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Desert Borderland: 4 Years Later.

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Hello all,


> @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" said:

> Greetings.


> I'm very curious about the community's perspective about the Desert Borderlands after 4 years of its existence.


> 1. When it comes to your current WvW experience, how often do you play in the Desert Borderland Map?


Every time. I scarcely go to Alpine. Only for some quick dailies.


> @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" said:

> 2. Do you enjoy your time playing in the map if at all?


Mixed feelings. Let's say the reasons why I don't always enjoy it is not related to the map.


> @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" said:

> 3. What makes playing this map enjoyable/unenjoyable/both?(Positives and/or Negatives)


Mostly because it's more complex than Alpine which is (curiously) more flat and blank. DBL offers more pathes and more possibilities.


> @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" said:

> 4. Has the additions of Gliding and Warclaw made things better when it comes to traveling in there?


Clearly, gliding did. Warclaw is not bad, but not as stunning.


> @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" said:

> 8. Would you want Desert Borderland to be reworked or redesigned? If so to what extent? Small redesigns or a full rework/remake? Please explain.


I liked the breakable walls around towers, and I liked the fact owning more shrines was giving a significant advantage. I'd also like a TP system from a tower to another.


> @"TheMaskedGamer.5708" said:

> 10. Here answer with any additional thoughts or opinions on the matter at hand.


**four years already ?!** I'm getting old...

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I play it often. In many ways I prefer it to Alpine. It's bigger, more variety, and, for a roamer, easier to stay unobserved while moving around the map. This makes hitting behind enemy lines more fun and opens some possibilities for staying out there longer before returning to friendly areas. The alpine maps are so incredibly boring.

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I like the map a lot. Much better than Alpine BLs. Those are a little bland and boring.

But there is a issue not related with map design.

The map has a lot of little details that are never explained to new player. So many mobility options that people just don't use: jump pads, haystacks, lava portals, shrine bonuses... Last day our pug commander took a dive on a haystack and half of the squad splated on the ground. Only few knew that you can avoid fall dmg by jumping on a haystack. All the small details make map great but how are players suppose to know them? They just get frustrated because they can't find a quick path even though it is in front of their noses. There should be a short tutorial to explain all of these, not expecting community to teach them or even worse, external sites.

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