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[SUGGESTION] Standardize All Crafting Wait Bar Speeds

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To me, its not a good feeling to be able to be in game but having to stand and watch as a bar has to transverse a screen and you are just left with tabbing out and doing something else. In an ideal world, remove those forced wait times. Else determine the quickest crafting bar speed and set it all to that speed. We say AFK playing is a bad thing but then the crafting mechanic drives people to it. Please consider adjusting this and allowing people more time to play versus tab out and do something else.

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I feel you, man.

Once a month I hop on to my crafting toon and get all refinement out of the way in one go. I trigger a load of something like converting mithril into hundreds of bars and tab out to do something else. Later I come back to trigger another load and tab out again. It's very much AFK work.

Sure, you can have conversations with people if there's anyone in your map willing to talk to you, or browse the black lion market, or change your wardrobe, or watch TV on the side. But none of that gets around the quintessential enforced tedium of crafting.

I don't know the answer to this. I've made suggestions long ago but these days I have no inclination to read the inevitable responses that any change to crafting somehow equates to "getting everything for free".

So I treat crafting like housework that needs to be done now and then and enjoy the game the rest of the time. If you're willing to fight the good fight to make crafting better, I salute you and wish you luck.

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