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How do I practice?


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I'm just one of many players who love PvP, and GW2 has one of the best in the MMO genre.

But I'm genuinely interested to see how far you and your partner can go in sPvP and have an exciting learning experience (the fun will come, but later).

Gamble above me is a really good Necromancer/Reaper player, and what he's saying is very succinct - it's basically what sPvP is about.


It's up to you to judge whether what I say as a low-plat (slightly above average) player has any credit.


If you are really willing to learn step-by-step, you would want to go for comprehensive, accurate sources of information on PvP.


You might want to read all of the guides in there to make sure your concepts are covered.

How completely should you read the guides? You want to memorize all of the abilities and traits being used on the meta builds; how they work, how they are used at the highest level, and how you can counter them.


I wrote some stuff on another thread asking about starting PvP, and it's up to you if you want to read some word salad about entering competitive game modes.


Rest is just playing a lot, developing familiarity with everything.

And watching streams + videos.

Find the good streamers for each class and ask them questions, they are less likely to give you dubious answers; if you can tell us what classes you and your partner want to play we can steer you to the useful information sources.

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If you want to get better fast, duel good players, A LOT, like way more than queuing for ranked or unranked. Unranked when offseason, Ranked during season, are where you go to test your knowledge and ability. Watching vods of top streamers, but mostly vods of monthly AT is where you go to learn rotations (or join in-houses and spectate). Dueling good players is where you increase your skill and knowledge against different builds.


Most importantly, ask questions about what killed you to the players who beat you in duels and remember what you did for the ones you won.

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A crucial point in playing pvp is also to avoid dying. Dying allows the enemy team to snowball and usually dying can often be avoided by being aware of your surroundings and how many players await you. Also by disengaging before all your skills are on cooldown. Many new players jump in every fight even if it is them vs 3 ppl,, and die immediately. Even when players try to disengage, it is often way too late.

There are so many aspects in pvp, and it is so much fun. Don‘t be frustrated, it takes time. I‘ve been playing for about 2 years now but I still learn many new things.

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