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An alternative to the flying mount discussion


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What if, to solve the issue of exploring the map "free camera" style, our characters could /sleep and then start "sleepwalking"? You and your mounts could then freely roam the map with no gravity, great speed(You could raptor jump a map lol), invulnerability and invisible to everything.


This design would completely solve the mount obsolescence issue and the "missing out on/skipping gameplay" because of a full flying mount. Invisible walls, map height restrictions, etc is likely where it gets trickier.


This solution solves some problems from a design perspective and gives explorers and art seekers full freedom.

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It would range from pointless to detrimental. Pointless, because mobility is the entire reason for the Flying mount discussion keeps coming up; and its ability to bypass obstacles is why its always gets push back. Detrimental comes into play when you start to realize areas of the POF are meant to be hidden for gameplay reason (not just perspective reasons... although that is strong motivator to limit it). With talk of renewing the Drytop method of unlocking maps piecemeal over time, free flight/god mode runs of the risk of revealing things too early. The Speculation Meta also has a bad habit of drawing conclusions on limited evidence, and not letting it go. Normally this would be just fun trivia.... but with Anet's track record, any hint of cut content quickly whips the community into a critical frenzy.


I'm not defending Anet on this (they do deserve it to a degree).... but the speed at which this stuff has been derailing releases, and discussion surrounding it, is becoming exhausting.


I'm gonna take a shot on this, and presume the line of reasoning you're using is drawn from Single player game sensibilities. Only some of that is ultimately applicable to Multiplayer games, and MMOs have their set of issues when it comes to freedom of movement. This is because all players are always in competition with each other over something. It may not be direct, and may not even be conscious of it..... but that sits at the root of the psychological drive for "Parity" seen in every MMO community. The moment some situation arises where this offers an advantage, all hell will break loose.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > what is it trying to solve?

> Probably the oh-so urgent need of being able to fly freely and everywhere.

> Apparently Griffon and Skyscale aren't enough for some people, even though they can reach everywhere already.




When the novelty of "effort" wears off..... all thats left is the cries for ever growing convenience.


I'm all for it!!! Hoping one day that my Job will do itself, and my pay increased regularly to keep me "excited" about the ritual of not doing it myself. :P

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > what is it trying to solve?

> Probably the oh-so urgent need of being able to fly freely and everywhere.

> Apparently Griffon and Skyscale aren't enough for some people, even though they can reach everywhere already.




Not really. Not unless you are high enough already for either of their small climbs before you start dropping. A true flying mount would enable you to actually fly without the degrading altitude as you go. For that reason alone I’m not wasting my time on the sky scale mount. Sure you can hover in the air and look at people below you but that’s not very useful to me.


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For the record, I am plenty happy with the mounts we have now and think more would be too much. Also, a full flying mount is not something I personally want. That is why I suggested a "spectator mode" essentially. This would potentially allow people to free roam and free fly all they want without voiding mounts, game mechanics, etc. It was just an idea to try and solve the topic of having the ability to free fly/explore that pops up often.

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I should have also said that when /sleep is used your actual character is left behind, so you are not able to use this feature for actual travel convenience, mostly just to explore unhindered. When you exit the mode you return to your original location(which could be limited to safe zones like cities or something). Just spit balling ideas cause that is what I like to do.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > I'm all for it!!! Hoping one day that my Job will do itself, and my pay increased regularly to keep me "excited" about the ritual of not doing it myself. :P


> Become a US Congress Representative. That should do it.


The House of Commons here in the UK seems to be keeping up with the idea, too.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> A true flying mount would enable you to actually fly without the degrading altitude as you go.


A "true" (read: WoW or FF14) flying mount let's you hit all the invisible walls that both Griffon and and Skyscale already can hit.

There is no truly free sky in GW2, so you can't explore/take shortcuts most ways anyway.




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