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Most broken POF elite spec


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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> Holosmith is fine, and probably the least overtuned of the specs.


Not that fine tho. i've been hitting people for almost 9k on photon forge 2, the damage in all the skills are too high for my taste. Yeah, its squishy, but with so many ways of getting away i rarely die when playing it. I think the spec deserves some minor nerfs, but yeah, holo is nothing compared to other stuff.

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You guys are blaming too much on Spellbreaker, you want core warrior sustains nerfed even more than they we're.. That's terrible for core warrior.


But ask yourself.. what's making Spellbreaker OP other than Fullcounter?


Tanky amulet that allows the adrenal heals to sustain, the sigils that provide an extra squeeze to shrug off conditions? From what I'm hearing people are complaining how it's unkillable tank, and then there are people complaining about how fullcounter is OP and does too much damage.


I have fought another Spellbreaker on point for almost an entire match.. and we could not kill each other, we don't do enough damage to each other to out dps the toughness we packed... lowering the damage even more will ensure we never kill each other.


I blame the tanky amulets in all honesty, you can try running in all zerk and see how fast a guardians trap can wither your health and all of a sudden you die when you're focused.

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > Holosmith is fine, and probably the least overtuned of the specs.


> Not that fine tho. i've been hitting people for almost 9k on photon forge 2, the damage in all the skills are too high for my taste. Yeah, its squishy, but with so many ways of getting away i rarely die when playing it. I think the spec deserves some minor nerfs, but yeah, holo is nothing compared to other stuff.


I'd say minor number changes, but eh, really nothing notable. They honestly remind me of more offensive scrappers and even then I'd pick up Scrapper over holosmith for the utility and heavier CC focus/blocks.

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> @Gambino.2109 said:

> I blame the tanky amulets in all honesty, you can try running in all zerk and see how fast a guardians trap can wither your health and all of a sudden you die when you're focused.


That's not really the case. I play d/d greatsword with zerker amulet and i still feel unkilable. The problem is that warrior have too much passive sustain, blocks, invuls and 19k base hp. Whats the point of nerfing "tanky amulets" (aka demolisher) and ruining it for all other classes if you can just tone down the problematic class? It sounds more like you're trying to protect warrior from nerfs than actually being honest about it. LMAO


I think anet should nerf adrenal health+signet so people would have to use active healing skills instead, being able to interrupt that would be a nice way to reduce their sustain. Also endure pain+defy pain should make you unable to hold points, just like elixir X, mist form and renewed focus. Nerfing the damage+cooldown on fullcounter and making it single target would be pretty nice too.


ps: not all those nerfs at the same time, i don't want warrior to be useless, i just want it to be more balanced and challanging to play.

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