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Question about Build Template slots.


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From the 16min mark in the video of the Dev(?) discussion of build templates, a partial transcript of what I think are the important transactions.


Amy, Ruby, Clayton


Amy “Three build tabs and Three build storage tabs automatically unlocked and another Three you can grab from the gem store”


Ruby “Those will be free for a month, we are still working on the fine turning of what those are going to cost, they will be in line with other storage options like bag slots and bank slots but we are still fine tuning them.”


Clayton “What this allows you to do for the equipment stuff is take it out of your inventory so we are clearing what would seem to be a ton of stuff from your inventory which is really awesome” – thanks for your modesty Clayton




Clayton “The three tabs up top, these are character specific?”


Amy “Yes.”


Clayton “So each character will have their own specific Three.”


Amy “Yes they will. On day one they will be prepopulated with your pve, pvp, wvw builds because right now on live you have Three builds already so those are the Three that we will be using to populate those Three tabs.”


Clayton “So the six on the left, which includes the 3 free ones, those will be account wide”


Amy “Yes you can put whichever ones you want in there.”




The verbal discussion, as they usually are, seems very confused/confusing “Three build tabs and Three build storage tabs automatically unlocked and another Three you can grab from the gem store” – is that 3 build tabs or 3 storage tabs from the store? and contradicted by the numbers given on the website break down below “2 equipment templates for free”

From the GW2 website article




(3) Build Templates – utility skills, specializations, and major trait choices


At release, each character will get three Build Template tabs, which will be preloaded with their existing equipped builds from PvE, PvP, and WvW. You can swap the contents of the Build Template tabs for use in any game mode or purchase more tabs from the Gem Store.




(2) Equipment Templates - equipment, along with any attribute choices and upgrades


Each of your characters will have access to two Equipment Template tabs for free, and the first will be automatically populated with an Equipment Template containing the gear your character was wearing when you last logged in. You can purchase additional Equipment Template tabs from the Gem Store.




(3+3free) Build Storage space – The equipment you are not currently using


Your account will have access to three Build Storage Spaces for free. To obtain more, you can purchase them in packs of three in the Gem Store. For a limited time after release, you’ll be able to pick up a free pack in the Gem Store for a total of six free Build Storage Spaces.






Build Templates


They are taking away the existing build switching from game modes of PVP, WVW, PVE and putting in a “New” system for “Free”. – It’s not new and was always free so ArcDPS users -1, others +0.


Equipment Templates


Never had equipment templates in the game* as such so ArcDPS users -1, others +1


Build Storage space


Equipment no longer having to be held in bank or bag tabs, but sharing difficulties with legendary gear and runes/sigils(Is that correct?). ArcDPS users -1, for others +1


My final rating


ArcDPS users: -3


Others: +2


If they were interested in introducing a system that matched what other games already have, was better than what was built for free and wanted to generate buzz for GW2, they have come up with something that has fallen short of it. For most users, it will be ok not great, but ok.


If it was a choice of, use nothing and pay nothing or pay 2000 gems for unlimited build templates, unlimited gear templates and 6 build storage spaces templates, I’d pay 2000 gems.


As it is the choice seems to be, use nothing and pay nothing or use a poor system and pay to make it tolerable, they get nothing and they lose my faith that they are a capable developer and have my interests and support as a gamer in mind.







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> @"Thorstienn.1642" said:

> 1 thing I'll add as it seems people ignore this: its 3 "saved" templates, so it is a small upgrade to the 3 builds we currently have, because you can swap around stuff for testing, then 1 click later go back to what you had it saved as. I know that I will like that feature in PvP for sure.

Only the account-wide templates (the ones with a cap of 24) will have that feature. The per-character loadouts will work exactly as they do work now - once you change something, it stays changed not only in your current selection, but also in that loadout (because that loadout will be your current selection).



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