


Every single “balance” patch is met with the same set of grievances. They should just stop and let everyone figure out how to play what they have or just strip it down to hand to hand... ya then you’ll hear screaming. ?

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > So basically make it so that we all run around each other waving our hands, doing no damage and I guess sharing a drink or two? Seriously I don’t understand the point of this OP.

> >

> > he didn't ask for that, he asked for balanced fights, how can you not see the difference? the game ever since hot is a mess, either you build for one shots, or you build to be immortal, even with some classes you can do both at the same time.

> >

> > btw of course this change won't make a real impact, by now it was like tossing a glass of water into a building on fire...


> The problem and point is that you will never get balanced fighters unless you make everything one class and playable in only one way by people who all play exactly the same style.


> As long as you have diversity everywhere there can never be true balance. You have to adjust to individual play style as well as whatever class you happen to be fighting.


> Every single “balance” patch is met with the same set of grievances. They should just stop and let everyone figure out how to play what they have or just strip it down to hand to hand... ya then you’ll hear screaming. ?


Ofc perfect balance is impossible in a rpg, but we could at least have something near, for example after hot classes were heavily nerfed, like 7 months after release, game was in an awesome state, core classes and hot specs could compete, and it was fun to see so much variation, people used to try builds with tons of variation regarding weapons of choice, traits, and stats, now the meta is so closed, you have 5 builds (not specs or classes, complete builds that you can't alter at all) overperforming over the other 22 specs available, we have weapon sets that were so heavily nerfed they don't even work, some of them are even from the last expansion, so now is either play this meta build but don't change a single stat/skill/trait, or tryhard with your own custom build, it might be fun at unranked, wvw casual roaming etc, but when you try to compete at the top it gets frustrating, more when the class you love gets ruined very patch, or you are forced to play some other class you may not like just to counter x build

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They nerfed stealth meta so that was a step forward... but then they buffed scourges to be even more oppressing with 10-man shades so that's 2 steps back.

Everything else was relatively insignificant. FB got a minor nerf. SB got a minor buff for warhorn/support.


So basically... no. Nothing changed (for the better at least). Ofc populations are still dropping every week.

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